Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Return To Your Truth: 2019 Galactic State Of The Union Address by Mystic Warrior Ed Spina, 2019 Predictions, Recent Trump Moves, How To Interpret Alt Media + MUCH more

Huge show this week, as the 144k marches on to final victory, seeing more & more of the physical indicators of its hard work (from past 144k Mass Meditations) …

We delve into the big & current issues, some of which aren’t spoken about anywhere else … and to clear up the clutter, for you to walk away with more confidence … chest out … chin up … from the KNOWING that we’re on the accelerated timeline to freedom and TRUE [Galactic] family re-union.

So much to talk about, so here’s a taste of what'll be covered:
  • the first online release of the 2019 Galactic State of The Union Address by Mystic Warrior Ed Spina here on Ground Crew Command only, to provide you with more in-depth detail on what’s been happening on the higher realms and how this affects you.
  • discover the signs that these developments on the higher planes are truly affecting matters in the physical world, to bolster your motivation to move more into your power... for more control over your life and circumstances.
  • learn three things you can do to make this monumental process as smooth as possible... and what you should avoid doing.... to avoid repeating the rougher aspects of this deep personal & planetary detox.
  • predictions from both of us for 2019

… and much more, this week with energy worker & Mystic Warrior - Ed Spina.

Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, speaker and mystic. He is the author of Mystic Warrior and Mystic Secrets Revealed, and the developer of Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration, a methodology created to align, balance and center individuals moving through these tumultuous times. He specializes in connecting people to their higher selves, leading to greater intuition, clarity and joy.

Today, he lectures around the world and offers Energy Clearings in person and remotely. His company, Higher Dimension Publishing, publishes books, CDs and videos that entertain, enlighten and educate readers in both the fiction and nonfiction areas.

Don't miss out on his blockbuster Galactic State of The Union Address & no-holds-barred discussion with yours truly ... by clicking the radio show link below to listen in.

(C) mysticinvestigations dot com


What To Shine the Transmutation Light Of Your Consciousness On, This Week

This week, in the exo&geo political news analysis segment on Ground Crew Command radio, I get into:
  • the latest attack on Cobra … and use this as a lesson on how to accurately interpret intel, gossip & news in general from the alt (I prefer INDEPENDENT) media
  • why the Cabal can do in Australia, what it can’t do in the US … (for instance banning David Icke  there) yet still bring to justice Arc Royal Pedophile – Cardinal Pell, the Vatican’s CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
  • Find out exactly how Kushner exploited Trump’s love for Ivanka, to gain significant enough influence over President Trump.... and what one Lightworker did about this.
  • what to make of Trump’s recent negative moves that are only helping the Cabal, and how Lightworkers need to handle this, to maintain the accelerated & smoother path to planetary liberation!

… and much more on this week’s huge episode of Ground Crew Command (live broadcasts every Wed 9pm EST) ... YOUR central support network; and your weekly dose of empowering clarity, inspiration & motivation to get you through the Archon invented "work week" -

click here for the reminder & to listen in- ( … hit the pink Follow button for show reminders & free downloadable recordings)

Call in #: (310) 807-5232.

Or connect from your browser with the link above.

p.s. If you haven't joined the 144,000 Army of Light that's being built ... and you feel the calling or desire, watch the short video at this link & click to join! Let's take charge & Liberate This Planet! (no need to join if you're receiving this newsletter)

See you there! 

Yours In Service

The Unknown Lightwarrior


The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about the Global Leylines Tachyon Chamber Project, and/or the Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power ... go to:

... hit the Share button below first. This must go viral..

Jennifer Hoffman: The Re-Weaver – A Story About Healing and Purpose

We have spent so much time being strong and supportive for others, ensuring that everyone has what they need to become healed, whole, and complete, and we wonder when it’s our turn. Many of us have had important soul contracts to fulfill in the first part of our life and healing has been the focus through which they are fulfilled.

