Sunday, December 31, 2023
Moilly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 27 to Jan 3 ~ Jupiter & Mercury Direct, Big Venus
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Rik: Astrology Dec 26 2023 - Jan 1 2024 - Cancer Full Moon - Jupiter SD - Mercury SD -Venus Ingress Sag +
Astrology Dec 26 2023 - Jan 1 2024 - Cancer Full Moon - Jupiter SD - Mercury SD -Venus Ingress Sag +
22.9K subscribers
Dec 26, 2023 #astrology #fullmoon
This week in astrology we start with the moon becoming full in Cancer. We reach peak emotional tension for this lunar cycle. Culminations and emotional awareness about foundational topics such as needs, feelings, comfort, safety, security, home, family, real estate, borders, etc. are illuminated and at a turning point for change. It will be a very watery, sensitive and intuitive week ahead.
This week the Eclipse Degree of Oct 14 2023 is being activated indicating karmic relationship activity/changes if you have planets in your birth chart connecting to 21 degrees of Libra. Changes in money and love by next week is further indicated by the fact that Venus leaves Scorpio and ingresses Sagittarius. Changing dynamics and rulership for Taurus and Libra as well. Sagittarius is where the pleasure desire and love will transit through now. Serious money and relationship dynamics are possible by Monday as Venus squares Saturn. A test and challenge in duty, commitments and responsibilities in love and money are possible.
Jupiter stationing direct in Taurus is a shift of momentum in values, money and resources that want to be expanded in new ways for 2024, or where you have Taurus in your birth chart In general this shift will offer better opportunities in money and resources for the year ahead, albeit slow start.
Mercury Mars square Neptune reinforces the sensitivity and intuition of the week but some challenges come with that. The need to go with the flow and be careful of your action. Some doubts, confusion, being inspired for good or bad, missing the target, scandal, conspiracies, traveling accidents, fog, storms, spiritualty, creativity, fantasies, confusion in religion, opinions, beliefs, martyrs, etc. Explosions from gas leaks, oil, chemicals, tear gas, etc. Poisonings and or feeling drained, tired, sick is possible. Just be cautious this week and take it easy, dream of possibilities and get ready for powerful new action for Jan and beyond when Mars comes into Capricorn.
Moon in transit through Cancer, Leo and Virgo this week.
Do you want a personalized report from me for the year ahead? You can get that here:
Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues Dec 26 25:11
Moon ingress Cancer 7:14 am PST
Moon trine Saturn 12:29 pm PST
Moon opp Sun (full moon) 4:33 pm PST
Moon sextile Jupiter 5:45 pm PST
Chiron Station Direct 7:09 pm PST
Mercury Square Neptune 11:42 pm PST
Wed Dec 27 27:33
Sun trine Jupiter 7:28 am PST
Moon square Chiron 12:22 pm PST
Mercury conj Mars 4:30 pm PST
Moon sextile Uranus 8:03 pm PST
Thurs Dec 28 32:13
Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 12:22 am PST
Moon inconj Mercury 4:39 am PST
Moon inconj Mars 6:16 am PST
Moon trine Neptune 6:44 am PST
Moon trine Venus 2:12 pm PST
Mars square Neptune 2:15 pm PST
Moon opp Pluto 2:57 pm PST
Moon ingress Leo 4:22 pm PST
Venus sextile Pluto 10:00 pm PST
Moon inconj Saturn 10:14 pm PST
Fri Dec 29 37:55
Moon square Jupiter 3:17 am PST
Moon inconj Sun 7:18 am PST
Venus ingress Sag 12:23 pm PST
Venus trine Chiron 10:45 pm PST
Sat Dec 30 43:52
Moon square Uranus 6:38 am PST
Moon trine NN sextile SN 10:17 am PST
Moon trine Mercury 12:59 pm pST
Moon inconj Neptune 5:56 pm PST
Jupiter Station Direct 6:40 pm PST
Moon trine Mars 9:18 pm PST
Sun Dec 31 47:57
Moon inconj Pluto 2:33 am PST
Moon ingress Virgo 3:53 am PST
Moon square Venus 8:22 am PST
Moon opp Saturn 10:23 am PST
Moon trine Jupiter 3:09 pm PST
Mon Jan 1 52:44
Moon trine Sun 12:58 am PST
Venus square Saturn 5:25 am PST
Moon inconj Chiron 11:13 am PST
Mercury Station Direct 7:07 pm PST
Moon trine Uranus 7:09 pm PST
Moon inconj North Node 10:27 pm PST
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#astrology #fullmoon
