Happy New Year! I was recently asked a question as to why some experience body pain during this process and why some do not. When I began answering, I realized that the information could benefit many so I am sharing the correspondence.
you for your guidance, video conferences, and audios. I find them very
helpful. I am curious however about the great focus on the current high
levels of physical suffering and health issues. I do not suffer from any
significant physical/health issues. I am generally very healthy, fit
and pain-free apart from some stiffness after running and in the cold. I
have however been dealing with big changes in my life which of course
has brought in a lot of emotional upheavals. I am just curious about
your view of those, like I, who don’t have all the physical issues you
talk about which are part of the readjustment process. How would you
explain this fortunate state? I have always believed I am healthy and
like to declare that ‘I do not intend to use my body for illness, pain
or discomfort’ which was advised many years ago by the Pleiadians and
has served me very well. I am interested in your thoughts on a lack of
physical symptoms caused by the cosmic activity happening now when it
appears there are many, including yourself, who are affected. I hope my
question makes sense and you can share your thoughts. Thank you again
and blessings to you and your family as we move into the Double Roaring
The cause of the physical discomfort can be from so many things and is not an indicator of how well or not well a person is doing in this process. Some are not physically affected beyond the occasional tiredness and some are hurting tremendously.
The cause of the physical discomfort can be from so many things and is not an indicator of how well or not well a person is doing in this process. Some are not physically affected beyond the occasional tiredness and some are hurting tremendously.
However, here is what I have observed:
grounded and present in the body can play a major part as to why one
does or does not feel the symptoms. Some are so disassociated, living
hovering above the form, that they feel nothing in the body. Some are
half in the body/half out and they tend to feel a lot of pain as they
are in the form enough to feel it but not enough to heal it on the
physical level. Some are so grounded in the body and present that they
are able to keep the body flowing like a well-oiled machine and have
minimal pain.
There are many
other reasons why one may experience physical discomfort with this
process. It can be ancestral trauma as some have agreed to heal the
family line, it can be trauma from past lives or the current
life stored in the fascia, meridians, and chakras that need to be
released. This process can be particularly difficult for those that have
heavy metals in the form (especially with the gene variant MTHFR as
they don’t detox easily). Here is a past blog post on the heavy metals
and the effects on the light codes https://jennyschiltz.com/heavy-metals-hindering-the-ascension-of-the-body/
Often it is the healing of all of the above that allows the form to flow and the energy to not dam up, causing pain points. Pain can also serve us to show where a blockage is and then the work begins to process whatever it is holding. The cosmic downloads work on a molecular DNA level and assist with clearing out density and programming. If there is resistance to letting things go because of programing, fears, or beliefs, there is more than likely going to be an energy blockage that hurts. I see where people will develop bronchitis or pneumonia as they are working on themselves as grief is stored in the lungs. The moving out of the old can be a physically demanding experience. Sleep assists radically with this transformation, this is why some can barely keep their eyes open.
have such intense body pain because they have taken on “the weight of
the world”. They are often untrained empaths that unknowingly take on
another’s pain and claim it as their own instead of using it as a tool
to reference things and then let it leave the form. I recommend that
people ask their body pain “Is this mine?” and feel or hear the answer.
have also seen where people are hurting as they open to healing and
psychic abilities. These people often must train the body to hold
tremendous amounts of light. It can be quite a workout session that
leaves the person sore and tired as they build stamina. I find that
reassurance to the body that large amounts of light won’t cause it to
die helps tremendously. We are ascending with the body this time but in
the past large amounts of light were disastrous on the form.
all of this, beliefs play a HUGE part. As you have experienced with the
saying “I do not intend to use my body for illness, pain or
discomfort”, thoughts matter. The belief that this process is hard and
painful can keep many looping and focus on the next incoming energy
event and what it will create for them (generally causing anxiety). Some
can inadvertently create an identity from the symptoms or intensify
them by the sheer focus on them. I have found that those that have a
greater sense of self, purpose, and place in the world tend not to be
knocked over as easily by the energies. While one that is plagued with
doubt, self-esteem issues, or even self-hatred struggle. It is precisely
these limiting beliefs that must be cleared out and it is what is
targeted by the cosmic energies.
one responds to the energies can also depend on the personal life path.
You may have chosen in this life not to experience the physicality of
the downloads but rather experience things in a different way. I have
also seen where the physical stuff comes in phases. One group may have
been knocked down a decade ago but now is fine while others are going
through their phase of deep changes.
do believe that for the most part, the downloads do not cause
significant illness or pain but rather the resistance in the form
creates it. Many will receive a download, become tired, thirsty, maybe
even dizzy but it is short-lived.
a client expresses that they are not experiencing any physical symptoms
I check to make sure they are properly grounded in the form and that
they have not put up blocks to receiving the downloads. If they are in
their body and there appears to not be a blockage to receiving, I say
FANTASTIC! I do find that generally those people have a physical
exercise routine, listen to their bodies, spend time in nature, detox
and process their emotions well. I hope this sheds some light on your
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