Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Universal Love by Harold W. Becker

Universal Love by Harold W. Becker
- Posted February 11, 2019

Harold W. Becker February 2019

Love is the most common theme of our individual and collective lives and yet, its true nature as the source of our every inspiration often eludes us. At the center of our being, we are a vibrational fount of universal and unconditional love. This magnificent energy animates, inspires, stimulates, sustains and encourages us to experience its essence in every moment. We feel its energetic presence in numerous ways throughout each day and at times, we become moved to the depths of our being when we allow it to flow freely and without condition. This boundless love is forever present in our heart, ready to pour forth into our world.

Even though we intuitively sense the presence of this all-inclusive love, we frequently find ourselves enamored with outer events, people, places and things that attract our attention to the reality around us. Gifted with a variety of physical senses that help us interpret, interact and fully immerse ourselves in this dimensional earthly plane, we also steadily condition ourselves to a more limited, external perspective of existence. Over time, we tend to consider our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical interpretations of experiences, as the basis of our reality and lose connection to the vibration of love that is the wellspring of our creative capacity.

Through science, we are recognizing that the material mass we normally consider tangible, actually comprises countless atomic and subatomic particles that have their own vibrational dance organizing them into matter. There is vast space between the many particles that leads us to question our perception that solids are indeed solid. Beyond even this amazing awareness is the realization that there are many dimensions to our physical and nonphysical realities. Have we tuned our senses to the outer world to such a degree that we disconnect ourselves from the living essence and wisdom inherent in all life? Do we keep the trials and tribulations, beliefs and expectations of yesterday, alive in this moment? Are we forgetting our role as loving and wise creators?

When we focus solely upon outer conditions, we miss the grandness of love beating our hearts, evermore calling to us to experience a richer, vaster reality than we presently imagine. The infinite fields of potential are always a breath away and all is possible when we tune into the love that unites everything in a beautiful cosmic way. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical senses, play an extraordinary role in our experience; however, their design is to enhance and express our love so that we may expand creation itself.

We touch the realms of love by tuning within.-Harold W. Becker

We touch the realms of love by tuning within. By stilling our mind, opening our heart, and harmonizing our physical countenance, we become aware of our conscious presence that is our source of love. This pure vibration is unconditional, enlivening and inspiring us to perceive our deepest potentials and dreams. From here, we consciously calibrate our senses to multidimensional frequencies and experience a completely new world where we know the vibration of universal love is present in everything.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)

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