Monday, August 6, 2018

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: August 5 – 11, 2018

Weekly Forecast: August 5 – 11, 2018

8/6 ~ Sun (core essential Self) ~square~ Jupiter (imagination & truth):
This is a powerful energy and with that comes the necessity of discernment - it provokes you to get lots of things accomplished and that's a good thing, however, beware of taking on more than you can actually handle. Having said that now, if you need that little "push" to get some things done, this is just the energy for you. It carries with it the optimism necessary to allow you to go beyond your norm and stretch in new ways. Sometimes there can be a tendency toward self-righteousness with this energy, but try to make it "self-directed" and you will benefit greatly. Walk your talk, embody your Truth. However, if you turn it on others, demanding they believe what you believe, you may have some difficulties. Be open & receptive, have a don't-know mind because you never know what you may learn along the way that could really help you, now or in the future.

8/7 ~ Uranus Rx 2* TAURUS (1.6.2019):
This is a once-in-84 year occurrence! And it still has to retrograde back ‘n forth over the last 2-degrees of Aries and first 2-degrees of Taurus in order to complete the ‘Crossing Borders’ that we are already feeling and the whole world will feel by Spring 2019. Uranus is a collective planet and so affects many people and takes 7-8 years to accomplish its mission in each sign. It will awaken the Taurus department of life (House) and stimulate any of your planets in Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius (by default). Also, I’d say here & now is a good time to reflect on the ‘liberating ordeal’ you just went through over the last 8-years as it stimulated your Aries department. Once it is truly into Taurus, you can start to reap the benefits and integrate the recent, radical shifts that you’re Identity & Purpose have been through and the focus, and thus the lessons & blessings, will now shift to the values & priorities that support that newly awakened Emergent Self and how that works on the ground, in the body, on the Earth.

8/7 ~ Venus (feminine & receiving) ~trine~ Mars (masculine & giving):
Venus rules your values & priorities where relationships with love & money are concerned, your inner Divine Feminine that innately knows how to co-create with nature, what to cultivate and nurture to full development. Mars rules your desire nature and your inner Divine Masculine, which is responsible for maintaining your personal boundaries, getting your ideas into the world and negotiating on your own behalf. When you are channeling both through you in a balanced way, what you create and how you move through the world becomes a beautiful dance or interesting story. The trine is a blessing of ease & grace, an easy-going energy that paves the way for balance & reciprocity and encourages independence within the context of relationships. Communication is usually smooth at this time and exchanges can be mutually beneficial. Any relationships started under this influence have a good chance at success whether personal or professional.

8/8 ~ Mercury Rx (communication & self-expression) ~conjunct~ Sun (core essential Self):
This energy will compel you to express yourself on many levels. Communication will be a focus, just make sure it is reciprocated. You will have access to some powerful energy that can (and probably will) make quite an impression on others (if you need to). This is a good time to travel if possible too. However, if not physically, then mentally and certainly within your own area, you will take in more information per square inch than usual. Pay attention! You may even gain the much-deserved recognition from others that you have worked so hard for.

8/8 ~ LEO Gate of Power/Cross Qtr:
This is the Mid-Point of whatever you got going 6-months ago, in Feb 2018 at the Aquarius Gate. Do you remember “Crossing Borders” 6-months or 1-year ago? (many of you got those readings then and can refer back to them now for new insights). Think: 9-mo gestation process for year 2018, you have nurtured & developed something over the last 9-months that is about to need some space to exist. Aug/Sept is all about preserving what is growing strong, solid, useful & nourishing … while releasing density, weight & excess to be composted in to something more useful in the season to come. It’s a time of cleansing & purification, as well as gratitude & celebration, in anticipation of the Fall Equinox season of Harvest. Some call this the Pre-Harvest. You can get a jump-start on assessing the year if you’ve completed your “clearing & releasing” process. If not, this is the final *purge* in preparation for the Harvest Season. The final Leo/Aquarius Eclipses will help! The Eclipses are considered “course correctors” ~ whether you’re a little (or a lot) off ‘course’ ~ and they are “intensified” solar & lunar energies pouring around and through you (no matter your level of consciousness). Things will be particularly intense now for all of us, but especially those of you with Leo/Aquarius/Taurus/Scorpio activated in your chart.

8/9 ~ Venus (values) ~square~ Saturn (foundation):
This energy can make you feel cool & detached with loved ones. It is time to 'take stock' of your relationships and really evaluate the level of balance between giving & receiving. Business or personal - relationships must have a balance of give & take. You may feel more aware of your true independence in life and start reevaluating the need for certain relationships in your life. This energy pushes you to dig for your own fortitude & determination to live according to your own values & priorities and corrections or adjustments may be necessary and fairly obvious at this time. You may feel lonely, depressed or disconnected but it's just the Universe forcing you to question or assess your current relationships, how you interact with others and how you allow them to interact with you. It's good to periodically evaluate even the strongest relationship and check the foundation. Don't give in to (ego-based) fears, focusing on the lack & limitation or what is not working, but instead build on your strengths and honor the goodness you've created together, as well as in your Self. This is the best time to be alone and reflective because the insights you acquire through this process will help you in the future.

8/11 ~ Mercury Rx (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):   (2 of 3:  7/9 ~ 8/11 ~ 8/28)
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller vision with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.

8/11 ~ LEO Super New Moon/Solar Eclipse:
We get eclipses twice a year, every year, so there is always energy for change, transformation & radical shifts. What changes approximately every 2-years is the sign energy, and thus, the lessons & blessings. We spend a couple of years mastering those lessons, like now 2017-18 in Leo/Aquarius and there are reverberations from the years 2008-09 and 1998-2000. Also, remember that it was one year ago we had the coast-to-coast eclipse cross the US, how has your life changed & evolved since the last round of eclipses blasted through your life?

If the Eclipses have altered your course (internal or external) and you have released any rigidness with the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse (7/27), then this Leo Solar Eclipse will help initiate the new in a clean, positive, and hopefully fun way! It may be time to *Lighten* UP!  Get creative, have some fun and dig in to anything that is weighing on you and find a NEW way to express it.  This is the annual New Moon of the New YOU and Eclipse says New You to the tune of 10-20 years! We are currently amidst Mercury Retro in LEO (7/25-8/18) which can enhance or extend this period of experimentation with the "new" on one or many levels. I think it will be good for tweaking creative projects but if your focus is on self-love, and how you define that for yourself, it may also allow you some customized (for you) opportunities to change your thinking in some way. The world is shifting at such a rapid pace that I feel it is more imperative than ever to know your own *Heart*. Many of us have lived our lives guided by "survival" rather than what is truly in our hearts. And we have discovered, either directly or from observing others, how this can backfire on you. Consider that anything you do, whether for yourself or the world, needs to be heart-centered and based in *love* (Leo's domain) and that which endures, succeeds ultimately. When we do things with genuine enthusiasm ~ humble & pure ~ we can literally Inspire, Awaken & Uplift others and that creates a certain magnetism that creates an energetic flow. The purest form of leadership is to lead by example, so deepen your connection to your own Heart, share your Light (without attachment) just for the joy of sharing and that will encourage others to shine their Light. It's contagious!


The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

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