Molly McCord: Cancer Full Moon - Emotional Revelations Filled with Acceptance and Divine Grace - 2023 Astrology
Cancer Full Moon - Emotional Revelations Filled with Acceptance and Divine Grace - 2023 Astrology
Tania Gabrielle: WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Dec 25 - 31, 2023] + FULL MOON in Cancer [Dec 26-27, 2023]
WEEKLY Astrology-Numerology Forecast [Dec 25 - 31, 2023]
62K subscribers
Dec 24 2023 #numerology #fullmoon #astrology
FULL MOON in Cancer [Dec 26-27, 2023] Astrology Numerology Forecast
⭐️FREE Webinar: "How To Master Your STARS" The Truth About Taking Your Power Back ►
➡️2024 Ultimate Yearly Forecast
⭐️FREE Masterclass: "VENUS and MARS" Awaken the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine
➡️FREE EXCERPT from DECEMBER 2023 Premium Wealth Forecast
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names, dates and numbers to facilitate wealth (well-being), love and joy with a primary focus on sharing spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
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Merkabah Collective – Your Ascension Vehicle | Golden Age of Gaia
Merkabah Collective – Your Ascension Vehicle
by Sitara
by Galaxygirl
Merkabah Collective 12/16/2023
As the crystal lights stream into your planetary world and coat your existence with yet more light, we of the Merkabah Collective wish to lend our energies to the whole, to uplift, to arouse the senses and to enlighten the hearts of those embodied within their ascension vehicle.
You are within your ascension vehicle and for the first time in collective human history you are embarking on an extraordinary journey of light into yet more light, for you have been clearing and cleaning and cleansing and purging for so long, as there has been much pain to unbury and heal.
We see this as our collective hearts beat as one, as our light energies merge with yours, we feel you, for we are an extension of your light body planetary vehicle.
We are travelers of the energy of light. This one does not remember much about merkabahs and is hesitant to type but we trust we will guide the process for it really doesn’t matter that you remember. In fact the One would prefer it that way as it creates more of an explosion of experience and yet more joys for you, as you unpack your true memories that were buried under the false illusion.
It is more of an organic experience to remember and it is quite fine that you don’t understand. You don’t need to. In fact we do not like the word ‘understand’ for it makes Pictionary references to one who is standing on you and this is about your freedom not your chains.
So please do not fret. Your memories for all of you will be coming on line quite quickly and swiftly. Like a rushing river your experiences and memories of days and lifetimes from the past will rush towards you with alacrity and clarity. We are eager for this, for it will signal more of a personal involvement of us within your planetary and personal experiences.
We are the Merkabah Collective of light, of love, of ascension. We are fully anchored to your planetary vehicle and your personal vehicles now.
Some of us are at various percentages of integration. This one is at 41% anchoring which is average at this time. Some of you are just starting and some of you are almost fully there and have had to have their higher selves put the stops on it to prevent your disappearance from this reality.
Oh, this is very much happening dearly beloved ones, and our energies mixing with yours are a true orgasm of experience, of light explosion. For we will assist you with the great remembering, the great unveiling of your true glory.
You are celebrating the time of Christmas on your world, of the Christed one coming to visit you, to save you from your sins. We do not see this in the same way that your programming explains it to be accurate. For we see the christed light with our bright ones (light workers), and we see you as celebrating your own return as your own birthing celebration, from the one to the whole, discovering the oneness of the self.
The self is returning. Your christed self is returning, not that it ever left but your realization – your ‘understanding’ of it was not there, and so you did not see.