Through our healing efforts we have helped others release their past and invent the future, preparing them for the lifetime work they had to do.

Now that this work is done it’s time for us to ‘re-invent ourselves’ from being caretakers and supporters to being strong, successful, and powerful in our own lives. How do we do that and what does it mean? It is a hard question to answer because it means re-defining how we look at ourselves and what we do with our time, energy, and gifts.

A reader once wrote to me “I have never created anything worthwhile for me in my life. My path is to help others achieve their success.” She wrote that she had spent her life empowering others and ensuring their success and she wondered when she would be able to do something for herself.

She has been doing something for herself, finding joy in others’ success. I am sure that others have appreciated her help but can she gain the same amount of appreciation if she is fueling her own dreams, goals, and desires? She may also have a fear of failure and a lack of confidence.

It will require courage to turn those efforts to her own life where, in her mind, the stakes are higher, success is not as certain, and she may find out what she has always feared, that she is not capable of success or (I don’t think that’s true but she will have to figure that out by herself). 

She is like someone I knew years ago, a woman who was a ‘re-weaver’, she fixed holes in people’s garments and made them look new again. In those days we had to wear nice suits (and pantyhose) to work and I owned several wool suits. One day I saw a small moth hole in one of my wool suit jackets and I didn’t want to get rid of the whole suit just because of one small hole.

Someone suggested that I take it to the re-weaver, who would fix the hole for less than the cost of replacing the suit. So I took my jacket to her shop and she said it would not be a problem to fix the hole and the jacket would look new again.

A few weeks later I picked up my beautifully repaired jacket. The moth hole was gone and it did look new. I asked her how she did that and she showed me her workspace and talked about her technique. Working with tiny needles and a powerful magnifying glass, she took threads from the garment’s hem and seams and used them to fill the holes, matching the pattern and weave so that fabric looked new. She took pride in her work and had been doing it for decades. In fact, she was very well respected and people from around the country would send her their clothes to be mended.

But the work took its toll on her body. Her back was hunched from many years of bending over her  work, her hands were knotted witharthritis, and her eyesight was poor. She wore thick glasses and her skin was pale because she spent so much time indoors. I asked her why she did this work and she said that her father, who was a tailor, had taught her, telling her that people would always need their clothes repaired and with this skill she would always have work.

When I asked her if she had wanted to do anything else her eyes got misty and she said that she had always wanted to be a dancer. But, she added, her father did not approve of that so she did what he wanted her to do.

She never asked people how they ruined their garments, she just quietly fixed the damage and sent them back looking new again. I wondered how many people appreciated her skill, expertise, and dedication, whether they thought about how much work it took to fix the damage they had done, whether it was careless or accidental, or how the re-weaver had spent much of her life doing this for others.

Who did it for her? Who was there for her when she needed re-weaving in her life?

As I got to know her she shared some of her life details. She had never married or had children, had cared for her father after he was widowed until he died and she had inherited his shop. The shop, customers, and work were her life. I wondered whether she had ever stopped to think about how she so carefully and painstakingly fixed others’ mishaps and if she ever wanted to stand up one day and decide that she was going to do something else.

Did she ever think about how much she did for others and wonder when the day would come that it was time to reinvent herself and start living her own life?

It may have been too late for her to become a dancer but she could still learn how to dance.
Although the re-weaver has passed on, I’ve thought of her many times over the years. One of her gifts to me, besides fixing my suit jacket, was to remind me to pause before I take on the task of re-weaving for others. Is this something I should do or can I step back and let them fix their ‘holes’ by themselves? Sometimes others need to learn from fixing their own problems even though I believe I could do it so much more quickly, easily, and efficiently. But is that what I want to do and while I am inventing their future or reinventing their life, what is happening to mine?

