Monday, August 27, 2018

Cobra: Dream of the Dolphin | The Portal

Monday, August 27, 2018

Cobra: Dream of the Dolphin | The Portal

The Dream Of The Dolphin


Aluna Ash: The Event. The Light Body & Pole Shift 8/27

The Event. The Light Body & Pole Shift 8/27

I keep being shown another rainbow wave like the one some of us experienced in March of 2018

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: August 26 – September 1, 2018

Weekly Forecast: August 26 – September 1, 2018

8/26 ~ Pisces Full Moon:
Annual opportunity to Release any/all *Illusions/Delusions* about who you are or how you're living. Inner Truth must match Outer Reality, we are always encouraged to be congruent. In other words, my latest observations have been: those who are most in-alignment within & without, those who are living authentic lives, are moving through with a relative amount of ease & grace. Please don't confuse this with not having any challenges, loss or disappointment, just that navigating and decision-making is a lot easier when you KNOW Who You Are and What You Want ... while those who are of a particular Nature within, but living a life completely contrary to that Nature, are getting slammed energetically. It can feel like going to a lavish party, having a great time (Illusion) and then *unexpectedly* receiving the bill (Reality). We are all "paying" for our own *Illusions/Delusions*, to the degree that we each have them. Big illusion - big bill. Small delusion - small price. Either way, you're accountable so use this Full Moon to truly look at that which is being most brightly illuminated for you personally and use your intuition to guide you.

8/26 ~ Venus (your values) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This activation brings intensity and it challenges you to grow (out of comfort zone, into new territory) where your relationships & finances are concerned. You've probably already felt it coming (the shift in your relationship or financial situation), well, it's here now, so you can be proactive on your own behalf or you can suffer the consequences of postponing the inevitable. (You may have heard me say: Pay now or pay double later. That applies to this transit too.) The natural reaction may be to try to hold on to the job or relationship, but try not to give in to that temptation. Pluto intensifies everything and the more you resist the necessary purification & change that Pluto brings, the more painful it usually is. It is better to clarify your values & priorities and choose change, rather than have it forced (more Pluto) upon you. Either way, once the dust settles, you should be better off because things either change for the better or go away altogether making room for something new and more in-alignment with your values & priorities of 'now'.

8/27 ~ Mars Direct at 28* Capricorn:
It’s a good time to review the last couple of months – to last couple of years. What do you no longer want to be responsible for? What no longer supports the foundation you are cultivating in the here & now? How have things organically shifted in your desires, choices & actions? You may have been blocked or delayed from forward movement but now the energy will resume forward motion and start stimulating the rest of your chart, giving you a chance to integrate whatever Mars stirred up for you personally. It is customized for everyone and no one is exempt. I usually encourage folks who are highly driven and have a need to move & accomplish on a regular basis to learn Mars’ rhythm in your own life. If you give your Self permission to honor your desires, as well as the fact that they change & evolve as you do, then you are living a more authentic life automatically. Now is the time to define the terms of what you deeply desire, what you are willing to do to acquire that and what it will take to maintain it. Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius is very driven toward a specific goal of achieving a better future for one & all, which means we can use this extended stay to build strength, fortitude & consciousness about how we use our own energy to create our own lives, and thus affect & contribute to the collective life.

8/28 ~ Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):    (3 of 3:  7/9 ~ 8/11 ~ 8/28)
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller vision with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

John Smallman: In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others.

The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better.  Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work.  The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it.  Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture.  The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates.

As humans, in form, it does appear that you are separate, and for eons you have sought to belong to powerful support groups, because as individuals you seem small, insignificant, and vulnerable.  But these support groups always developed dominating hierarchies where the seemingly stronger members – practically all of whom were males – were forever competing in a hostile or aggressive manner for the role of leader.  This behavior is ego and testosterone driven and always leads to pain and suffering, often on vast scales as recent global wars have shown.

It may appear that competition in trade is good and honorable, and that, being far more rational than conflict, it has greatly reduced the possibility of further major wars.  This is not the case. 

