There are two show links, this post has been updated. Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the 2nd guest interview.
(See Prior post) ~PB
(See Prior post) ~PB
The Unknown Lightwarrior | Return To Your Truth.
Because of the extreme importance of the upcoming Mass Meditations/Astrological dates, this will be a very short article about the special Monday episode for Grand Crew Command this week …
As active Starseeds & Black Coven Members prepare & build-up their energies for the Great Confrontation between the Mass Astrological Events of Jan 10th to the 12th … the 144k Starseed Group is at the center of it, making sure all Starseeds know what’s at stake –
So donations for the 144k Outreach Campaign for this all important meditation can be made here:
If you are interesting in becoming part of the 144k Advanced Mass Meditation Group, you can sign up here:
Because of the extreme importance of the upcoming Mass Meditations/Astrological dates, this will be a very short article about the special Monday episode for Grand Crew Command this week …
… and 3D-Geopolitical news will largely be dispensed with, as it’s pointless putting too much focus on that because what we do from - the 10th to the 12th – of this fateful month will decide what happens in the 3D Geopolitical news anyway.
So don’t bother wasting your time putting too much focus on ‘out there’.
Your focus MUST go into self-care & build-up of your energies (and arranging your schedule) for this crucial Starseed Operation.
This is not just a ‘meditation’ …
This is an OPERATION.
You are an OPERATIVE.
A perfectly legitimate Agent (of Light).
We must act this way, otherwise we’re not taking Planetary Liberation seriously enough, let alone Gaia’s freedom.
Your Briefing
As active Starseeds & Black Coven Members prepare & build-up their energies for the Great Confrontation between the Mass Astrological Events of Jan 10th to the 12th … the 144k Starseed Group is at the center of it, making sure all Starseeds know what’s at stake –
And rest assured, Ground Crew Command & 144K HQ arespending every nickel they have on the promotional outreach campaign in a gallant attempt to hopefully guarantee critical mass.
Black Coven numbers (Witches, Black Magicians, Luciferians, Voodoo shamans) number between 2 to 3 million, in the United States alone ...
And like Starseeds ... they are incarnated into 3D human bodies...
Which means they ALSO have the power to project from the physical into the non-physical ....
And you better believe that they will be active on these game-changing dates … given the deep doo-doo darkness in general, is in.
The risk of missing the full potential these dates hold for planetary liberation, is real … and our moral/soul obligation to Goddess Gaia is to ensure this does NOT result in a stalemate confrontation or ‘partial’ success.
Especially in the most powerful astrological configuration you'll probably see in this lifetime!
Laura Eisenhower Joins Us …

Your Briefing for this massive 3 day Event is in the form of another amazing & revealing discussion with Laura Eisenhower. Her 3rd appearance on Ground Crew Command Radio.
Tune in & listen closely as she reveals:
- how we can accelerate planetary liberation WITHOUT as much roughness & volatility - if we play our cards right ... as Laura explains the further astrological meaning & ramifications of these 3 dates
- how ‘we can USE’ the destructive combo of Pluto & 'authoritarian' Saturn to humanity’s advantage – to bring about the UNFILTERED disclosure we all demand & the breakthroughs in disarmament of physical dark ones - so we can FINALLY EXPERIENCE physical galactic family re-unions on the surface of this planet.
- why the Friday & Saturday Mass Meditations need to be MASS Clearing meditations … and why Sunday must be a ‘visualize what you want' Manifestation’ Meditation … which will drastically amplify our collective demands & wishes into reality
… plus MUCH more!
Tune in or download the recording from the links below.
Laura's website is:
We Must Reach Critical Mass
And just in case you haven’t noticed … depending on people or audience leaders to ‘make this viral’ has clearly failed, time & again.
So donations for the 144k Promotion for the potentially game changing Age of Aquarius Activation can be made here.
I say "potentially" because we MUST make sure we get 144,000 people to join in this time ....
And it's the middle of the night in the USA ...

So donations for the 144k Outreach Campaign for this all important meditation can be made here:
And all Patreon Supporters will receive a SECOND FREE Remote Light Mandala Session on THURSDAY NIGHT (10PM EST/ 3AM GMT) for ONE HOUR
to clear, balance, and activate their chakras and pineal glands ...
.... in order to prepare for the all important meditations on January 10th, 11th, and 12th.
If you haven't yet joined Patreon, and you would like to support the 144k Outreach Campaign in this way, you can sign up here:
Tune in by clicking the link below.
... because Ground Crew Command Radio is ...
... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week".
Live broadcasts, downloads & previous Ground Crew Command episodes are right here on Blogtalk Radio!
Click here to listen-in or download
If you are interesting in becoming part of the 144k Advanced Mass Meditation Group, you can sign up here:
Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior
The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to: and/or
Support the 144k Rate of Growth and Your Soul Mission!
Sophie Bird
ReplyDeletewhat is the schedule for the 10th, 11th and 12th operations? please
Like · Reply · 1d
Ada O. Shaw
Meditation Start Times:
Fri, January 10th - 1 PM New York - 144K Meditation (2 hours)
Sun, January 12th - 12 AM New York - 144K Style Meditation (2 hours)
Sun, January 12th - 10:30 AM New York for shorter 20 min guided visualization at 11AM New York
Join mail list + Mass Meditations