It’s hard for us to be ‘selfish’ and self-centered and we have such negative opinions of those concepts, but what they really mean is to have our focus within our self, asking what is good for us, questioning how every situation applies to our own life path. When we allow the focus of our actions be with us first, we consider our needs, instead of rushing in to take care of others. It’s a great feeling to re-weave someone’s life but it can become a habit that we fall into and then can’t get out of. We have to remember that everyone is powerful—we all have the same source of power even if we don’t think others are acting in very powerful ways or using their power very wisely.

Like the comment from the person who creates for others what she doesn’t create in her life, we can support and encourage others for a while but must eventually come back to our center and ask why we feel we must do for others what we do not do for ourselves. We can be the eternal re-weavers, fixing others’ damage, holes, and gaps, or we can reinvent ourselves and create everything we want in our own lives and then let others light their light from ours which blazes so brightly.

This happens when they are ready to also shine brightly because they are ready to re-weave their lives, reinvent themselves, and believe that they deserve and can have a new powerful and empowered future.


If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.

Copyright (c) 2019 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

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X22Report Spotlight: Blocks Removed, The [DS] Is In A Panic, They Are About To Be Brought Down: Dave Janda

Blocks Removed, The [DS] Is In A Panic, They Are About To Be Brought Down: Dave Janda

Published on Feb 23, 2019

Today's Guest: Dr. Dave Janda Website: Dave Janda

YouTube: Operation Freedom

Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place.

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music Hey Sailor by Letter Box Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision.

Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.

X22 Report assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.

A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2019 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you.

We wish to speak with you today about your own growth and journey.

And so we ask that you take your eyes off of what is occurring outwardly in your world for a moment.

World events that many have considered to be highly negative have occurred on the Earth for many thousands of years.

These do not necessarily define the quality of your life, or even the full quality of life experienced by those facing the brunt of these events.

And so we would ask that you release thoughts of the outer world for a moment, and grow quiet now, and move into the heartspace for a moment.

Call forward your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, spirit guides, and higher self, to speak to you in your current life journey energetically, as we speak to you via these words and our own energies, if you are open to such.

Photo by Lynne Newman

We would like you to consider that at the heart of all you do, there is a powerful desire to step into the Light at greater and greater levels.

This desire might be expressed as greater Peace of heart-mind, greater Wisdom and understanding, greater capacity to Love, or to manifest your life in higher forms.

That desire has in part been placed there by your soul and higher self, and in part, has occurred as a reaction to the current condition of your inner and outer life.

So that far from being slowed or pulled off-track by your life events and circumstances, you are all the more encouraged and motivated by that which captures your attention as being “something I need to work on.”

It becomes something that pushes you to move to a higher level of vibration and understanding in that area.

We would say, that though the more challenging aspects of your daily life can be trying and difficult, you need not feed the difficult aspects of those situations by called them “problems.”

You might instead wish to call them “a knock on the door” that you are meant to answer, not only in outer physical ways, but by going inward and asking for Wisdom on that issue, asking why it has come to you, what it is connected to (such as other lives, your soul growth, or your life mission), and what you can do to lift it to a higher level.

Be aware that not every issue in your life requires a solution or a positive outcome that will be obvious and visible to you, either now or at a later moment.

You have seen how some things have occurred in your life which you considered untenable—painful situations that seemed to cry out for immediate healing or resolution, yet which over time, you came to view as moments that released you from an old belief or energy pattern that was not serving you.

You had in fact, on a higher level, set up that situation to assist you in detaching from what belonged to a younger self, or a past life self, and was not a positive presence for you.

And so we would simply ask that you would “take yourself off the hook” one might say, and stop blaming yourself or your outer life for showing up in ways that feel uncomfortable—that seem to be calling out with “Lack” or “Loss” or “I’m stuck here!”

You possess the ability to show yourself Love in every situation in your life, regardless of whether you seem to be creating the money you desire, the relationship or level of healthy you desire, or the home or work or other situations you desire.

Photo by Renee Turcotte

Loving yourself and speaking kind words to yourself—loving and thanking the situation for what it is showing you—will go very far indeed to transforming that which currently troubles you.