Competitive games were once an amusing way to express and release these tensions by engaging in friendly challenges of skill and strength between opposing teams.  However, these games have become very serious money making ventures, the fun has been removed, the aim has changed, and now the intent is mainly to engage in conflict to crush, dominate, and humiliate the opposing team.  Competition in trade is even more ruthless, and wars have been instigated to protect business assets.

For a long time the mainstream media has manipulated the truth to ensure that the general population supports the wishes of big business, the owners of the media, by presenting the news in a light that is favorable to it.  However, in the last two or three decades, with advent of inexpensive and instant worldwide telecommunications available to all, the mainstream media’s control and manipulation of the news has been seriously weakened and undermined.  People everywhere are learning that what they are told always has a hidden agenda supporting it, and that it cannot be taken at face value.  The phrase “follow the money” has arisen to encourage awareness of the pervasive dishonesty that was, until recently, well disguised by those claiming to inform.

Mass awareness of the lack of honesty and integrity in business, politics, and many other social, religious, educational, charitable, and cultural organizations is growing rapidly, and this is already leading to big changes in order to disclose what needs to be uncovered.  New leaders, who will operate openly and honestly, are now standing up and being promoted into positions from which they can first cleanse these organizations, and then ensure that they can be directed to engage honestly and wholeheartedly with their claimed mission statements of purpose.

These changes are enormous and phenomenal events arising in human society all across the world.  Do not be discouraged by the continuing flow of information about corruption in high places.  Instead, remember that this has been going on for eons, while information about it was deeply hidden.  It has always been there, many have suspected it, but the evidence was not available to confirm it.  Now it is all coming out because the Light of Love, that you all intend to open to and demonstrate in your daily lives, is massively effective.  Your loving intentions are changing each of you, assisting you to act from your hear centers with honesty and integrity, and are then flowing out from you in waves of loving energy that is assisting enormously in changing the world.  You all chose to incarnate at this time to take part in humanity’s awakening process by offering the energy of your powerful loving intentions to all with whom you interact in any manner at all.  It is not something you do in words or conversation, it just is your personal energy field interacting with other energy fields and uplifting, lightening, and inspiring them.

What you are doing in every moment is essential to the awakening process, because your energy fields are all intensifying in every moment and because you are all holding and renewing the intent to be only loving whatever arises for you personally in your daily lives.  Nevertheless, there will be times when a situation is emotionally very disturbing for you – after all your are still in form as unawakened humans – and you will react unlovingly.  But, even if not immediately, you will quickly realize that you reacted in a way that was unloving, in a way that was out of alignment with your true intent, and you will be upset, even angry with yourselves.

Understand that what occurred was not what you intended or would have chosen, and that it was just an emotional reaction to a powerful feeling that in that moment seemed to be you. However, you know that you are not your emotions or your feelings, it’s just that occasionally that knowing escapes you in the moment, and that is simply an aspect of being human.  So the important thing is to forgive yourselves and let go of any judgment, blame, or shame you have dumped on yourselves.

You know that what occurred was not intended, and that how you reacted was not who you are.  It is a lesson for you because it helps you to understand why others overreact in moments of fear, panic, or extreme stress.  Just seeing that strengthens you!  Yes, when you explode in anger at someone it very clearly shows you the downside of being an unawakened human.  And in seeing that, and in forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others, while also raising your awareness of how easy it is to react inappropriately.  It shows you that you do need to be alert – especially when you are tired or in a hurry – to triggers that can shove you into reaction before you manage to pause and take a deep breath.

You are all divine beings, infinitely loved in every moment, and, as you know, God does not judge.  Therefore, follow His example, and cease judging yourselves.  Instead love and forgive yourselves as He does, and in doing so you will find that you have the strength and the desire to forgive others, and in that desire you will find a beautiful sweetness and a compassion for all others.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Aluna Ash Clairvoyant- 9D: Energy Update 8/25

Energy Update 8/25

Tania Gabrielle: Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast Aug 27-Sep 2: New Directions Surge of Energy!

Weekly Astrology Numerology Forecast Aug 27-Sep 2: New Directions Surge of Energy!

Published on Aug 25, 2018

The overall themes for this week are a surge of energy, new direction and high hopes for the future!