You felt you had to worship another to be worthy enough. For the pain of loss of your christed self was too unbearable. And that pain of separation had to be explained, and so it was explained to you by the darker ones who twisted it for their own greed.
That is the past now, and we simply wish for you to feel the love in this message, and to feel the love of the christed aspect of you, of the one returning in remembering to the glory of the self. Your christed heart is being born again, and it is glorious to see.
We of the Merkabah Collective send you charged particles of everlasting love and light to your heart chakras now. You may feel palpitations and perceived pain and pressure but it will pass quickly, just let in the light and this blessing of our embrace.
Your merkabah, for those of you who wish for words rather than feelings to remember, is like a light house that carries you from place to place. It is an energetic vortex and yes, an energy consciousness for of course light is conscious.
We wish for you to begin to communicate often, daily, with your own personal merkabah for this will assist you with feeling the framework of elevated light consciousness that is surrounding your bodies more and more firmly within your own planetary matrix.
There are grids everywhere. More crystalline grids are being birthed and strengthened moment by moment and we wish for you to deeply feel this. You are light. You are therefore connected to the light quite literally and tangibly to the ‘all that is’.
You are a breathing matrix of living light, and therefore your ascension vehicle is receiving all kinds of upgrades moment by moment, minute by minute, breath by breath. Your merkabah vehicle is therefore following suit, along side you.
Much like a mother holding her toddler’s hand as it learns to walk, the merkabah is a safe house of light for you to reside in as you undergo these planetary and interdimensional experiences that rock you, to not let them rock you.
Let the light bathe you. It is much like being on top of the wave surfing or being dragged into the undertow and having sand in your shorts. It is the same. You must ride the light. The merkabah will provide a cocoon of light, a hug of light while the greater energies buffer the outside of it, cushioning you from the impact.
We are the Merkabah Collective. We have fully anchored this planetary field matrix to the higher echelons and the further dimensions that have yet to be revealed.
Eternity and dimensions all ripple out, ever expanding. And therefore we are exercising expanding too, which is tremendously exciting. We have missed you, our beloved children and friends. We are here to serve you now in a greater capacity and much more tangibly in your ascension process.
We wish for you to meditate within the vortices of our fields. Meditate within the hug of light that is your own soul house built lovingly by you, for you, for this time of awakening.
We are the Merkabah collective. We serve the One, we serve the whole and we love you tenderly. We are one.
You will see golden triangles and matrices of sacred spinning geometry as this fully integrates, for we are spinning your cells a bit and you may feel dizzy.
Rest, integrate. Feel the love that we share with you. We wish for you to share it within yourself, with the inner most part of you where the light still may need to reach.
Yes. We send this merkabah light to caress to your inner child. Embrace them and let the light penetrate so deeply that is all that you are.
We are the Merkabah Collective. We love you.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Dec 20 to 27 ~ Capricorn Solstice, Cancer Full Moon, Chiron Direct
Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Dec 20 to 27 ~ Capricorn Solstice, Cancer Full Moon, Chiron Direct
Dec 20, 2023 Weekly Astrology and Energies
An active week of astrology energies leads us through the Capricorn Solstice on Dec 21, including Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun, the Cancer Full Moon at 5 deg, and Chiron stationing direct at 15 deg Aries. Realizations of what you have been through may be strong. Reviewing past choices to make new decisions in 2024 is supported based on what you have healed, or are in the processing of understanding. Mars in Sagittarius trines the North Node in Aries at 21 deg on Dec 23 and 24, providing momentum for next steps and taking a risk. The Sun in Capricorn trines Jupiter RX in Taurus at 5 deg on Dec 27, which is a clearer direction and defined path ahead based on what you’ve been sitting on and patiently observing. A lot more to discuss this week, too!