Whereas separating from the situation and calling it “troublesome” will simply cement it in place, indefinitely.

(Nor do you need to experience an area of life as painful or difficult in order to experience growth and change in that area.)

And so we send much Light and Love to you all, with great thanks and appreciation for all you are doing on the Earth now, in anchoring the forms of higher Light that transform worlds.

We would only ask that you extend that Light and Love to your own lives, and cease all forms of dislike for your current life, extending the same patience and Love you would extend to a small child who is doing all she or he can to understand, to learn, to keep growing.

Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
Thank you.

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of "The Empowered Lightworker." She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

John Smallman: By spending time quietly within you will come to a state of self-acceptance and peace which cannot be found in the world outside.

Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday February 26th

The Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intention daily to be only loving, whatever arises.  You all incarnated to do just this, and you are doing it, and it is having a most wondrous effect.  Do not doubt the efficacy of your intentions!  Without them the awakening would be moving a lot less rapidly, so your intentions truly are a most essential aspect of humanity’s collective awakening.  When you come into awareness of what you have achieved you will be amazed, and filled with untold joy.  In fact, you will have become fully awake, you will have returned to your natural and most holy state, that of knowing that you are One with and inseparable from God.

Separation is what You chose to experience when You invented the game that allows You to seemingly be separate, alone, abandoned, and utterly disconnected from Source.  So much so that You became unaware that there was a Source from which you were separated, and so you believed yourself to be asmall, separate, and insignificant being in an environment full of others, also separate and alone like yourself.  And being apparently separate, and therefore unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated caused you, and still causes you, enormous pain and suffering.  You seek relief in relationships, but those with whom you seek relationships are also experiencing separation and abandonment, and so they are seeking from you what you are seeking from them.  What you seek is Love, and Love is what you are, but you have totally lost awareness of this, forgotten that It is what you are – although It is within you – and that you and Love can never be separated.

Not knowing this, unable to remember this or be aware of it, you seek what is eternally within you elsewhere, where it can never be found.  It is like the story of someone searching for something at night on the ground in the vicinity of a streetlamp.  A passerby asks the searcher if he lost what he is looking for near where he is seeking it.  To which the searcher replies “No.”  The passerby then asks him why he is searching there, to which the searcher responds “because the light is better here.”  And, within the dream or illusory world, where you are experiencing life as a human, the light does appear to be much brighter and there appear to be many wise or helpful ones who can assist you in your search.  Whereas, when you go within, because of the veil or cloak of separation you have drawn between yourself and Yourself, it seems to be a very dark and empty place in which most of what you experience are nightmares of guilt, shame, and worthlessness, as your ego judges the empty space in those terms because there are no “delightful distractions” – other people – telling it how wonderful it is.  Those can only be found outside yourself where, if you have achieved or obtained some worldly recognition, you will find appreciation and acceptance . . . temporarily.

Praise and acceptance from without is always temporary, because, as time flows by, others forget or resent your achievements, and withdraw their acceptance and appreciation, and then you have to start your search all over again.

However, if you will go within and sit patiently, in a state in which you have quietened your mind, allowing the “alluring and almost irresistible outside distractions” of the outside world to fall away, you will increasingly find yourselves at peace and in a state of self-acceptance.  Realization or awareness will dawn that you are who you are, that you cannot, and in fact do not want to change that, you just want to alleviate or dispel those nightmares of personal unacceptability, which you also see reflected back to you at times from others.  By spending time quietly within you will come to a state of self-acceptance and peace which cannot be found in the world outside, where you are almost continuously experiencing and engaging in judgment and blame with and of others who are also fleeing their sense of shame, unworthiness, or unacceptability.  And those senses are, of course, invalid because you were created unchangeably perfect by God, and therefore remain so.