FREE excerpt of SEPTEMBER's Premium Wealth Forecast:
FREE MasterClass Training - How to read YOUR Birth Code:

Tania's DAILY Quotes on Facebook:

Wealth Astro-Numerologist and Psychic Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World. Renowned as a gifted channel, Tania unlocks the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being. By decoding a person's birth-code, name and forecast, Tania guides her clients to claim their true destiny and life purpose. Her primary focus is on teaching spiritual principles to manifest practical, real-life results.

Tania's Vlog & Blog articles:

Natalie Glasson: Awakening of Truth by the Angels of Alchemy

Our purpose at this moment is to deliver the truth through our beings to you. We are the Angels of Alchemy, we currently reside within the 7th Ray of Light, using the power surge of this ray devoted to the awakening ascension to support our mission of the alchemy and empowerment of truth. Please call us forth to be with you as you read our expression of energy to you through our words, we wish for you to experience our presence around you as well. We are instigators of inspiration, revelations and enlightenment, we bring forth to you a new clarity and opening that allows you to step into your truth and awareness of your truth. Our light is extremely bright and instantly attunes you to a higher vibration and aspect of your being, thus resulting in a clearer perception of yourself beyond illusions and the ego. This is such a blessing as it allows you to step into an aspect of yourself that you may never have previously considered or contemplated.

As the Angels of Alchemy of the 7th Ray of Light, our purpose is to instigate the synthesis of the Creator’s light to create a transformation. A transformation is a shift or opening of new energy. We recognise all energies as expressions of the Creator, whether you perceive them as negative or positive. We realise that when a negative energy, feeling or emotion activates within your being it is because you are not recognising a beautiful loving expression or energy of the Creator within you. A negative feeling or emotion is a response to a blindness within you to see, sense or acknowledge a powerful light expression which would serve you in the situation you are currently experiencing. We the Angels of Alchemy assist by directing you to the Creator’s expression within you that you are not allowing yourself to see or recognise which has the potential to ground the Creator more fully and empower your being. We assist you in connecting to the core of this Creator expression and fully embody it. There is a purpose for this as it heals and liberates you and brings transformation or at least a new perception to your current situation, an opening which may not have been visible before.

With this new energy activated, we, the Angels of Alchemy, wish to further your experience of transformation or an opening of an energy flow to serve you. We, the Angels of Alchemy bring to you an energy or expression of the Creator which when synthesised with the energy discovered within your being will truly create a shift. While it seems as if the energy is given and delivered through us into your being, we are simply demonstrating to you a reflection of the same energy within you. In many ways the energy previously activated which we will call energy one and the energy we transmit/ activate within you which we will name energy two, have always been present within your being and are united and synthesised already. The alchemy and transformation we speak of is not the integration of energy one and energy two, as this has always been the case, instead it is the realisation of the united energies which brings both energies into embodiment within your being, body and reality. When energy one and energy two are grounded into you, they create a shift as if your entire being is reprogrammed and realigned to the energies. The true experience of the alchemy process becomes fully present within you, creating empowerment, new realisations, clarity and a new energy to create from. It is an awakening of your truth that allows you to become your truth and even realise your truth.

We the Angels of Alchemy, support this entire process especially the grounding of the 
united energies into your entire being and reality. To further your experience with us and to assist you in acknowledging that which we speak of, we, wish to share with you a summary and step by step guide for you to use in your everyday life.

Summary of Awakening Truth

1.       Realise a negatively impacting situation in your life or a limiting feeling, sensation or mood when it arises in your day. Let your awareness of yourself observe and acknowledge when you are impacted negatively without judgment or even creating an opinion.

2.       Realise that the negative or limiting energy such as anger, fear or sadness activating is manifesting because you are not allowing yourself to view, accept and embody an energy or expression of the Creator that is awe inspiring and will serve you. Be willing to view this energy that is already present within you.

3.       Ask us, the Angels of Alchemy, to lead you to this energy or expression of the Creator which will serve you and is within your being now. As you focus within, let us guide you to a liberating energy and aspect of the Creator that is waiting to be acknowledged.

