Friday, January 31, 2020

Aluna Ash- 9D: ENERGY UPDATE πŸ€— 1/25/20 (description box)

ENERGY UPDATE πŸ€— 1/25/20 (description box)

Jan 25, 2020
99.4K subscribers

Sorry if my voice is scratchy- I did alot of talking and recording all day prior to recording this. These messages are for whoever feels like listening. There seems to be some energy within the collective that feels like a "pause" and I personally feel that it is because there is a lot of reorganization that is about to take place in the physical based off of the shift in Consciousness that has been taken place up until this point (and will comtinue ofcourse.)

On Jan 12th I had an experience in meditation where I saw two star constellations and DNA spiral, as if I was seeing the communication of my DNA and energy that's coming to the planet. There was a gravitational wave that hit the planet on January 14th- the source is unknown. I found an article that speaks about this, linked below:

I'm sharing incase anyone else noticed this. I see some energy (not all) & hear energy so I have noticed a change since Jan 12th. It's been pretty constant.

Days after this experience I had a dream that Humanity had been changed by seeing humanity singing a gospel song "I know I've Been Changed" πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ and I saw Plasma being poured out to the collective through the Water Bearer, Aquarius- which was symbolic of a Gardener that is impressing the (garden) subconscious of humanity. The garden is the creative mind of humanity, the gardener, Aquarius, is consciously creating. I was told that there will be no one Messiah, or no one "Christ" or only One New Era World Teacher for this New Age, but it will be all of humanity.

We are our own teacher & we help and guide one another as well as ourselves. All are Equal, not one is above within the consciousness of the age of Aquarius. A guide, teacher, Being, entity, Angel, Group Consciousness, Galactic Being or Group, Ancestor, etc.. physical or nonphysical- that is really interested in your Soul's evolution to integrate Universal Consciousness/Christ Consciousness/Oneness, will not allow you to become dependent on them for guidance. messages, answers, manifestations constantly/regularly. They will not be interested in pushing your Spirit out of your vessel. Constant dependency on another Being- keeps that Soul separated from accessing the Truth within themselves. All is One Consciousness and you do not need another Being or individual aspect of the One to give you answers. The answers are within. It only makes one weaker by depending on another consciousness outside of themselves- even though all is One. A teacher/guide wanting your Evolution will want you to access information/guidance from within your Godself...only at times will they impress thoughts/ideas/emotions/inspiration upon the subjective sphere for you to access. Age of Aquarius is about the individual becoming God/Christ- all becoming One within themselves equally.

I feel there are many Souls here, who last incarnated to the Earth Plane AT LEAST 200 yrs ago to begin what will continue now. Some around 1700-1800s- to be here for this specific incarnation. For these Souls there seems to be a stronger push/desire to evolve. I have always been in amazement every time I go into a store like a little kid because I remember when they didn't exist.

I have noticed my response to the recent energy as: some changes in sleep, very active dream state, deeper meditations, increased manifestations & synchronicities, itchy ears, feeling energy & thought currents more easily, stronger desire to stay in alignment and work on my growth. Feeling a balanced detachment, everything just IS. I don't really feel connected to certain beliefs/things that I once did, that seems to have grown. I have noticed that energy can evolve or grow more quickly from thought/focus as well. I have also been picking up on others subconscious/unconscious intentions very quickly- more quickly then before. I can only really share what I experience, feel or notice.

I know many are feeling alot of stress, anxiety, agitation, intensity..which I feel is the collective shifting into a new Era or new age, and also the release out outworn beliefs that have crystallized as physical conditions. There may be an increase in unconscious reactions/responses out of anger or due to suppressed emotions. Do your best moment to moment, try not to dwell too long in resentment, anger, sadness, jealousy, etc.. if you notice that it is a pattern or anothers/collective energy. Acknowledge it and where it is coming from but don't dwell there too long. Healing comes when we assume we are healed. Not through dwelling on what hasn't healed. It may not be easy at first or at times, but we wouldn't experience more then we can handle. You were drafted by the Universal Mind/Spirit/God to awaken and rise above self imposed limitations.

Love You Guys!

I will be finishing up the rest of the 2020 Vimeo readings for the other elements. And Patreon Feb. Readings/messages will be posted on Patreon this week.

Return To Your Truth: On the 0202-2020 Gateway 144K Mass Meditation (Feb1/Feb2) we FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT !

On the 0202-2020 Gateway 144K Mass Meditation (Feb1/Feb2) we FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT !

& Links for this Sat/Sun Mass Meditation are 
at the bottom of this brief / Update !