As unawakened humans, living in and experiencing the dream/nightmare of life in form, that does not seem to be the case.  In this state your egos apparently rule supreme, and the stronger they appear to be the more they seem to achieve materially in worldly success.  And yet you are all aware of many who have fallen from grace, and who are no longer celebrated or appreciated but are instead despised.  The more you seek outside yourselves for what lies only within, the more extreme will be your eventual disappointment.

Living in the world of form you are constantly presented with its apparent reality, and with all the issues and problems of that state.  Life seems to be a constant and ongoing struggle for survival and approval, but even those who have achieved fame and fortune still seek further approval, because egos have insatiable appetites that can never be satisfied.

And of course, you do need to keep reminding yourselves that you are not your egos.  You are divine beings, created perfect like unto God, and forever unchanging.

Your ego is like a self apart from yourself, the part that experiences fear and anxiety, and it is always attempting to alleviate it.  When the ego is experiencing fear or anxiety it is constantly judging, self or others, to assess if some words or actions need be used to express to others its brilliance or to protect it from attack, and in that state it is always expecting to be attacked.  It is therefore very much on the alert, watching out for threats to its safety, and this is a very stressful and energy draining way to live.

However, when you are totally focused on an activity, hobby, or pastime (which could be just thinking creatively, without actual physical action) that you enjoy doing and in which you know you are competent, your ego is relaxed and non-judgmental.  This is very similar to being in a meditative or contemplative state.  That is why meditation and contemplation are so beneficial.  In that relaxed state of self-acceptance the ego is silent, enabling you to hear the Voice for God which is always with you, able and most willing to offer you the help and guidance you need to maintain a sense of self-acceptance at all times.

Self-acceptance is essential for your well-being.  It is your natural state, in which you have no need to seek approval from anyone, and in which you are able, and intend, to be only loving whatever arises.  In that state you recognize that if someone attacks you it is a very clear indication that that person is suffering and is engaging with you out of a sense of fear or inadequacy.  Then, from your place of peace, you are able to silently offer compassion and love – the healing energy that will flow through you abundantly if you just allow it.  Whereas your ego will judge and condemn anyone who attacks, thus encouraging conflict instead of peace, because it loves drama and attention of any kind.

Daily periods spent quietly alone, free from the distractions with which your busy human lives are forever presenting you, are absolutely essential for your well-being, especially now, as all the issues that have been ignored or denied by the human collective arise into your awareness – seemingly threatening your sanity and safety – and that need to be released.  That is all that is needed – RELEASE.  To spend lots of time attempting to uncover the reason for them, their source, is unnecessary and distracting.  Just acknowledge whatever arises, thank it for coming into your awareness so that it can be released, and then release it lovingly, knowing that its purpose, which is now completed, has been part of your awakening process.

As you release these issues, some of which may cause painful memories to arise, forgive them and forgive those who apparently caused them, including yourselves.  Life as a human brings to you a series of lessons, some of which you see and learn, some of which you ignore or refuse, while others do not enter your awareness at all.  They are all steps on your path Home, your awakening to awareness of your oneness with God, and therefore with all sentient life.  They are not intended to fill you with guilt or shame as you remember actions taken or words spoken that were not loving, those were all part of the game of separation.  Yes, they seemed very real, some of them still do – and they were often very painful.  However, you no longer have any need of them because you have all chosen – even though you may presently be unaware of this – to awaken from the game, the dream, into Reality, Oneness, Love.  Here there is no judgment, guilt, blame, or requirement for restitution, there is only complete and utterly unconditional acceptance of each one of you, by every other, as you recognize one another as the One beloved Child of God.

Just to remind you: There is only Love.  Love is Real, and there is nothing beyond the infinite field of creation that is Love, because It includes and embraces everything, and of course there is no beyond.  You are loved way beyond your ability – as humans – to imagine or envision.  Therefore relax in the certainty of your absolute and eternal perfection, worthiness, and lovableness and know that you will know that you are one with, and eternally inseparable from Source, therefore rejoice and celebrate.

With so very much love, Saul.