4.       Ask us, the Angels of Alchemy, to support your full experience of this sacred energy so you feel you are embraced in the energy.

5.       Now take time to view that which occurred 
within your reality or the thought that created your limiting and negative feeling, how does it feel now? Are you able to see from a new perceptive or with greater clarity?

6.       Call upon us, the Angels of Alchemy, to bring forth to you an energy or expression of the Creator that when recognise within you as united with the energy you have just activated would create a shift and lasting opening of energy within your being and reality.

7.       Experience, breathe in and absorb the light and energy we share with you, accept it into all aspects of your being and allow yourself to recognise how the energy makes you feel and that it is activating from within your being.

8.       Acknowledge the two energies, energy one and energy two, recognise they have always been present within your being and are always synthesised and united.

9.       ‘Angels of Alchemy, I invite you now to anchor and ground the energy of …………………. and the energy of …………………………. as their synthesised and united presence into my entire being, body and reality now. Please aid and assist my embodiment and full acceptance of this energy within my being. Allow and support me in recognising the shift, transformation and opening to a new energy that manifests within my being now due to my acknowledgement and embodiment of the synthesis of these two energies. Allow me to fully experience the transformation and awakening of truth occurring within me, the reprogramming of my entire being and a greater sense of clarity. Allow me to relax fully into the energy I am embodying now and its impact upon my being. Thank you and so it is.’

Take time to enjoy the insightful and illuminating process.

10.   When you feel ready 
think of the situation or thought that created the negative or limiting feeling and allow yourself to perceive it differently, accessing a new understanding and realising the action that needs to be taken.

We, the Angels of Alchemy, perceive this as an awakening of truth within your being and a connection between your truth and your reality which is so vital now in the current stages of ascension. We are present to serve you in recognising your truth in the most loving way.

It is important to realise that you are an embodiment of the alchemy of the Creator, it is through your being that openings for the Creator’s energy to transform and open into new possibilities take place. Take a moment to acknowledge and embody this understanding fully.

With acknowledgement of the Alchemy of the Creator within you,

The Angels of Alchemy
Download Audio Version, Watch Video Version and Read Online