So after the full analysis of intel & & overall assessment (including from reports like Cobra’s) from the 3 Day Trifecta of Mass Meditation & astrological events of 10th, 11th & 12th  Jan (really, this MASS transition period all started from 12/12/2019) …
… we now find ourselves being presented with a code.
It looks like this:


Numerologicaly … this is quite profound.

I know many of you have been going through a lot of shifting … some of it literal & physical. And thus, you’ve followed my advice from the end of the last Ground Crew Command episode & taken it easy & looked after yourself as best as possible.

Keep in mind … since 12/12/2019 (all the way to 02/02/2020) – it’s been a MASS transition & ascension period!

Darkness in all it’s forms … is NOT liking this, (it’s freaking the f%@# out).

So yes … it’s been rough, and if you haven’t been doing your internal work in new, innovative & robust ways – on a WEEKLY basis … it’d be even rougher.

But don’t let this phase you!

After 02/02/2020, things will start to settle into the energies of 2020 … (energetically, the new year didn’t start till Jan 25th) on a MUCH higher timeline thanks to the work we Starseeds have been doing.

Let’s Complete The Ascension To The
Event Timeline
Calm the 'End Time Madness'

No … we’re not quite at that timeline yet.

But very close.

Cobra has just reported that plasma Chimera spiders are on the verge of being fully removed.

Want to accelerate that?

And manifest freedom sooner ... with more smoothness?

Let’s fulfill our soul duty … mandated by high levels of Light & an authority far greater than any matrix recognized organization!

Let’s make the Victory Of The Light comprehensive, complete & full!

Will you join me?

It’ll be Saturday afternoon or night in Europe & America. Which means … you know what the [physical] dark ones will be up to.

Will you be there, next to me, to stand up for humanity & say NO.

No more enslavement.

No more chaos & struggle.

No more delay to freedom!

You know where to find me, at the times below.

Time & Links 
For The 144k Advanced 0202-2020 Mirror Gateway Mass Meditation


Date: Saturday, Feb 1 (Feb 2 in Australia/New Zealand/Far East) 

Join Time: 3 PM EST 

Start Time: 3:10 PM EST 

Duration: 1hr, approx

Link to live guided broadcast: 144k Member's Area

(Or simply click on the picture at the top of this email to join the meditation)

See you on the non-physical!

To share with others, send them to:

where they can sign up.


For the 144K Protection Protocol ... click on the '144k Free Session/Tools' tab
at the top of the:

If you are unable to access it, please send an email to:

You can also find it on YouTube.

Yours In Service ...

The Unknown Lightwarrior

Support The 144k Rate of Growth & Your Soul Mission - Click Here
4 Phases
(the code itself is not a discount link. You'll be prompted/shown where to paste in the coupon code above, during the order process.
If it doesn't work, clear all your 'cache & cookies' for all time on your browser, restart your browser & try again. If that fails, try another device)

144k Member

"  During my meditation, I was contacted by my star family. This time much more clear than the previous times. They told me, they were here this time to help me heal and to upgrade my abilities to communicate telepathically. My communication with them was clearer than ever .?.."

Gitte, Denmark
144k Member

" ... I have never felt such a sustained energy for so long in any other meditation. I held it as long as I could and I really felt that it made a large impact on destroying the dark forces’ hold on Gaia and humanity. I also was guided at times to surround her in a sparkling pinkish gold light. The whole meditation was truly a very powerful and grand experience!  ..."

144k Member

Why the 144k meditation group?   ...It matches my frequency in all aspects; perfect speed and rhythm of your guidance, perfect visualizations, clear objectives which match mine,  perfect synchronization ( it happened in all your meditations that I was already working on something particular, before you verbalized the same.. stunning);

Maria, Suisse
Support The 144k Rate of Growth & Your Soul Mission - Click Here
4 Phases

Return To Your Truth Dot Com LLC
2155 Suite A, Shelby Dr
Arizona 86336
United States

Psychic Sounds by B: Tea with B ~ Initiation ~ Ep. 7 ~ Jan 27th through February 2, 2020

Tea with B ~ Initiation ~ Ep. 7 ~ Jan 27th through February 2, 2020

Premiered Jan 27, 2020

65.7K subscribers



Praying Medic: Qanon January 30, 2020 – Impeachments Ends + Qanon January 29 2020 – Read the Transcripts

Those who hate President Trump would love to drag the impeachment hearing out a little longer, but it is about to come to an abrupt end.

Qanon January 29, 2020 – Read the Transcripts

(Visited 4,414 time, 4,414 visit today)

As the impeachment of the President approaches a vote in the Senate, he asks people to read the transcript.

