Radiantly Happy:
Beloved Friends!
Great Change awaits us! Are you prepared for it?
And what is this great transformation about that is upon us!
it be that it is merely just about a change of paradigms, values,
energies, beliefs, states of consciousness and appearances and of
whatever is content of our life? Or is it more? Yes, because we are a
process within it.
When the world around you changes, your personal world changes. So do not be afraid or surprised when your own world breaks down, when apparently solid circumstances are vanishing and it seems that the ground underneath your feet is collapsing.
Please be aware: earth is not a fixed something, a solid appearance. It might appear to your eyes and senses as such. But it is in reality a psycho-physical realm in which things happen. And we are part of that. Things happen all the time and they appear and disappear. And we identify with this and that for a while until we no longer find pleasure with it and look for new horizons, for new ideas and worlds of experience. It seems to go on forever. But in all this constantly changing circumstances one thing does not exist: solidity.
So when your world collapses it means that something new must arise in your consciousness, a new level of understanding, a new dimension of evolution in your journey to and with the Ultimate Divinity, God or Reality. Necessarily so, because everything arises in IT.
Each time you think you arrived somewhere, something beautiful, within or without, it will be challenged, and it is painful to let go what you cherished as consoling and fulfilling. Everything must be let go. Do not hold on to it. Because all appearances are fluid. We do not seem to be aware of this all the time because we live in this third density where we think that solidity exists. But this is an illusion, a de-ceptive per-ception.
So my friends, allow the heart-ache of change and letting go, the wistfulness of loosing what you cherished. You cherished it on a level you must now go beyond. Never forget that! It is about growth only on this plane of existence.
Sometimes it happens that everything you did, everything you have been used to, everything that was your world, everything you believed in, suddenly has no value anymore and you cannot do anything about it. It is like your life is ending.
So WHO are you then now, when your life as you knew it, is ending? It does not need to be physical death, but it is death, death of what you have held onto for a while and now it is dying, disappearing, you must let go of it. And WHO are you now? Because YOU, What You Are, This Divine Presence, in Which you body-mind and self-image is appearing, is never dying. But it has the chance to come forward in these moments of death, as the old surface breaks down.
When such a phase happens in your life, you will feel that everything comes to an end, it is a vanishing from inside, and your heart will be pounding as nothing seems to make sense any more, what just a few moments ago still made sense to you. A kind of imagined glue that seemed to hold everything together is no more. Things fall apart and you do not know what is happening to you.
In this moment you might remember that you once wanted only to love God, and that is all you wanted. And when then your life falls apart, - everything that is not an expression of this love, - you feel betrayed and bewildered. And it is painful.
Perhaps you thought this love of God is consoling. But it is not. Sometimes it is the greatest pain you can suffer in this world. But it is Real, the only Reality in a human life.
Within this Reality there is absolutely no appearance that is real. What appears are veils after veils, very fragile without real substance. It is not truth. Living in the daily illusions of appearances believing this life is real, is true and solid, you'll find out, that it is not. As soon as they disappear! Nothing is true, but the Power and Substance of Divine Reality.
But what if this Reality is not being shown to you! What if you experience and live and exist in the in between worlds, the bardos, when the new world did not arise yet? Or will another and new world arise at all? Or is this the end of all the worlds? Or the end of this world and you have to move on into the unknown? A mysterious process, it is. Frightening? Perhaps. But not really, rather painful. Are you curious what follows? You should.
Or you look at your environment. Here you lived day after day. And suddenly it does not make sense anymore, because on a deep level your consciousness is changing. What has been so self-evident is suddenly meaningless. What kind of life is this? What for?, you ask.
Be assured, you do not need to change the furniture :), you need to change consciously yourself, your energies, your attitudes. Look for an epiphany, a new sudden understanding, a new point of view or breakthrough. Because you know: This can't be all there is. Allow a little enlightenment in the heart, there must be now openings for you, flashes of new enlightening dimensions. Because what once was, is not holding together anymore.
And what have you done so far to make your life valuable. Perhaps it dawns in you that God or Reality is the only thing that counts now. But what is God.
When the world around you changes, your personal world changes. So do not be afraid or surprised when your own world breaks down, when apparently solid circumstances are vanishing and it seems that the ground underneath your feet is collapsing.
Please be aware: earth is not a fixed something, a solid appearance. It might appear to your eyes and senses as such. But it is in reality a psycho-physical realm in which things happen. And we are part of that. Things happen all the time and they appear and disappear. And we identify with this and that for a while until we no longer find pleasure with it and look for new horizons, for new ideas and worlds of experience. It seems to go on forever. But in all this constantly changing circumstances one thing does not exist: solidity.
So when your world collapses it means that something new must arise in your consciousness, a new level of understanding, a new dimension of evolution in your journey to and with the Ultimate Divinity, God or Reality. Necessarily so, because everything arises in IT.
Each time you think you arrived somewhere, something beautiful, within or without, it will be challenged, and it is painful to let go what you cherished as consoling and fulfilling. Everything must be let go. Do not hold on to it. Because all appearances are fluid. We do not seem to be aware of this all the time because we live in this third density where we think that solidity exists. But this is an illusion, a de-ceptive per-ception.
