Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Messages, January 17, 2020 + January 10, 2020

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,

January 17, 2020

The big clamp down on members of the Illuminati continues and inevitably takes time as thousands of individuals are involved. There is no quick answer as matters must be handled in accordance with the law of the land. Be assured that things are on the way to reaching a conclusion, but even so there are other matters that must also be attended to. Originally it was intended to release information little by little but in view of the delays experienced a complete disclosure is now envisaged. It means that as so much has been held back, the changes to come may well be overwhelming. Your whole way of life will ultimately change for the better as things such as free energy will put a completely new way of life into being. The Alliance is prominent amongst those who are pushing for changes to be introduced, and are now in a more powerful position than the Illuminati, so progress has become well advanced.

The period of moves to introduce the changes is well advanced , but bear in mind that it also covers events that will affect the way big business is being run and it will be some time before such matters settle down. In essence it is the size of the changes that are taking so much time to come to fruition. However, in the end you will be more than satisfied and after such a long wait all will be to your liking. The old days of lack and bad distribution will disappear and smaller units will ensure that all will equally benefit from the changes. Understand that for a long period of time you have benefitted from new technology much of which has been back engineered from alien craft. It has given you the basis for even better and more advanced knowledge that has taken you into deep space. You have also been given great advancements where computer knowledge is concerned. It has all lifted the quality of life and taken you part way to a new way of viewing it.

The future is taking shape and the benefits for you will be enormous, and they will come and cannot be held back indefinitely. Some changes will feel uncomfortable and possibly result in people having to move to a new location, as Mother Earth carries out her own cleansing in preparation for Ascension. The Earth has been subjected to so much damage due to wars and adverse use of her resources, however the coming changes will help rectify the problems, as for example when the use of free energy will overcome the necessity to use the Earth for that purpose. There are other resources in use that are not harmful such as wind farms, but these are inadequate to meet the demands involved. Be assured that we are doing our best to encourage the introduction of new methods that are harmless to the Earth’s environment.

To be forewarned is to be prepared to meet the challenges that are yet to come, and we would like to see more co-operation between countries, as the challenges that are to come are best dealt with on a world-wide basis. Those who hold most of the wealth need to help those who are unable to handle major problems, and we would remind you that you are all affected by what happens on Earth. You are all One and the time for individual growth at the expense of others is past. You have to grow as a world and bring harmony and cooperation to the forefront. The quicker you can bring peace to the world the sooner you will completely open up the path to Ascension, yet even so it is approaching quite speedily.

The believers and non-believers alike are all following a preordained path that is each souls agreed life contract, so respond to whatever comes across it in a way that accepts the challenges involved. Your spiritual growth and well-being are at stake and your conscience should come into play, prompting you to take the right action that is positive and in no way harmful or injurious to another soul. Listen to the promptings of your Higher Self that is the “other” you that knows your soul plan and helps you keep to it.

Your experiences on Earth are far removed from those of the higher vibrations and dimensions. Earth as you are no doubt beginning to understand is a school for spiritual growth. You grow by your experiences and take that understanding with you to your next life, so whatever you learn that enhances you is most important. Can you begin to understand that because you are experiencing within a hologram, it is something prepared for your evolutionary experiences and is not your true reality. It is amongst the stars and if you successfully raise your vibrations to an ascension level, you will be returning to a wonderful realm quite beyond your present understanding. Your Earth as a hologram is being used to give you the conditions and experiences that you need to evolve. It is presently in an outer protective energy placed there by the Blue Avians who are still present and oversee your evolution. At this important time those who are on the path to Ascension will not have to wait much longer to reach that point, and it is important that no interference is allowed. So currently no one can get out or into your Universe which is protection for you.

Understand that you are living an “unreal” experience inasmuch that you are being held back, whereas you could have been enjoying a more advanced experience. However, changes have been taking place because of advances gained from back engineering spacecraft that have fallen to Earth. They have enabled progress to be speeded up through things like fibre optics and new materials used in space technology. There are other advances that the military have kept to themselves, but ultimately these will have to be made known.