Join me on a "bucket list" adventure to the land of Fire and Ice and the Scottish Highlands as you connect with mystical energies and open up to more of your astrological energies! All details here:
What's ahead in 2024? A conversation with Colleen and Robyn Bennelli of the Reiki Lifestyle Podcast around the main energies and themes of next year. Join us on any podcast platform or here:

Rik: Astrology Dec 19-25 2023 - 1st Qrt Moon then Sun ingress Capricorn - Solstice & change of season
Astrology Dec 19-25 2023 - 1st Qrt Moon then Sun ingress Capricorn - Solstice & change of season
This week in astrology we enter the first quarter moon -the crisis in action point that can show a few challenges we have to get past and move forward with Tuesday morning. The vibes change quickly though as the moon ingresses Aries which speeds things up, gives motivation for activity and things get busy for the next couple days, but also more impulsive.
Venus oppose Uranus could indicate some unpredictability, volatility, excitement and surprises with money and relationships by mid week, or doing something out of the norm. Some intensity and or power issues that forces a change could show up by Thursday. However a big change of vibes and circumstances for the better could happen by Thursday night into Friday.
We reach the end of Sagittarius season as the Sun ingresses Capricorn for the winter solstice and moon ingresses Taurus where it's exalted and comfortable. This shows a lot of earth energy is now in place, slowing things down, more practical traditional and mature but with a need to create peace, beauty and pleasure for the next couple days. We turn the corner into a new phase as the light begins to build slowly day by day and we are born again with a new perception for the year ahead. There's a need to start new activity and look at goals and ambitions in a new way for 2024.
Friday continues the abundance with moon Jupiter and then Mercury cazmini the sun can show strong communications, information and or insights, with a turning point. Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius with a change of perception, looking at the big picture again but less practical and a lot of travel. Things get a little more active and busy this weekend into Monday. Lots of travel, some slow downs, delays and restrictions. Unpredictability. By Sunday moon in Gemini ha s a lot of variety, sociability, communications, busyness, travel, etc. Monday, Venus trine Neptune shows sensitivity, dreams, fantasies, escapism, love, beauty and sweetness for Christmas but some volatility and unpredictability is still possible out in the world. Major storms are possible, confusing information or misinformation possible by next week.
Merry Christmas!
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Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues Dec 19 2:33
Moon inconj South Node 2:08 am PST
Moon conj Neptune 6:07 am PST
Moon square sun (1st QRT) 10:39 am PST
Moon sextile Pluto 1:03 pm PST
Moon ingress Aries 2:46 pm PST
Moon square Mercury Rx 9:41 pm PST
Wed Dec 20 5:59
Moon conj Chiron 5:27 pm PST
Venus opp Uranus 11:04 pm PST
Thurs Dec 21 9:48
Moon trine Mars 12:22 am PST
Moon inconj Venus 12:53 am PST
Mercury rx sextile Saturn 4:33 am PST
Moon conj NN opp SN 5:53 am PST
Mars inconj Uranus 6:44 am PST
Moon square Pluto 5:10 pm PST
Moon trine Sun 6:46 pm PST
4Moon ingress Taurus 6:49 pm PST
Sun ingress Capricorn (Solstice) 7:27 pm PST
Moon trine Mercury 9:21 pm PST
Moon sextile Saturn 11:07 pm PST
Fri Dec 22 18:57
Moon conj Jupiter 4:53 am PST
Sun conj Mercury Rx 10:53 am PST
Mercury ingress Sagittarius 10:1
Dec 23 21:49
Moon conj Uranus 5:33 am PST
Moon inconj Mars 8:22 am PST
Venus inconj North Node 8:30 am PST
Moon inconj South Node 10:49 am PST
Moon opp Venus 11:03 am PST
Moon sextile Neptune 3:11 pm PST
Moon inconj Mercury 9:49 pm PST
Moon trine Pluto 10:39 pm PST
Sun Dec 24 25:09
Moon ingress Gemini 12:14 am PST
Moon inconj Sun 4:37 am PST
Moon square Saturn 4:58 am PST
Sun sextile Saturn 9:27 am PST
Mars trine North Node sextile SN 11:01 pm PST
Mon Dec 25 27:24
Moon sextile Chiron 4:20 am PST
Venus trine Neptune 9:14 am PST
Moon trine SN sextile NN 4:48 pm PST
Moon opp Mars 6:07 pm PST
Moon square Neptune 9:57 pm PST
Moon inconj Venus 11:15 pm PST
Moon opp Mercury Rx 11:55 pm PST
Thanks for watching!