Dear ones, greetings in love to you all.
It has become a new time, a time during which high frequencies of Light energy are making available a higher state of consciousness for all receptive. In spite of appearances, everything is proceeding according to plan-- "the train has left the station". Allow the process dear ones, for all is as it should be as frequencies of Light flow to the world in increasingly intense waves of higher consciousness.
Those still asleep in the illusions of sense are unaware of exactly what is taking place but experience these intense energies as well. This often brings about a sense of empowerment in them that they are only able process through their limited spiritual awareness, resulting in actions of anger, fear, and aggression.
You who are awake, know what is energetically taking place at this time, but it can be very easy to slip back into old habits previously called upon for survival like fear, doubt, and anger. Simply allow the process dear ones, allow the process.
Trust that your Higher Self knows exactly what you are ready for, when you are ready, and how to bring it to you. You have reached that point of spiritual readiness where you must begin to let go of and move beyond doubt, for doubt is nothing more than a facet of separation belief. Continuing to trust your doubts rather than the truth will only serve to anchor you in the past.
Separation beliefs keep you isolated from God, other people, nature, and most importantly your own Divine Self. Your spiritual journeying over lifetimes has brought you to a place of knowing that you are not and never could possibly be separate from ONE.
However, some continue to understand ONEness as a mental concept or intellectual information, never allowing it to become their attained state of consciousness. Honor yourselves through acknowledging that in spite of any appearances, you are and could only ever be expressions of the ONE Source because nothing else exists. If for any reason you are excluding yourself from ONEness, you are in separation.
Guilt creates a sense of separation even for the very awake when actions of the past are recalled and examined with new and higher awareness. Allow, love, and accept, everything from your past dear ones, the good as well as the bad, for in doing this will enable you to leave the past behind and relegate the painful parts to the nothingness that they really are.
Guilt is simply another facet of the belief in separation--separation from your true self and from others involved. Realize that actions taken in the past represented your attained state of consciousness at that time. Every individual is required only to live out from their highest attained state of consciousness which is what you were doing.
You are no longer in and of this former state of consciousness, but have evolved to become a new and awake individual (the real meaning of being "born again"), one who understand the world differently than in the past through a consciousness that recognizes the Divine nature of self and others. Know that many past experiences were chosen for spiritual growth.
If you are guided to make amends to someone within the framework of what is appropriate, do so, but do not let the past linger or weigh you down. Your highest service to anyone who has offended you or whom you have offended, is to send light and forgiveness from a consciousness of ONEness to all involved including your self.
The time is here and now to acknowledge, accept, and begin living as a Divine Being. High frequencies of ascension energy are forcing all who have been preparing through lifetimes, to make this choice. The time for procrastination is over. Telling yourself you are not ready or spiritual enough is nonsense based in beliefs of separation. The time is now for all who are serious about their spiritual evolution.
Are you choosing to continue living, moving, and having your being in concepts of duality and separation, taking classes, reading books, lighting candles etc. because it is familiar, continuing to seek and search for what you already know, or are you brave enough to leave that all behind and step into your own Light?
All have free will and can live in illusion forever if they choose but now is a perfect and powerful time for the awakened to move into new realms of consciousness and leave behind everything that no longer serves their soul but instead continues to feed the illusions of material sense.
I Am that I Am. What does this sacred phrase really mean? It means exactly what it says, dear ones. I-- the only Consciousness, Energy, Substance, and Reality, is what I am. Do you believe this or have you simply and without thought relegated it to only "saints" and ascended masters?
Many of you are saying; " Yes, but..." No more "buts" dear ones, the time for buts...has run out and can no longer exist for anyone who is serious about their spiritual evolution. Either you accept that you are a Divine Being embodying all the qualities of Source, or you do not. You have prepared for this through lifetimes and are ready to come into your own. NOW.
You are qualified to be finished with seeking and searching through classes, books, groups, spiritual tools, etc. but the habit of seeking has become so ingrained that even the very evolved hesitate to give it up not realizing that they will still receive information and be taught, but the higher learning will come from within rather than from without.
We are not saying there is no longer any place for classes, books, readings, crystals, beads, ceremony, etc. etc. because for many, especially beginners, these tools are the bridge that will lead them into higher truths. Nor do we say that you cannot enjoy your favorite crystal, go to church, or take some class you may be guided to but these things must now become a choice, rather than a need.
You are no longer beginners and any continued dependence on outer persons, places, or things in the belief that they are necessary to your spirituality can only serve to keep you in bondage to what is old and false--everything based in duality and separation.
Metaphysics is action taken to heal, correct, or change something. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to heal, correct or change. You are ready to become modern day mystics. Those who live in the world but are not of it.
This can be difficult for those who make their living through the practice and teaching of metaphysics. It is the sacred obligation of those who teach and work in the metaphysical fields to allow their students to grow beyond needing them or any particular practice.
An evolved teacher will make it clear to his students that spiritual tools only serve to activate that which is already fully present within them rather than being the source of power. The ultimate goal of any spiritual path is to grow the student beyond needing it and into the realization of...
"That which I have been seeking, I AM"
Intense energies of Light are forcing dense energies still held in cellular memory to surface physically , mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Allow these experiences which at times can be unpleasant, to move through and out which can take several days, aware that any pain or inconvenience is temporary.
Old energies stored from other lifetimes are simply impersonal beliefs accepted and claimed as reality which is important to remember if a clearing becomes uncomfortable. If you declare to yourself and believe I am this or I am that, (sick, depressed, fearful etc.) you draw these concepts back into your energy field and endow them with a reality and power they do not have and where they can once again become personally yours.
This does not mean you stick your head in the sand while shouting; "God is all" for to pretend a state of consciousness not yet attained is very human. It means that in spite of appearances or while taking human footsteps that may be necessary for a situation, you know and hold the truth.
If some painful clearing experience arises for you, remember that these things are not some sort of karmic punishment, but rather represent a graduation indicating your readiness to clear them and move beyond the past and into higher awareness. Learn to handle uncomfortable clearing experiences from a centered and neutral state of awareness able to say: "Oh you again.", simply letting whatever is surfacing move out while giving it no power.
A consensus consciousness based in duality and separation is what holds together the third dimensional world of good and evil. You are witnessing the chaos of today because consciousness which is the substance of all form, is rapidly changing as more souls awaken and add their Light to the mix.
Because you are God Beings YOU ARE CREATORS and must never forget or ignore this. Be alert to what you are creating through your thoughts, words, beliefs etc. (your state of consciousness). Allow miscreations to become your teachers. Rather than blaming some outside source when you find yourself in a problematic situation, honestly examine your belief system.
Learn to live in the now moment as an observer, not ignoring what you observe, but rather seeing the world through eyes of spiritual awareness. Be like an adult who is watching children play in a sand box. The observer notices that one is a bully, some surrender and do what the bully wants, and others play quietly by themselves giving no regard or surrender to the bully.
The observer does not have to get into the sand box with the children but may guide the direction of play through some firm but loving interaction. Then again, he may do nothing at all, simply allowing the energy to play out, wisely aware that with time each will experience the lessons they have created and set in motion from their attained state of consciousness with or without his help.
Whatever a spiritually aware observer does, he always does it from Center, following the guidance that flows freely from spiritual awareness and trust.
The time has arrived for all awake to live what they know by bringing unconditional love into every situation and circumstance no matter how seemingly "human" it may appear. This never means being another's doormat, or staying in some toxic situation in the false belief that they are being spiritual and loving. Bringing unconditional love into some toxic situation may mean powerfully stating to self and others; "Enough is enough". Always honor your own Divine Self.
It means fully accepting yourself as a Divine Being here on earth to awaken, learn, evolve, and then assist others ready to understand and ascend to higher dimensional realities. You are the way showers and the teachers--midwives assisting the birth of a higher state of universal consciousness.
Everything you have been preparing for for lifetimes has arrived. Will you get on the bus, or wait another few lifetimes?
We are the Arcturian Group 8/26/18
Web Version 