So my friends, allow the heart-ache of change and letting go, the wistfulness of loosing what you cherished. You cherished it on a level you must now go beyond. Never forget that! It is about growth only on this plane of existence.
Sometimes it happens that everything you did, everything you have been used to, everything that was your world, everything you believed in, suddenly has no value anymore and you cannot do anything about it. It is like your life is ending.
So WHO are you then now, when your life as you knew it, is ending? It does not need to be physical death, but it is death, death of what you have held onto for a while and now it is dying, disappearing, you must let go of it. And WHO are you now? Because YOU, What You Are, This Divine Presence, in Which you body-mind and self-image is appearing, is never dying. But it has the chance to come forward in these moments of death, as the old surface breaks down.
When such a phase happens in your life, you will feel that everything comes to an end, it is a vanishing from inside, and your heart will be pounding as nothing seems to make sense any more, what just a few moments ago still made sense to you. A kind of imagined glue that seemed to hold everything together is no more. Things fall apart and you do not know what is happening to you.
In this moment you might remember that you once wanted only to love God, and that is all you wanted. And when then your life falls apart, - everything that is not an expression of this love, - you feel betrayed and bewildered. And it is painful.
Perhaps you thought this love of God is consoling. But it is not. Sometimes it is the greatest pain you can suffer in this world. But it is Real, the only Reality in a human life.
Within this Reality there is absolutely no appearance that is real. What appears are veils after veils, very fragile without real substance. It is not truth. Living in the daily illusions of appearances believing this life is real, is true and solid, you'll find out, that it is not. As soon as they disappear! Nothing is true, but the Power and Substance of Divine Reality.
But what if this Reality is not being shown to you! What if you experience and live and exist in the in between worlds, the bardos, when the new world did not arise yet? Or will another and new world arise at all? Or is this the end of all the worlds? Or the end of this world and you have to move on into the unknown? A mysterious process, it is. Frightening? Perhaps. But not really, rather painful. Are you curious what follows? You should.
Or you look at your environment. Here you lived day after day. And suddenly it does not make sense anymore, because on a deep level your consciousness is changing. What has been so self-evident is suddenly meaningless. What kind of life is this? What for?, you ask.
Be assured, you do not need to change the furniture :), you need to change consciously yourself, your energies, your attitudes. Look for an epiphany, a new sudden understanding, a new point of view or breakthrough. Because you know: This can't be all there is. Allow a little enlightenment in the heart, there must be now openings for you, flashes of new enlightening dimensions. Because what once was, is not holding together anymore.
And what have you done so far to make your life valuable. Perhaps it dawns in you that God or Reality is the only thing that counts now. But what is God.
And suddenly perhaps the dreams subside and for a moment only the intuition of the spotless Radiance of Divine Reality remains.
And you ask yourself: Is this Happiness?
And it IS about the clear answer: Yes! It Is Happiness!
To find That Happiness, to locate It, to let go of all lesser feelings or arisings.
To be Aware of True Happiness.
And you ask yourself: Is this Happiness?
And it IS about the clear answer: Yes! It Is Happiness!
To find That Happiness, to locate It, to let go of all lesser feelings or arisings.
To be Aware of True Happiness.
Layers upon layers to let go. The veils upon Reality, Stainless Reality.
The errors.
Because all worlds must subside in the end.
They are but passing appearances in the winds of existence.
There must Be Only One Radiant Reality. In and at the heart. Where Truth dawns in the fresh morning sun, widening to unmeasurable horizons, zooming into Infinity ….
There is so much more than this body-mind, appearing within this seemingly fixed third density. In Truth it is transparent what Is. There is just this opaque mirage upon the transparency of things and events.
So let go to be aware of THAT. Allow the pain to receive what is Great and True.
The Undying God-Love that dawns in the human heart when we let go of what we believe is real, but which has no substance.
Let go to open your heart to Eternity. To touch the solid bottom of Truth. Truth is the only Solidity there is. It Is Real. It is Undying Substance, Divine and Immortal.
It is about your necessary breakthrough to survive the breakdown of this world, whatever this means for you.
Let go to open your heart to Eternity. To touch the solid bottom of Truth. Truth is the only Solidity there is. It Is Real. It is Undying Substance, Divine and Immortal.
It is about your necessary breakthrough to survive the breakdown of this world, whatever this means for you.
are at the edge of new beginnings. Time is not relevant in this process
and neither the dimension is in which it already began, be it an idea, a
wish, an intent, a conclusion, a new understanding, an inspiration,
arising within the subtle or dense worlds.
Be prepared for pain and welcome it as the doorway for the necessary transition to greater freedom, or Freedom Itself.
Everything happens simultaneously. Sparks ignite and vanish.
What remains Is Ultimate Truth. After all: There is only Truth or God.
To you, with love,
Ute Be prepared for pain and welcome it as the doorway for the necessary transition to greater freedom, or Freedom Itself.
Everything happens simultaneously. Sparks ignite and vanish.
What remains Is Ultimate Truth. After all: There is only Truth or God.
To you, with love,
♥ ♥ ♥
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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
~Healing~Transformation~ Evolution~
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

Transcend Suffering!

"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria
More Testimonials: here

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Acquire my artwork here
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach
Transcend Suffering!
"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria
More Testimonials: here
Acquire my artwork here
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