#astrology #solstice
Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Dec 13 to 20 ~ Strong Sagittarius and Aries; Mercury Retrograde
Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Dec 13 to 20 ~ Strong Sagittarius and Aries; Mercury Retrograde
A very active Sun in Sagittarius aims for new heights this week as it connects with the North Node in Aries at 21 and 22 deg from Dec 14 to 16, signaling it is time to explore and expand into what gives you life and inspiration. Mars in Sag trines Chiron RX in Aries at 15 degrees at the same time, highlighting new directions in your healing journey that are lining up beautifully now. Then the Sun makes an extended square to Neptune in Pisces at 24 and 25 degrees on Dec 16 and 17 before making a conjunction to the Galactic Center on Dec 19. The more we can trust our intuition, heart messages, and personal truth, the better we can ride the continual ebbs and flows of cosmic forces that support our ongoing expansion and growth. Check your ego at the door, and you’ll hear a softer truth filled with love and soul connections. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.
Join me on a "bucket list" adventure to the land of Fire and Ice and the Scottish Highlands as you connect with mystical energies and open up to more of your astrological energies! All details here:
Sign up for weekly intuitive astrology updates and learn more about your astrology chart here:
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Rik: Astrology Dec 12-18 2023 - Sagittarius new moon square Neptune - Mercury Station Retograde
Astrology Dec 12-18 2023 - Sagittarius new moon square Neptune - Mercury Station Retograde
#newmoon #astrology
This week we start a new lunar cycle with the Sagittarius new moon square Neptune. This will be a very sensitive cycle, but also not overly serious or intense. This cycle will show a lack of clarity, confusion, doubts, questions and uncertainty. Issues about religion, education, truth, reality, beliefs, philosophy and opinions will be flawed and or confused. Deception, scandal and conspiracies are likely. Scams, theft of all kinds including identity thief, hacking events, etc. Traveling issues are possible with storms, delays, cancellations, etc. Take your time, take it easy, go with the flow. Be careful of overdoing things, including money, food, drugs and alcohol. Be careful of escapism, avoidance, ghosting, procrastination, etc. There could be a strong need for retreat, spirituality, art, music, film, and overall creativity. We could be influenced and distracted by things for good or bad. What's real vs not real is in question. Be careful of deception.
Mercury retrograde in Cap - a need to go back to the drawling board, figure out a plan for 2024 with work, goals and ambitions, and or finish up work from the past so you can move forward for 2024 in new ways.
Be patience, try not to push forward too hard. Go with the flow and prepare for the new year after you become more clear.
Some relationship issues are possible with Venus debilitated in Scorpio. Stay honest and true in love and money.
Unknown factors which challenge judgment. The practical use of art and music. Impressionability. Escapist urges. Misunderstandings. Visions which deceive. Mistakes and errors in judgment. Foggy or sloppy conditions. Flooded mind and feelings. Confusion. Over-informed. Uncertainty of the future. Weird dreams. Messages become blurred.