To Q or not to Q, is entirely up to you! 😮 🍿🍿🍿

It's a lovely day and I am short on time, so I will post links to the thread readers and twitter on this Q phenomena… I fee even if is turns out to be a Psyop, it will have served a great purpose. Use discernment.  Click through to access articles linked in thread. ~PB

Thread by @prayingmedic: "1) This thread showcases articles from professional writers who have investigated and have found, through their own research, that the Q phenomenon is worth looking into […]" #Qanon

Profile picturePraying Medic ‏ @prayingmedicAug 9 1) This thread showcases articles from professional writers who have investigated #Qanon and have found, through their own research, that the Q phenomenon is worth looking into.

(or view direct twitter thread link)

On the other hand, some say it's just a Psyop...yet those of us that know of the machinations of the Cabal/Deep State for decades now find Q only confirms things we already knew, and gives us an updated version of Truth we were aware of long ago from other well-respected sources.

I do respect Suzy Dawson, but feel her "proof" is more of an opinion which lacks the multidimensional depth perception and awakened spiritual perspective of people like Cobra and David Wilcock, who have spoken of the insidious nature of the Cabal long, long before Q emerged. ~PB

"THREAD: After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to yo […]" #QAnon #JTRIG #CSAinquiry #DNCLeaks
Profile picture Suzie Dawson @Suzi3D

After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the #QAnon phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to you exactly why it is an intelligence agency-backed psyop, what techniques are being used, and why you need to stop people falling for it....[…]
Thread Guide:
1: #QAnon: Pied Piper op
2. Phase 1: Establishing credibility
3. Phase 2: Making it spiritual
4. Phase 3: Shifting Targets
5. Methodologies
6. Indicators
7. Answering questions
8. Snowden revelations
9. Finish
Thank you for reading!