No photo description available.

Qanon December 30, 2019 – The Silent War Continues

Thursday, January 30, 2020

John Smallman: The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed.

by John Smallman

Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well.  Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable!  It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant.  Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.

However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form.  It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.

Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects.  BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies.  There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present.  You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.

Who is it then, that sets that intent?  It’s the sense of awareness in your field of consciousness through which you know that you exist – your ability to imagine – and it is that which makes the decision to act on what you imagined.

In truth you are far freer than you think you are, but you choose to be limited by your bodies.  Over recent decades many people have been able to make their bodies faster and stronger, both physically and mentally, through various kinds of training, and the results of this can be seen in the new records being set in athletic and academic contests all over the world.  Nevertheless, bodies are limiting because you intended them to be, but you yourselves are not limited except in so far as you believe yourselves to be.  And because humanity generally believes itself to be limited, restrained, restricted, that is what people generally experience.

To awaken is to let go of and discard limitations, and in so doing to set yourselves completely free from all limits or restraints.  Your true state is one of absolute and complete freedom, and deeply buried memories of this are what drive you to push boundaries, to seek more from life than seems possible to humans in form.  Many reach a level of freedom that is far advanced from what their parents experienced, and they are then often happy to settle for that higher level of freedom.  Others believe that they can never achieve the level of freedom their parents experienced, and settle unhappily at that lower level.  A few believe that they should not be limited at all, and spend their lives pushing the boundaries of human abilities and freedoms to ever higher levels.  Your individual beliefs set your limitations for you, and those beliefs are strongly influenced by the collective beliefs of the culture and society in which you are living.

Now is the time to release those invalid and limiting beliefs, beliefs that anchor you in the past, in past memories of limitation – “I can’t possibly do that, what would people think?” “I could never learn how to do that now, I’m too set in my ways.” “The way I’m living my life is working for me, so why risk changing it?” – that appear to offer safety and security.  Limiting beliefs are like veils or screens that prevent you from seeing the enormous possibilities that life offers you because, out of fear, you refuse to question them by opening those veils and screens and looking beyond them.

Fixed and unquestioned beliefs are self-imposed limits that further add to the basic limitations that are a major aspect of being in form as humans.  These are most easily seen in others – who support religious persuasions, economic views, philosophies, or political convictions different from your own – whereas they are often extremely difficult to see in oneself.  That egoic and fearful need to be right, with which so many are infected, has led humanity into vicious conflicts overthe eons, conflicts that cause endless pain and suffering for vast numbers of people, and which never lead to resolution of the issues that appear to have led to the conflicts in the first place.

Experience is gained when mistakes or errors are made and the reason for them is investigated and understood, and there are numerous situations occurring daily in which this happens.  One of the lessons that is learned over and over again is that humans do make mistakes and errors.  Learning what caused them, and then taking steps to prevent their re-occurrence, leads to wisdom.  Unfortunately, mainly out of fear, defective or dishonest judgments are often offered in attempts to fault others for errors that occur, in order to shift blame from those responsible to those others, so that they themselves can avoid being shamed and punished.

In recent decades much progress has been made in understanding the reasons for human error, and new laws and guidelines have been introduced to reduce and, where possible, prevent errors from occurring.  However, when mistakes are made, those responsible – often people who are at the senior management levels of the organization involved – are almost invariably filled with fear and horror, and will engage in almost any kind of subterfuge to avoid being held responsible.

The way forward is to change the way mistakes are dealt with, so that those responsible can file truthful reports about what has occurred in the knowledge that they will be lovingly assisted in dealing with the sense of horror and guilt that arises within them as a result of their mistake, and thus helping enormously in the prevention of further occurrences of a similar nature.

Obviously, if criminal negligence or criminal intent is found to be the cause of the event, those responsible must be called to account, then, after a full investigation has been carried out, they must be given the loving support necessary to enable them to change the misguided beliefs that led them to behave as they did.

Remember, you are all – and there are absolutely no exceptions – beloved children of God, perfect, just as you were created.  The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed so that you awaken.  Until then it is essential that you daily set the intent to be only loving in your thoughts, words, and actions.  When you do that your intention affects all of humanity, and all of humanity is then mightily assisted in moving away from fear, judgment, and blame, and into a loving mindset from which to interact lovingly and respectfully with each other just as God does.  This is an essential step on your path to awakening, and it is the way in which Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, always interact and engage with all of creation.  It is how you will experience life when you awaken, and thus eternal joy will embrace and envelop you.
With so very much love, Saul.

John Smallman | January 27, 2020 at 5:56 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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