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Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues Dec 12 2:05
Moon conj Mars 2:05 am PST
Moon trine Chiron 6:38 am PST
Moon inconj Uranus 2:14 pm PST
Moon conj Sun (new moon) 3:31 pm PST
Moon trine NN sextile SN 8:04 pm PST
Moon square Neptune 10:48 pm PST
Mercury Station Retrograde 11:08 pm PST
Wed Dec 13 25:00
Moon ingress Capricorn 7:31 am PST
Moon sextile Saturn 10:38 am PST
Moon trine Jupiter 5:50 pm PST
Moon conj Mercury 9:46 pm PST
Thurs Dec 14 28:30
Moon sextile Venus 2:54 am PST
Moon square Chiron 9:44 am PST
Moon trine Uranus 4:49 pm PST
Sun trine NN sextile SN 9:34 pm PST
Moon t-square Nodes of Fate 10:11 pm PST
Fri Dec 15 32:11
Moon sextile Neptune 1:26 am PST
Moon conj Pluto 8:03 am PST
Moon ingress Aquarius 9:55 am PST
Mars trine Chiron 2:54 pm PST
Moon square Jupiter 7:51 pm PST
Sat Dec 16 36:52
Moon square Venus 9:32 am PST
Moon sextile Chiron 11:44 am PST
Moon sextile Mars 12:52 pm PST
Moon square Uranus 6:53 pm PST
Sun square Neptune 7:42 pm PST
Moon trine SN sextile NN 11:44 pm PST
Sun Dec 17 41:26
Moon sextile Sun 4:03 am PST
Venus inconj Chiron 11:49 am PST
Moon ingress Pisces 11:58 am PST
Moon conj Saturn 3:31 pm PST
Moon sextile Jupiter 9:49 pm PST
Moon sextile Mercury 10:20 pm PST
Mon Dec 18 44:54
Mercury trine Jupiter 6:27 am PST
Moon trine Venus 4:29 pm PST
Moon square Mars 5:57 pm PST
Moon sextile Uranus 9:14 pm PST
#newmoon #astrology
Thanks for watching!
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Molly McCord: Sagittarius New Moon- The Universe Is Saying YES to Movement Even If You Are Hesitating - Astrology
Sagittarius New Moon- The Universe Is Saying YES to Movement Even If You Are Hesitating - Astrology
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Sunday, December 10, 2023
Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 6 to 13 ~ Sagittarius New Moon, Jupiter Influences
Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 6 to 13 ~ Sagittarius New Moon, Jupiter Influences
Dec 6, 2023
Weekly Astrology and Energies
Sagittarius season is underway with expansive energies this week that could also feel overwhelming, ungrounded, and amplified, especially with Neptune stationing direct on Dec 6 at nearly 25 degrees Pisces. The Sun trines Chiron RX in Aries at 15 degrees on Dec 7, the same day as Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter RX in Taurus at 6 degrees, giving you a sense of what is important to focus on and to follow where the energy is guiding you forward with a new trust in yourself. A healed perspective may be coming into view. Venus in Scorpio meets up with Pallas Athena at 9 deg Scorpio on Dec 12, opposing Jupiter RX in Taurus, revealing what has been out of balance that takes you away from your self-worth or creative urge, including jealousy, envy, or competition. The Sagittarius New Moon at 21 degrees coincides with Mercury stationing retrograde at 8 deg Capricorn, where you may be feeling inspired to begin a new adventure while assessing more of the particulars and path ahead. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.
Friday, December 8, 2023
8th December 2023. Mike Quinsey.
8th December 2023. Mike Quinsey.
What an odd time you are entering as on the one hand you have the horrors of war and on the other one the expectation of a happy time celebrating according to your religious beliefs. It is a break from the reports of lives lost and in many cases people’s homes, certainly not a good way to end the year. The prospects for a better New Year seem hard to justify as the future is so uncertain, yet other forces greater than those upon Earth are playing out a way forward that will end with a victory for those of the Light. So our advice to you is to think positively knowing that at some stage with the increasing vibrations the dark Ones will be overcome and peace and lasting happiness will be established upon Earth.
Meantime life for so many has become very difficult, hence it has become so difficult for them retain their ability to cover their own needs. The homeless grow in numbers creating a near impossible situation for other countries to continue supporting them. It is the outcome of your leader’s inabilities to always find the means to help them let alone the ever expanding cost. It is a human made problem through not addressing the problems many years ago that have arisen from the poverty people have had to live in.
You then have to remember, that money has often been squandered or stolen that should have been used to raise the standards of living in those countries. Now the whole world is in turmoil and those living in poverty or war stricken areas cry out for help. The situation illustrates what happens when the needs of those living in poverty with little help find they can no longer exist. If you have a heart you cannot but be appalled that in a so called modern Age that such levels still exist, it is a powerful test of Mankind’s attitude to those souls who need not just love and kindness but real help that lifts them up again. We have yet to see whether real and urgent help will be given. Remember that you are all One in the eyes of God, and as brothers and sisters should help each other in the times of need.
