Friday, February 15, 2019

Hillory Skott: May the 🔥 in your Heart light the way.✨ ~ Everyday Astrology Podcast~ by Hillory Skott ~ February 12th, 2019


May the 🔥 in your Heart light the way.
~ Everyday Astrology Podcast~
by Hillory Skott ~ February 12th, 2019
086.Warrior Mars💥 fuses with Uranus in Brave 💣Aries 14:28

February 12-17, 2019 Mars conjoins Uranus. A great big burst of energy helping you be you. This powerful aspect is happening in Fiery self propelling Aries. If you need courage and strength and the ability to act fast in your own best interest, now is your time.

The conjunction between Mars and Uranus is at the last degrees of Aries before Mars moves to very different Taurus. Unexpected, uncharacteristic acts of rebellion are possible. Also, accidents, walk slowly, be deliberate and you can mitigate this. You could burn yourself of really get a wack in the melon. Aries rules the head and there is a lot of heat in this combo. Jupiter is in fire too. Expanding the possibilities.

To channel this energy find away to assert yourself. This will take courage. You will likely be charging forth right out of your comfort zone. But we are here to evolve and when it’s time it’[s time. To progress is to live, you resist and you begin to die a little each day, no fun I say.

Now you can tap into your impulse to go beyond and act in your own best interest. This level of self love leads to beautiful things. Like minded companions. Authentic support in being who you actually are. Aries requires freedom, Uranus insists upon it and Mars has to make stuff happen. The breath of fire helps to burn off excess energy and keep you grounded.

On Valentines Day, February 14th, Mars moves to sensual Taurus.  We need a bit of slow down so this is nice. Let yourself take it down a notch. Settle in for some dark chocolate. Schedule something delightful. Like seriously, when is the last time your were delighted? let Mars in Taurus tunes you into the scrumptious joys of earthly pleasures. You can loose the extra chub in the spring.

Heading into the weekend we have a magical dream come true opportunity when Venus in enterprising Capricorn sextiles Neptune in mystical Pisces. This is the secret ingredients of wishes fulfilled.  The faster you open up to advancing the more magical life can become.Capricorn is an intiator a mover and a shaker aware of time. Pisces is still connected to the galactic ideal we came her to manifest.  Imagine the potential? What will you call forth in your reality now? Prepare the space.
On Sunday we have another opportunity to evolve when the Sun in Humanitarian Aquarius sextiles Uranus in Aries.  More fuel for our fire. Nothing can stop you. Tread gently with dignity and kindness. We have the courage now in ways we have not had before.  A faith so strong it is a knowing. This is the time to reach for what you need. This is the time to offer what is needed. A magical flow of give and receive can be activated for the greater good into infinity. Simple generosity.

Next week Chiron moved to Aries for the next 8 years. We shall be cured of what ails us. The Sun moves to Pisces which initiates a magical time of access to our ideals. How can you help? Through our art we create our future. We have a full moon in Virgo on the 19th. Our power to create purpose and order is at fantastic levels. We are all human superheros waking up.  As above so Below. We reap what we sow. Life is conspiring to free you Lovely. Let go to get going.

Current Planets15-Feb-2019, 07:08 UT/GMT
Sun26Aquarius18' 8"
Moon25Gemini56' 0"
Pluto22Capricorn4' 6"

Explanations of the symbols

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