Kauilapele's Blog: David Wilcock response to Benjamin Fulford’s 2-25-19 article… “I call BS. Trust the Plan.”

David Wilcock response to Benjamin Fulford’s 2-25-19 article… “I call BS. Trust the Plan.”

This David Wilcock comment on Benjamin’s article is important enough for posting right away (very early AM here). Personally, David’s comment on Ben’s post resonates much more with me than Benjamin’s article itself. It’s important to take in all the data that is available, and David has access to quite a bit more that indicates Ben’s information may be off base. So be it.

“I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one. Remember, folks, Ben passes along information from sources who give it to him, and lets us decide… This new data very much looks like a deliberate, coordinated hit job against the president by people who may have earned Ben’s trust by passing along real information, only to abuse it by disinforming the public at a critical moment through this avenue.

“Never have my sources heard any intel suggesting that Trump bashed in the head of a child. If the loyal opposition had anything like that, they would have used it a long time ago, and particularly in the election itself with all the leaked emails… In this case the whole thing absolutely smacks of another case of insiders getting to Ben and weaponizing his platform against the Alliance.

“It is up to this audience to discern and compare what Ben is saying with what else is available.

“The content and timing of this “New Intel” is extremely suspect, as is the complete lack of any mention of Q Anon as the authoritative source of Alliance briefings. The reason I say it is suspect is that the Alliance is finally getting the job done and moving into a phase where we could be right on the verge of major public disclosures.

“Anyone who joins this administration is going to have to be Alliance. There is no other way.

“We have very good intel that the tribunals began as of January 2nd, so the idea that they have not yet begun or are trying to be delayed is incorrect. Analysis and deciphering of the latest Q posts is of critical importance right now in gaining understanding as to what the Alliance is doing.

This very likely fake briefing Ben just got is completely in keeping with the idea that the Deep State is going for as many all-or-nothing kill-shots as they can at this moment.

“Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future. We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now.

“Again, if there was any information that the president did these sorts of things, it would have come to my attention a long time ago. The Alliance would not have used someone who was that blackmailable.”


Comment by David Wilcock

Wow. I will have to sharply disagree with Ben and his alleged insiders on this one.

Remember, folks, Ben passes along information from sources who give it to him, and lets us decide.

It wouldn’t be hard for someone to give Ben something that wasn’t true, and sadly we have seen this many times in the past with things that did not happen.

This new data very much looks like a deliberate, coordinated hit job against the president by people who may have earned Ben’s trust by passing along real information, only to abuse it by disinforming the public at a critical moment through this avenue.

Never have my sources heard any intel suggesting that Trump bashed in the head of a child. If the loyal opposition had anything like that, they would have used it a long time ago, and particularly in the election itself with all the leaked emails.

Believe me, if this was true or if I had heard anything like this suggesting it was, I would fearlessly pass it along. In this case the whole thing absolutely smacks of another case of insiders getting to Ben and weaponizing his platform against the Alliance.

The president DID admit to having gone to Epstein’s island through various venues in the past, before the election. He also very clearly indicated that once he found out what was going on there, he STOPPED GOING. This was clearly and repeatedly presented by Alex Jones while he still had a platform.

If there was data like this available, it would have been weaponized against the Alliance a LONG TIME AGO.

Sorry Ben. If these accusations are not true then it is massive slander and betrayal of the Alliance agenda. And guess what? Your most recent post was an apology to ‘Cobra’ for publishing things that were not true and thereby committing slander. Here is what this individual just had you publish:

“This article has come to my attention:

It contains a false statement that I am wanted by the law in my home country. That statement is NOT true and is actually slander.

I am NOT wanted by the law, neither in my country nor anywhere else.
Please add a correction to that article ASAP.”

It is up to this audience to discern and compare what Ben is saying with what else is available.
The content and timing of this “New Intel” is extremely suspect, as is the complete lack of any mention of Q Anon as the authoritative source of Alliance briefings.