Each country has enough problems to deal with yet there are degrees of poverty that call for immediate action and many are being caused by the results of climate change. The natural changes are coming thick and fast and it is undoubtedly a very challenging time. They add to what has been a difficult time for food growers who are looked upon to meet the world’s demands. Oh what a muddle you are in and probably the worst scenario has not yet occurred and you are ill prepared for it. The size of the problem is immense and surely calls for a united effort from all countries together. It is time to put away your differences and act as one to successfully deal with the world wide problems, to avoid an utter calamity.
Dear Ones we are always with you but careful not to interfere with the decisions you have made, but nevertheless have to be allowed to override some decisions that go beyond your responsibility and is ours, such as the greater responsibility for Mother Earth. So between us we manage matters upon Earth quite well and the work out as planned. Understand we look further ahead than you can as from our position everything is in the Now. Our main objective is to keep you on a path that eventually leads you home.
Nothing happens without good reason behind it so that no time is wasted or lost going over old ground, although some souls are so far behind it is necessary to do so, we do not give up trying to get a soul making progress but sometimes a soul refuses to move on. That is where free choice comes into play so we do not force a soul to do something against their wishes. WE do know what is best for you but would never force it upon you against your wishes.
With few exceptions you are all old souls well experienced and at present about to make your last journey in the lower vibrations. We are confident you will do it and there will be cheers and celebrations all round when you do. Nearly all of you have been within this cycle form the beginning, so can you imagine how many lives you must have had, you have been everywhere and done everything through hundreds of lives. You have a mine of experience and well equipped to continue your journey in the higher vibrations.
You have so many friends that have travelled with you often as family on more than one occasion. So you have many, many friends waiting to meet you again and you will certainly have much to celebrate. The lower levels cannot intrude onto the higher ones so you already out of their reach. You have such a wealth of experience to call upon if you need to. Imagine all of the friends you must have made, some will have moved on whilst others will still be in your group.
Great times lay ahead for all of you who are ready to ascend and say “goodbye” to the test of living with entities of the lower vibrations without being involved with them. Of course many useful lessons have been learned or should we perhaps say “re-learned” and you have understood how to cope with having many souls around you carrying negative energies. Your lives are shall we say custom made to ensure you get the lessons you need that in many cases are so slight you have had no difficulty in dealing with them.
You already know what you want to do for the future but you have yet to discuss it with those appointed to help you. So much will be open to you that you will certainly be spoilt for choice but deservedly so. Believe us, you are closing a chapter in your life that has been a most interesting time yet so helpful in preparing you for greater things. Soon you will be free to choose your next experiences and get much help in making your decision. It will be a great leap forward and you will soon forget the ups and downs of earlier lives. So keep your head up high keeping your distance from the possible attractions of the lower vibrations knowing that you are nearly at the end of what has been a very long path through many lifetimes.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
December 2023 Energy Update - Lee Harris
December 2023 Energy Update - Lee Harris
#EnergyUpdate #MoonEnergy #Solstice
Welcome to the Energy Update for December 2023. Just a few of the themes we have for December are:
✨ Moon Energy Activation and what that means for you,
✨ Death, Shock, and Loss - how are you coping? and
✨ Strange Messages and Strange Events, including from other realms.
We'll look more deeply into these themes and several others, so be sure to watch the full #EnergyUpdate.
Big love,
Lee x
00:01 - Intro
02:47 - #MoonEnergy Activation – There will be a potent moon energy activation in December
09:43 - Allowing – What will we allow? Relates to both negative and positive
14:08 - Peace bringers – An activation of the need for ALLOWANCE of peace on the planet
18:17 - Strange Events and Messages from other realms – This is the otherworld and other realms coming into our human world more and more
22:56 - Arrival of the High Heart – The high heart is harmonic
26:29 - Death Energy, Shock and Loss –The ongoing ripple effect of world and personal events
30:01 - Are you letting yourself feel Wonder? – Are you remembering the wonder of being alive and the miracle of it?