Astrospirit, Jacqueline Lasahn: Pisces Full Moon: Tension & Flow

Don't know about you, but I have Pisces Ascendant, and I have been feeling the deep waters of this Full Moon intensely! ~PB

Pisces Full Moon: Tension & Flow

Astrospirit, Jacqueline Lasahn

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Benjamin Fulford — August 20th 2018: Issues Simmering Over the Summer May Lead to War in the Autumn

Be sure to read the SITS comments at the end. I am starting to lose interest in posting all the ugly things that happening in the world. Important to know in this time of censorship, however ~PB

Benjamin Fulford — August 20th 2018: Issues Simmering Over the Summer May Lead to War in the Autumn

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report.
This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday.
Added links below.
Updated with the complete newsletter.
SourceBenjamin Fulford
by Benjamin Fulford, August 20th, 2018

Several issues could trigger a brief, sharp war inside the U.S., in the Middle East, and possibly even in Japan this autumn, multiple sources agree.  The key issue remains 9/11, a mass-murder event that remains unpunished and officially unacknowledged to this day.  The 9/11 war crime was used as an excuse for the mass murder of Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan, and other peoples.  Furthermore, if you dig deeper, it ties into the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960’s, the murder of Martin Luther King, as well as the December 26, 2004 and March 11, 2011 human-induced tsunami mass-murder attacks among many other crimes against humanity.

It is interesting to note, by the way, that the 350 or so corporate publications that last week simultaneously put out editorials calling for freedom of the press have not dared to write the truth about any of these crimes against humanity.  That’s because they are mostly owned by the people who carried out these crimes—the Khazarian mafia.

When is The New York Times and the rest of the corporate propaganda media going to write that it was the Zionist neo-cons who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks?  When are they going to write about what was in all the Kennedy assassination documents that were recently released?  Why don’t they write that it was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, working under orders from his Khazarian Rothschild masters etc., who ordered the Kennedy assassinations?  Why don’t they report the truth like they are supposed to?

The complicity in crimes against humanity by these media outlets, controlled by six Khazarian conglomerates, means they are enemies of the people and need to be occupied by military police and forced to write the truth.

The truth, as readers of this newsletter know, is that the Khazarian faction of the Western establishment carried out these and countless other war crimes to remain in control of the world’s financial system and thus true world power.  As a member of the British royal family once told me, “They are not going to go quietly into the night.”  In other words, it is going to take all-out war to remove these criminals.

A lot of people think U.S. President Donald Trump is going to be the man to end Khazarian rule and tell people the truth.  Well, so far, since being elected, he has not said anything about 9/11, Fukushima, or other war crimes.  You can also confirm through open source news articles that, as a businessman, he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt.

Of course, Trump would never have been allowed to run for President if he was not controlled through the usual combination of bribery and blackmail.  However, even then Trump was scripted to lose the election.  It was patriots in the military and the ABC agencies who decided he was the lesser of two evils and used Special Forces to break into the computer centers (like the one under Denver Airport) that were being used to steal the election for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller).

Also, thanks to the military backers of the Trump regime, enough U.S. officials involved in crimes against humanity have now been removed from power for the next phase of the revolution to begin, Pentagon sources say.  The sources say that starting this autumn the close to 50,000 sealed indictments in the U.S. will finally be acted upon, and “among the first to be unsealed may be [former CIA director] John Brennan,” Pentagon sources say.  In fact, the sources say, “They are getting unsealed after the August 7 primaries, and Hillary Clinton and John Podesta may have been Gitmo’ed.”  In other words, they may have already been transferred to the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The fact that 60 former intelligence officials have protested the removal of Brennan’s security clearance is a good sign they know they will join their former masters in prison if things continue as they are.  “Trump revoked Brennan’s security clearance, and he may do the same to his deep state supporters,” Pentagon sources say.  The removal of security clearance is a preliminary to arrests, other sources add.

Also, “In a blunt threat to troll the cabal, Trump increased the budget for [the planned] military parade from $12M to $92M or by 666%, and by cancelling it he may use it for military tribunals,” the Pentagon sources say.

The sources also say, “The defeated cabal may have pressured the Pope to oppose the death penalty as a Hail Mary, but this won’t save them from the gallows, suicides, or extrajudicial actions.”