As we have often mentioned, you have been denied many advances that would have made life easier but when you ascend you will more than be compensated. You will be free from the effects of aging and remain as a young person, being able to change features as and when you wish. You will live much, much longer than present and enjoy life without the prospect of disease or illness, but instead enjoy absolute good health. The Universe will be open to you to follow your hearts desires and still evolve even further, as it does not stop until you reach the ultimate – the Godhead. That is how ever a long, long way into the future.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at

Dear Ones every effort you put in now to continue evolving will be well worth it, mainly because every soul has an opportunity to ascend based on to what degree they have lifted up their vibrations, because at a certain point they will realise that the ultimate is to not only be in control of your ego but to take full control of your emotions. In so doing you will find that no matter what assails you, you can maintain a calm and peaceful outlook, thus ensuring that you keep your vibrations at their highest level at all times. Slipping back into the old ways will delay progress and a great opportunity to ascend could be lost.

Understand that the end of the last cycle in 2012 meant just that, and whatever gains you will have made will go with you into the next phase of your life. The Great Solar Flash that is yet to come will signal the end of that period, and only those that have reached the required level of growth/evolution will remain in the higher vibrations and go through to the new Earth. So you will realise that there is absolutely no picking or choosing as ascension is automatic if you are ready. As with all aspects of your evolution be assured that you are always helped once you show that you are ready to take the path to Ascension.

Help extends to “arranging” meetings with other souls who can help you on your way and protect you from interference by the dark Ones. It does not mean that you will not be tested on the way, but if you are dedicated to being successful there is no reason why you should fail. The higher forces want you to succeed and will do everything that they can to help you achieve it, but are always mindful of your life contract and any karma that you still carry. The fact is that so much is done to help you, that you are not even aware of most of it. But please remember that you must first show the intention to take the path to ascend before help can be given, as your freewill is ever in mind and care is taken not to impinge upon it.

If you could but envisage what a marvelous life lays ahead for you, you would have no hesitation in putting all of your effort right now into achieving your goal. However, do not be disappointed if you do not yet feel ready, as another opportunity to ascend will come your way in due course. Understand that soul’s do not all evolve at the same rate so there is no disgrace in being behind others who are well on the way to Ascension. Your spirit helpers will give you a prod if they know that you have the capability to ascend, as they are there to help you in all aspects of your life.

As you begin to learn more about your bodies needs you will adjust your life style accordingly. Sensible eating, fitness and attending to your bodies needs will give you the basis of a platform from which to launch yourself into preparations for your upliftment and Ascension. You will feel all the better for it and enjoy good health that will help you successfully follow your chosen path. Success comes from dedication to it whilst allowing others to follow their own path of which of course there are many. There is no right or wrong path inasmuch that some souls are for example brought up in religious surroundings yet can still find their way to the higher vibrations. Normally an expanding mind set comes when a soul can begin to see the broader picture without prejudice and can break out of any older restricting beliefs.

Be assured that when you are on the correct path things will flow smoothly and be consistent with your level of understanding. You will also find a deep satisfaction and peace that has no limits. You will have time to explore other ideas on subjects that interface with your own, and expand your store of knowledge. The more you get to know the more you realise that there is so much more to learn. Keep an open mind at all times and if something is presented to you that does not seem to fit into place with what you know simply set it aside until you can, knowing that in one way or another you will find the answers you seek.

In some respects there is a parting of the ways as whilst you may be continually lifting up, those around you may be much slower to evolve and see you as becoming distant where they are concerned. This is to be expected and you will naturally seek your friends amongst those who have progressed much the same as you have. In the same way that you respect other people’s beliefs you should quite rightly expect others to treat you the same. Try not to get into arguments about your beliefs and allow others to have theirs, as you are not competing with others who also seek the truth. It is different if someone seeks your opinion, but even then only go as far as answering their questions. Remember that they too have Guides who are assisting them, and will know how to help with answers to their questions.

Everything is speeding up to such a degree that Humanity is getting further behind, but it cannot go on indefinitely and some revelations are on the verge of being released. The greatest changes in progress have been made in respect of robotic development and you are experiencing some of the first real changes that they bring. Yet the knowledge exists to make robots that can completely replace people in some basic requirements. However, within the next ten years your progress will have shot ahead so much so that everyday life will have become largely automated and require no humans to participate.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

 Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at

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