The reason I say it is suspect is that the Alliance is finally getting the job done and moving into a phase where we could be right on the verge of major public disclosures.

Anyone who joins this administration is going to have to be Alliance. There is no other way. The cards are completely stacked against you. It would be deadly not to play along or to otherwise attempt to bribe or blackmail.

Plus, there is such secrecy around these operations that we cannot assume to know anything. Real leaks are very, very hard to come by since we are in a final phase.

We have very good intel that the tribunals began as of January 2nd, so the idea that they have not yet begun or are trying to be delayed is incorrect.

Analysis and deciphering of the latest Q posts is of critical importance right now in gaining understanding as to what the Alliance is doing.

I have recently become active with live video streaming on, as you may know. There is a much bigger story going on.

In particular, two new whistleblowers came forward just as of Wednesday, February 20th (well, one of the two) with Linda Moulton Howe regarding the Antarctic Atlantis and the secret space program. The other, Spartan 1, appeared in a video from January.

This is incredible stuff, giving full confirmation of what we have been reporting now over many years… with stunning new details as well.

I rushed to get out a video about this the very day after I heard about it and watched Linda’s videos. This is where things are going from the briefings I am getting. It is the length of a full movie, but do please watch, as THIS is the hot insider story of the moment:

We are at high risk of another 9/11 false flag event to try to throw off the tribunals from continuing. You are advised to stock up on two weeks’ worth of food, water and basic survival supplies.

This very likely fake briefing Ben just got is completely in keeping with the idea that the Deep State is going for as many all-or-nothing kill-shots as they can at this moment.

Additionally, just since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins disclosure in the near future.

We heard for some time that they might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now. If they can’t get the false flags to work, they need to do something to try to distract the public enough that the information about the tribunals gets overwhelmed by other, much more compelling material.

A release of the Antarctic Atlantis material could keep us completely riveted to mainstream news for months. It dwarfs the excitement of the Apollo missions or anything else you can think of by orders of magnitude.

Again, if there was any information that the president did these sorts of things, it would have come to my attention a long time ago. The Alliance would not have used someone who was that

I call BS. Trust the Plan.

David Wilcock

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Your last chance to watch… [Ascension DocuSeries]

David Wilcock via
Tue, Feb 26, 2:51 PM (13 hours ago)

to me

Dear friends,
Make sure you watch the replays of my docu-series because in a few days I’ll be opening up an all-new program to help accelerate your spiritual evolution and contribute to a shift in the consciousness of humanity.


The truth is that we are in the midst of a global shift and I believe these secrets make it possible for all of us to make a quantum leap in consciousness.

Part of my journey is to share these secrets with you. Look for an email in a few days with details about the program.

In gratitude and light,
David Wilcock

P.S. If you missed any episodes of my 3-part mini docuseries, Ascension Prophecies, now is the time to watch.

Divine Cosmos

Praying Medic: Qanon February 26 2019 - Who Will Be Next to Fall?

Qanon February 26 2019 - Who Will Be Next to Fall?

Published on Feb 26, 2019

Q suggests that more big names in Hollywood are about to fall as the takedown of corruption continues.

Twitter thread:

This broadcast covers posts #2885-2898 on

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What Happens in [-21] Days? - Praying Medic takes us on a road trip (future proves past)

Praying Medic takes us on a road trip to see what to expect in the month of March. ~PB

What Happens in [-21] Days?

1. Release of Mueller Report

2. #DECLASS of #FISA including revelation of corruption and public release of all texts between Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe, and Bruce Ohr and his FBI notes...

