New Moon Jan 24 – Wish Grantor – Freedom – Wake Up Call – Archangel Michael

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! There is a lot that I would like to discuss with you today! This is a VERY important and interesting message about what is coming up for us in a few days and beyond.
Before I share the message that I have received from Archangel Michael, I would like to give you the background to this channeling. For a few days before receiving this message I have seen Michael swirling around on a horse, then I would just see horses, lots of horses as soon as I would close my eyes, there they were, staring me right in the face, running around, and trying to get my attention. Later when I would go online to look at something, a picture of a horse would pop up. Looking outside the window a cloud shaped like a horse. Everywhere I looked there were horses. So, I asked my guides what is happening? And the answer I was given is, this New Moon that we’re about to experience is going to open the doors within us to FREEDOM, personal freedom, freedom of thought, and of course that this New Moon’s theme is, Horses.
So what does a horse represent? According to what’s your sign.coma horse represents Power, Grace, Beauty, Freedom, Nobility and Strength. The horse symbol meanings of power are widespread through most cultures, and it is linked as an emblem of life-force. Many cultures assign the attributes of the four elements to the horse: Earth,Fire, Air, and Water.
So this coming New Moon is all about Freedom and Life Force. However positive this symbolism is, to attain freedom one must begin to change something in their lives, and that is what many on our planet will begin doing.
This New Moon is going to be a WAKE UP call for many and as you recall yourself, when you were awakening to that which you are, you had to get through a lot of fog, outdated thinking, misunderstandings from those around you, which resulted in a somewhat chaotic state. And well, that is what is going to begin happening to many who have not yet gone through this stage of awakening.
And so, My Beloved Masters of the Universe, here we go again! We are going to need to be EXTREMELY patient with our nearest and dearest, and all around us, without getting sucked into all the drama that will begin to unfold. Staying grounded and being true to ourselves, being positive and staying on course. To help you stay sane as we proceed further along everyone’s awakening, you can use various homeopathic remedies, flower essences and cell salts that I spoke about many times before. I have put a list together for you on my blog which you can find by clicking here.
Also, and this is VERY important. This new moon is a very powerful wish grantor, so it is highly important to make a wish for your life, of how you would like to see it unfold in the next few months, BUT the KEY is to say nothing about this to anyone. You can write it down, but keep your note in safe place, away from anyone seeing your wish or desire. Hold this desire close to your heart and be sure not to talk about it with anyone, unless that person is someone who can help you make it a reality. But again, it’s best to keep it a secret until it materializes.
But going back to Archangel Michael, last night he has come to me, in all his glory, and it was such a phenomenally beautiful experience which I am sure many of you have had. He was VERY serious, exceptionally so, very determined and stern.
The aura of his arrival commanded attention and I realized just how important this time for all of us, lightworkers is. The idea is for us to dust off our “wizard wands” so to speak, get our pixie dust out of the drawer, spread our wings and begin to work our magic on this planet to assist those who are going through the awakening process, whilst keeping the planet’s energy vibrations high, transmuting all the chaotic energies that are going to keep increasing as we proceed through this year, and at the same time enjoying the moment, being happy and doing what we have come here to do. Can we do it? Absolutely! 😊 As my beloved Metatron always says “You have been prepared well for the mission at hand”.
Now having said this, here is a VERY important message that I have received from Archangel Michael and The Company of Heaven:
Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven greets you now in the aequivocus (having more than one meaning, open to more than one interpretation in this case the reference by AA Michael is that of the double nature of the energies that we are experiencing at the moment, on the one hand we are being uplifted, and on the other hand the purification and pushing out of the old structures is bringing about a lot of chaotic and turbulent energies, however all is positive in the long run, and is simply that which has to be) energetic upliftment to transcend you into the world of Akash and allow you to find the missing link to the energy pathways so very necessary for you to commence your missions on this planet.
And so, through triangular degree of consciousness, through the risen energies of those who have passed the “Ring Pass Not”, through the etheric web of informational encodings, through the effervescent principles of BEing, you are invited to step through the gateway of your choosing into a library of times immemorial. Transcending the duality principle of being, transcending that which you have been taught to accept as the “norm”, you are asked to look through the veil of forgetfulness, and reach through in order to arrive in a new sequenced reality.
Indeed a new sequenced reality matrix. Through the sequencing of the energetic vibrations you are asked to find the seed of the universe, indeed the seed of the universe and withdraw said seed and take said seed with you into your present reality. Said seed shall be planted in the heavily soiled ethers of your present reality, in order to plant its roots and grow to become a mighty powerful tree of knowledge, benevolence and might, said seeds that you have brought with you from said library of times immemorial, shall then assist you in recognizing your full potential of Being. And through said inklings you shall glean much of that which you are here to uphold.
We encourage you to drop the unnecessary vibrations that no longer pertain to the energies that you have entered into, and surrender all that no longer belongs to that which shall transform said vibratory sensations into the light, transmute into the light and return to your planes of existence through the rainbow colored particles of truth, benevolence and might, truth, benevolence and peace, peace, harmony and bliss, bliss, love and light, light, mesmerization and unequivocal exculpation (the act of freeing from guilt or blame. pardon, forgiveness – the act of excusing a mistake or offense) for all.
Stay true to that which you have come here to uphold, stay true to that which you have brought with you from interstellar communities from which you hail, stay true to the realization of your coherent principles of Being. Stay true to bringing about the necessary changes coming your way. BE in the NOW, and ENJOY knowing that each and every moment of your benevolent cocreation is exemplified by your higher selves, exemplified in the ethers and returned to you in the form of harmonious enlightenment and purification , harmonious enlightenment and blissful cocreation, harmonious enlightenment and amplification of the light principles of BEing.
What we are trying to say to you master of the kingdoms of heaven is that the time for you to step into that which you have come here to uphold is NOW. The time for you to spread your mighty powerful wings of benevolence, has arrived, and we ask you yet again to step into your power, step into your power, step into the light. Be true to that which you are, knowing that all is well in the cosmic spheres of BEing and all your efforts are dully noted, transcribed, and heard.
Know that we are walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that it is so, for it is!
That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now."
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

Archangel Michael Disc Offers Healing and Protection. Gives Courage and Strength to Face Any Challenge Protects Against Psychic Attacks, Activates Throat and Base Charkas. Assists in Communication.
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