Also, the sources say, “The guns of August have been fired when the cabal’s Indonesian underwater base was nuked in a 7.0 quake north of Lombok.”  The seismographs of this August 9th earthquake, along with ones from August 16th in Alaska and near Tokyo, bear hallmark signs (a sudden explosion with no gradual buildup) of artificial quakes.

In fact, Pentagon sources confirm, “The cabal underground base in northern Alaska was destroyed with a 6.4 magnitude quake on August 12th.”

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

Furthermore, the sources state:  “The submarine that tried to nuke Trump’s Air Force One jet while flying to Singapore in June, and its home on Ketron Island, was destroyed on August 10 by F15’s and a plane ‘stolen’ from Seattle airport.”

These moves by the U.S. military are certain to trigger cabal counter-moves.  In this context, it is interesting to note that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French slave president Emmanuel Macron, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have had a secret meeting in early August.  Both Merkel and Macron were no-shows for expected appearances then, and Trudeau was detained by the U.S. military “for plotting to whack Trump in Ohio,” Pentagon sources claim.

Other U.S. intelligence sources also say Trudeau’s plane was intercepted by U.S. fighters and forced to land.  However, Trudeau’s press office refused to either confirm or deny this and Trudeau later appeared in public, so he may have been detained and then released as part of the ongoing power struggle at the top of the Western establishment.

Senior sources in the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service admit they have been cut off from communications with their counterparts in the U.S. and that the “U.S. government appears to be dysfunctional.”  However, they say communications with the Anglo-Saxon “Five Eyes” intelligence gathering system continues to work well.  They also confirm there is an undeclared civil war in the Western establishment.

This was visible in the recent spat between Canada and Saudi Arabia.  This spat was supposedly caused by Saudi reaction to a Canadian Embassy tweet condemning the arrest of Saudi female activists.

However, the fact that the U.S. refused to take Canada’s side in this dispute shows this fight is really about oil, and not human rights.  The Canadians have been promoting their oil and other energy exports to the U.S. and Asia as a friendly, reliable alternative to radical fundamentalist Saudi Arabia.  Since U.S. oil oligarchs make much of their money by pumping oil in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States for about $1 dollar a barrel and then selling it for over $50 a barrel, the last thing they want is for that license to print money to be taken over by Canadian oil companies that are not controlled by them.

For example, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is funding protesters against the construction of Canadian pipelines meant for exporting oil the U.S. and Asia, Canadian government officials confirm.

Thus, there is a real fight going on between the Canadians and U.S. oligarchs on the oil front.  This may be why efforts are being made to implicate Trudeau in the ongoing arrests and exposure of pedophiles.  In this context, it is interesting to note that a close childhood friend of Trudeau’s was arrested on pedophilia charges recently.

Also, Trudeau has not helped his case by participating in public demonstrations in support of sodomy.  As his father famously put it, “Government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.”  Sodomy is something that should be decided in bedrooms and in private (or in pornography), but certainly is not something a sitting prime minister should be actively promoting.

As the ongoing arrests and exposures of high-profile pedophiles continue, we should find out soon if Trudeau is among the many Western leaders who have been compromised and blackmailed through sexual crimes.

On this front, the campaign to end sexual exploitation of children is unfolding quickly.  The U.S. Justice Department has announced the arrest of thousands of pedophiles.

Also, the Catholic Church has removed thousands of pedophile priests worldwide, most recently in Pennsylvania and Chile.

Furthermore, the arrest of thousands of lower-level pedophiles in the U.S. has now begun to snare big names, especially in Hollywood.  Here is the latest from Pentagon sources on this subject:  “Hollywood was shaken to its core as CBS titan Les Moonves may soon be fired for being a sex predator.”  Also, “More pedo revelations may take down Hollywood bigshots like Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Hanks,” they say.

Removing criminals from the Western establishment is part of the battle for a new financial system that will heat up this autumn.

SITS General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them.

In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following.

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford’s reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface.

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is “tapped into” some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.

This of course extends to all sources of information. Fulford, like all of us, is only human, and can make mistakes. But that doesn’t detract from the work he has done to spread awareness and move things forward to a brighter future for humanity.

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford’s case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are.

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection.

[The preceding text was the full update from Benjamin Fulford for this week]
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