3. OIG (Office of Inspector General) Report

4. DOJ (Department of Justice) Attorney General's Report

5. Truth behind the Russia Investigation and Deep State takedown of POTUS

6. General Flynn's testimony on numerous DOJ cases over the last year wrapping up by March

...and much more! Stay tuned! I'll make 🍿

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tania Gabrielle: Chiron in Aries: The Bold Sacred Warrior

Last week Chiron moved into Aries – and that’s big news!
Aries is the first sign, so Chiron’s brand new journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac begins now.
  • It takes Chiron 51 years to move through the zodiac.
  • Chiron will stay in Aries through 2027.
The last time Chiron spent time in Aries was from 1968-1977.
By the time of its discovery on November 1, 1977, Chiron had already entered Taurus and left the sign of Aries behind.
Thus, THIS transit of Chiron in Aries is the first time in human history that we are AWARE of Chiron’s existence and impact!
Chiron has an irregular orbit – staying in some signs for as little as 1.5 years and others up to nine years.
  • The signs that Chiron spends the longest amount of time in are Pisces (the final sign) and Aries (the first sign).
  • Chiron is the LINK between the unconscious (Pisces) and the conscious (Aries) – the Unseen and the Seen.
Being fully conscious of what was formerly hidden gives you the clarity to set you free.
Chiron is a Soul-centered planet, describing how events, decisions, lessons and activities you experience and create lead to healing.
Essentially Chiron helps you to be your own teacher and guide, and in turn be a guide and teacher to others.
And non matter which sign Chiron was in when you were born… Chiron’s move into Aries impacts everyone!
Since Chiron rarely changes signs, when it does, there’s a palpable energy shift.
  • The last time Chiron changed signs was in 2010 when it moved into PISCES.
Look back at 2010.
What was happening in your life?
In the last 9 years…
  • Chiron in Pisces opened up your spiritual nature, guiding you to understand UNSEEN matters as much (or more) than the SEEN.
  • Chiron in Pisces helped you to discover your subconscious patterns and how they impact your thinking and beliefs.
At this time during the onset of Chiron’s new journey through the twelve signs of the Zodiac you are acknowledging what awakened in you - how you put a lot more TRUST in your INTUITION, and how inspiration and HEALING have become a natural part of your life in a much bigger way.
These are tools you’re using to help you see how Chiron in Aries will UNFOLD in your life through 2027.
If you’re experiencing noticeable shifts or new directions in your life, that’s a clue as to what this Chiron/Aries energy has in store for you.
  • Who you are at a UNIQUE LEVEL, your INDIVIDUALITY
  • EXPLORE your special gifts in a NEW WAY
While Chiron in Pisces was a gentle energy - patient, dreamy and more slow-moving, reflective…
…Chiron in ARIES is pro-active and quick-moving and being very EFFICIENT. Bring issues to a resolution quickly in order for Healing to happen faster.
Chiron also governs LOVE and Compassion, so you’ll invite love into all parts of your life in a CONSCIOUS, more VISIBLE way!
  • Chiron helps you integrate, assimilate and release the past to set you free.
  • Chiron is the SOUL HEALER.
In the next 8 years you’ll be fully accepting yourself at Soul-Level.
Aries symbollizes the Mars / Warrior / Action energy. So Chiron in Aries helps you activate your inner Sacred Warrior!
Being passionately engaged and on fire - being BOLD is going to be encouraged and much more accepted!
Thus - Healing happens on a totally new landscape of COURAGE and ACTION.
As Chiron begins its passionate, fresh and optimistic journey through Aries for the next eight years - take this opportunity to tune into your positive Jupiter birth blessings to help you accelerate the positive momentum!
  • You were born with Jupiter in a specific house and specific sign in your astrology birth chart.
  • Your NATAL Jupiter placement reveals your natural wealth manifestation gifts.
  • In fact, you have 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones.
Each Jupiter zone reveals precisely how you are DESIGNED to attract abundance and experience supreme Soul-level fulfillment.
Discover your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones in your personal Jupiter Wealth Code here.
Blessings and Love,
Tania Gabrielle
PS. So many opportunities to step into YOUR inner Sacred Warrior! Go deepen your commitment to joyful excellence by activating the divine gifts in your Jupiter Wealth Code.