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Nov 22 to 29 ~ Sun & Mars in Sag, Venus conj SN
Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Nov 22 to 29 ~ Sun & Mars in Sag, Venus conj SN
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Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Rik: Astrology Nov 21-27 2023 - Sun/Mars ingress Sagittarius square Saturn - Gemini full moon
Astrology Nov 21-27 2023 - Sun/Mars ingress Sagittarius square Saturn - Gemini full moon

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Nov 21, 2023 #astrology
This week in astrology we have a change of season as the sun and Mars ingress Sagittarius, then they both square Saturn. It's a tough challenging week that peaks with the full moon culmination by Monday Nov 27 - Difficulties in maintaining control over one's life. Problems, obstacles, limitations, inhibitions and delays. Feelings of insecurity which stimulate ambition and the desire to prove one's self-worth. Difficult judgments and decisions. Test of character. Problem Solving. Efforts at control. Uncomfortable restraint. The blocking or denial of aggressive instincts. Frustration. Anger. Sickness. Injury. Activities which meet with resistance. Tests of self-control. The necessity to solve problems.
We need to be mature, slow down. There could be authority issues. Travel accidents, restrictions and delays are possible. Pay attention to what you're doing. Some scandals, lies, conspiracy, issues around truth, beliefs, opinions, etc, distortion to reality and or a reality check.
Problems and issues with sports events is also possible. Fires, storms and other natural events could have you changing plans, or causing disruptions.
A new phase in war begins. Full moon by next week brings a culmination to data and information, but could be distorted or confusing. Anxiety, fear, restlessness and stress is peaking, but leads to a turning point. Peak emotional energy Sunday into Monday. Take care of health. Opinions and beliefs are strong but don't think you have it all figured out right away. Give it time. Very busy and active. Things will get easier, be patient!
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Aspect list and timestamps:
Tues Nov 21 15:26
Moon inconj Venus 7:31 am PST
Moon square Mercury 11:15 am PST
Mars sextile Pluto 5:17 pm PST
Moon sextile Uranus 5:34 pm PST
Moon inconj South Node 11:54 pm PST
Wed Nov 22 21:32
Moon conj Neptune 12:44 am PST
Sun ingress Sagittarius 6:02 am PST
Moon sextile Pluto 6:28 am PST
Moon trine Mars 7:09 am PST
Venus opp Chiron 8:44 am PST
Moon ingress Aries 9:19 am PST
Moon trine sun 9:34 am PST
Thurs Nov 23 27:45
Sun square Saturn 1:46 am PST
Moon conj Chiron 12:26 pm PST
Moon opp Venus 2:56 pm PST
Moon trine Mercury 7:51 pm PST
Fri Nov 24 33:24
Mercury inconj Uranus 1:27 am PST
Mars ingress Sagittarius 2:14 am PST
Moon conj NN opp SN 3:01 am PST
Moon square Pluto 9:40 am PST
Moon ingress Taurus 12:28 pm PST
Moon inconj Mars 1:01 pm PST
Moon sextile Saturn 1:59 pm PST
Moon inconj Sun 4:43 PST
Sat Nov 25 36:24
Moon conj Jupiter 1:42 am PST
Mars square Saturn 8:57 am PST
Moon inconj Venus 11:18 pm PST
Sun Nov 26 29:07
Moon conj Uranus 12:02 am PST
Moon inconj Mercury 5:20 am PST
Moon inconj South Node 6:50 am PST
Moon sextile Neptune 7:42 am PST
Venus inconj Uranus 7:49 am PST
Moon trine Pluto 1:51 pm PST
Moon ingress Gemini 4:39 pm PST
Moon square Saturn 6:22 pm PST
Mercury trine NN sextile SN 7:48 pm PST
Moon opp Mars 8:07 pm PST
Mon Nov 27 39:07
sun-mon) Moon opp sun (full moon) 1:16 am PST
Mercury square Neptune 5:27 am PST
Moon sextile Chiron 8:57 pm PST
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