Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Whose Democracy? - Royston Potter (streamed live 2 hours ago)

(Note: I added this quote referred to in the video, and transcription is by yours truly. ~PB)

“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias.”

Learned Hand,
Spirit of Liberty

"I've called this video "Whose Democracy?" because of course, the people that have totally trashed the Constitution, for the last 60 years, and longer, are now trying to act like it's the basis for everything they're doing to those who want to RESTORE the real Constitutional Republic. It's been fascinating how the Cognitive Dissonance and the deceit....and the Marxist Leftists are very much against the principle of the perfect Law of Liberty, and that's pretty much what it comes down to. A lot of people describe this as a Spiritual War, and I would have to agree.  "Spiritual" in that it's a war for our minds, as Alex Jones has said, and we're going to talk about him in a few minutes as well.

But I wanted to get you to start thinking about this term that they're always using...I saw it on Drudge again this morning...you know the Leftist Marxists are talking about now, quote "The survival of our Democracy depends on banning sites." So the lessons of the book bannings, the Natzis, and all of that, in history, is lost on them, and they have taught, unfortunately, the upcoming generations, that what they say goes, rather than having people attempt to think for themselves, and strike out on their own. They can't have that...because it opens up too many opportunities, and not bad ones. You get a few bad ones when you have freedom, when you have liberty, but the good that comes out of it far outweighs the bad...IF the people are moral.

Remember, there were several Founding Fathers that said that our particular form of government is only good for those who have high moral principles. I wouldn't go so far as to say Christian principles, but in reality that's what it is. And so much of our country has lost those principles...and who do we have to blame? Well we can say, ourselves, but it comes back again to that statement..."Whose Democracy?"

The leftist Marxists want to dictate that, rather than having an open conversation, we see how they react. They react in forcing you to shut your mouth...isn't that what Brennan said to Trump? "Shut your mouth." That's how they do it. Shut your mouth. And they're putting into place as many tools as they can to make sure that happens. We're all taking about the First Amendment, and how important it is, but it's almost turned into a religious argument between two sides, a spiritual argument, because shutting us down...Most of the time, conservatives --I don't even like the term "Conservatives" any more... you get the floor and normally you'll yield and let the other side have their say....unfortunately, the Demonic side, and there's really no other way to describe it...The demonic side, the Leftist Marxist side, has never believed that.  They believe that, I think one of their slogans is that "Words Are Weapons". And in reality that's true, but that is a much less form of violence...actually I think it's "Words are Violence"or something like that. Words are less violent than of course bullets and .. weapons, etc. But that argument's lost on them.

DEBATE is what we need, but see they don't really want that. "Yield a little bit more in our favor, and we'll negotiate with you", and we've made that mistake all along, even Trump's made it. So my point is, whose Democracy is this? -that they're talking about?

Well, it's not the People's. It's the Deep State, the Military-Industial complex, the Leftist Marxists -those who have taken over too many positions of power, because we weren't...we weren't vigilant. We went to sleep and allowed people to get into spots that can harm us. because normally , you know, there's a scriptural statement that says "The Children of Darkness are wiser than the Children of Light." -and I've talked about that before...What it is, is that normally, if you don't have bad in you (I mean, we all have a little bad...but this...this real evil..) you don't make plans to take over other people's lives. You just want to live your own.

I had a good friend once. He died a few years ago, but he once said, "You know, if any of us got several million dollars, you know, we'd take our family and we'd go out and buy a beach condo somewhere and enjoy life with those that we love. These other people aren't like that." To them, it's a tool for control....and that's what we're seeing...it's not live and let live...and it's not enough to control the material life, they want to control exactly what you THINK. And I'm going to bring it up again, we even heard the former FBI Director, James Comey, say that your thoughts are something that they are now rightful to control, to see, to read....those types of things, so even there, they don't want you to have privacy.

So the Democracy that they're talking about is their system. When you hear Hayden and Brennan and Clapper say that Trump's attacking our Democratic institutions, really what they're saying is it's THEIR institutions, not the People's, not the Republic's. And we can go through the background of all the changes that have occurred in the last hundred-and-some-odd years, where the Constitution has been subverted, legally...(technically it never can be, but that's of course, a piece of paper.) as Learned Hand said, "If the Constitution, if the Law of Liberty isn't written in men's and women's hearts, then no constitution, no Court, nobody can save it."  (See original quote here)  So again it comes back to us being dumbed down, and really made unaware of the dangers that we face.

So, censorship is their first tool...."

Listen to the rest here:

Whose Democracy?

Streamed live 2 hours ago
August 7, 2018


Royston Potter talks about censorship and control of the narrative, Democracy, the Constitution, California enhanced forest fires, and so much more...

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