A Message to Lightworkers – January 17, 2020 by Caroline Oceana Ryan
A Message to Lightworkers – January 17, 2020 by Caroline Oceana Ryan
. Greetings, Star Being Who Lights Up the Earth!
. This week's Message strikes me as particularly powerful, for several reasons.
It speaks to another big current issue, which is the fires that have been happening in Australia and elsewhere in the world, and how Light Bringers can help.
. The first part of this Message was channeled directly from the spirits of Native American and Aboriginal shamans who know how to create rain.
. A friend of
mine who is very learned in Native ceremony and Earth Healing asked me
to channel a message from his guides and his deceased wife's spirit, so
he would know how to best assist in bringing in the rains, to help
end the fires in Australia.
. Apparently some areas of Australia received Rain yesterday, extinguishing 32 of the 120 out-of-control bush fires.
Let's spread that Rain energy to the whole continent, and wherever else it's needed!
. Please don't doubt your shamanic abilities. We are all healers-in-the-making.
. You can do it. Yes, you can. We'll do it together.
. And if you desire to
bring in the rains of healing, renewal, Abundance, a new relationship
(or the mending of an old one) into your life --
Call that forward now as well, as you drum and/or envision the rains,
and call in the Angels and Galactics of higher dimensions to assist
with their Light-filled intentions and energy healing mastery.
. We send much Love and blessings of Calm, Peace, RAIN, and Renewal to all everywhere on Earth in need of such now.
. Thank you for being here at this time,
. Sending much Love,
. P SIn addition to the free energy work offered on the Abundance Calls, the Collective offer channeling sessions as well as "Just One (or Two or Three) Question" recorded channelings to individual questions.
. We're here for you -- reach out as needed!
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters,
Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels
known as the Collective:
. Today we cede part of our Message to a Council of powerful higher beings.
This is a group of Spirit guides who assist a friend of our writer’s.
. He is adept at Native American shamanic ceremony and healing ritual.
He requested a channeling on how best to assist those in Australia, who are suffering from rampant bush and forest fires.
. Here was the reply, from that Council of Higher Guides:
“The fires in California, the Amazon, African countries, and now
Australia are being intentionally set with advanced technology as well
as by local arsonists.
There are several reasons for this, including to punish, subdue, and
distract Mother Earth from Her Ascension journey, as Her vibration
raises daily. .
They will not be able to stop that, but they remain in denial, as the
old ruling groups have had dominion for so long. Yet now they have lost
. It is vital to send higher Light to those issuing the orders
that those technologies be used for this purpose, and also to send Light
to the technologies themselves.
Call in your galactic family members to assist both etherically and physically.
This assists you in coming out of a defensive posture, which is often the weaker, more passive posture in any situation.
It also spoils the "Us vs. Them" paradigm, which is highly defeating. .. Visualization is paramount to success in the rainmaking, as you know. . Children born in the last 10 years especially are brilliant at this. .
Photo by Jennifer Scalia
. So in addition to holding your own visions each day, envision
them visualizing rain, healing, stability, Peace, and normalcy
occurring around the world. .
Children’s visualizations are the most powerful on the Earth now.
Seek out videos from YouTube that have the sound of rain falling, and play that all throughout the day, in the background.
That is also helpful, as you envision Australia being rained on right now.
[One example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q76bMs-NwRk.]
. Key into the vibration of the rain. You are able to do this instinctively. Hold that in your energies on behalf of Australia, so that the essence of rain will reach the fires and endangered areas.
So that even if it isn’t yet raining in some areas, the effects of rain falling will begin to set in.
If you can drum softly to imitate thunder, that is also powerful.
It’s most helpful to imagine Earth as something
you are cradling now and healing, rather than say, being in opposition
to those starting the fires, or in opposition to the fire itself—that only feeds the destruction.
We are working with ancestral shamans to assist in an end to the
fires, the rebirth of the burnt areas, and the spirits of the animals
whose lives were lost.
. They will return to a much higher vibrational Earth, in part because of the healing work being done now to assist Earth.
Remind yourselves and one another to bring in higher vibrational assistance.
It is here for you, but you must call upon it!
are also working in their sleep and dream state at night to assist,
which is often why your emotions are erratic and changeable some days.
will be times when you are relieved that so much good is being born
because of this, and other times distressed at loss of plant, human, and
animal life.
The grief and loss felt by the people in various places in the world are also affecting you.
Photo by Lynne Newman
. [The higher guide known as Red Thunder speaks]: Let it pass through you.
it, but don’t be pulled this way or that by it. As you become more
aware that that is what is happening, you will release the need to carry
another’s pain.
You cannot carry it for them!
They came in to experience this, and much more.
. Would you take their Joy from them? No, you would not. . Send them courage by higher Light, but do not attempt to lessen their pain, for you cannot.
That is all for now.”
. The Collective: We are honored by the insights and astounding energetic assistance of these brilliant higher beings.
We urge you to consider not only their words, but the memories of
your lives on this and other planets, in which you assisted in shifting
dense weather patterns, mitigated extreme planetary changes, and
assisted whole populations in moving out of fear, shock, or trauma.
. Yes, you are that powerful, dear ones!
Yes, this is part of why you came, and you are doing it quite often, with just your presence upon the Earth now.
Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.
Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you..
Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of "The
Empowered Lightworker." She currently channels the higher wisdom and
guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity
as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
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