Profoundly informative and insightful energy Update by Eric Raines .Talk about making the Mind-Body Connection! Wow! I AM grateful and honored to share this wisdom, and Eric's guidance on what we can
do to assist our personal, collective, and planetary transformation! 🙏

Eric Raines
Energy Update 1/21/20
The Earth is preparing for a massive etheric upgrade, affecting closed off genetic programs and traumas that have lead to the situations we are seeing in front of us now.
Under the surface of wild emotional swings and refusal to integrate facts and truth into personal belief systems, lies a core wounding that doesn't allow many on this planet to fully embody themselves.
Full embodiment is simply being fully aware of every level that you exist in while in a physical body, whether this is social, physical, energetic, collective or emotional.
Because we have been trained into operating with the brain at the control, direct focus has to be placed on whatever "issue" comes up in order to understand it.
This is very similar to having a flashlight in the darkest night. In order to "see", the flashlight must be pointed at whatever is needing to be observed instead of having a lantern shining in every direction at once.
This system of direct focus is exactly how sleight-of-hand magicians and pickpockets distract from what is actually happening. They guide the "flashlight" into what they want observed while working quickly and efficiently behind that awareness to steal or astound.
The singular focus is a symptom of being trapped inside of the brain where we have to translate all our emotions and energies into words and concepts in order to communicate with everyone else trapped inside of this mind virus.
The system of trauma wounding is very similar to the layers of an onion. Without the deeper awareness, the only thing "seen" is the outer layer where collectively, loss, mistrust, fear and pain echo through this field due to thousands of years of warfare, domination and control.
We are already seeing this layer being peeled back, exposing worldwide lies, corruption and greed on a scale unprecedented in human history.
No longer are the "conspiracy theories" conspiracy. Many of these "theories" have not only been proven true, but many of the people who have perpetrated these systems are being prosecuted and put in jail around the world.
This is only the first step in this unveiling.
It might seem like we are in the wildest times in human history, but it is only going to get wilder.
Gaia is prepping for a fundamental shift of monumental proportions, activating the "chakra centers" and "meridians" of her physical body.
Many of the earthquakes and volcano eruptions are "pressure release valves" of the traumatic, blocked energy that have not been accessible to the light for aeons.
As Gaia shifts and grows her consciousness back into being awake and aware, we will be seeing the collapse of the old world systems of control on a much larger scale.
Tuning into this process, it feels like a deep inhale of life, a soft exhale, transmuting death and decay into "compost" for new life, but on a much grander, slower scale than human breathing.
Expect more physical instability on every level.
We are entering the cycles of destruction, ripe for a rebirth. In the new world, the archaic systems cannot exist.
This might appear as if the world is going crazy, but it is indeed a beautiful thing....if you understand what is happening.
For many humans, they will look at this process over the next few years as the "end times"...and they are.
Marching in lockstep with this physical activation will be much deeper levels of energy accessible to everyone. As we are shown frantic emotional instability, there will be a schism as those looking to better themselves and those running the mind virus program will start becoming physically obvious.
As deeper levels of multidimensional knowing vibrate through the planet, incredible experiences, miracles, etheric contact and physical youthening will become the every day norm, while those stuck in the program will devolve into pure reaction, losing the ability to respond.
This will stretch to opposite ends of the extreme until the physical polarities flash into unity consciousness, expanding through both sides of light and dark, fully integrating the shadow...thus allowing us to take the helm of the collective vehicle and point it in the direction of true human nature.
Benevolence, wisdom, connection, kindness, excitement, joy and love.
These energies are accessible to anyone, but the negative programs of fear, control and domination have been the majority, thus making a neutral consciousness slide into that space, making the positive energies in life a chore that has to be worked for, instead of naturally aligned.
This will sweep through the planet until the major activation that many know as the Event, or the Golden Age of Mankind, which is not something happening to us, but being created by us as we expand into the deeper levels of awareness, and more importantly, clear them.
What you can do:
Recognize that the thoughts in your head that speak in words are the tiniest percentage of true thought, floating on the surface like a sheet of oil on water.
In order to go deeper, we have to surrender the iron control the brain has over the body and this is much easier than many realize.
Stop trying to control the sensations by directing them from the brain. Instead, start to study the internal sensations outside of the brain, the breathing being the easiest to tune into.
As you inhale, your ribcage stretches the intercostal muscles, the abdomen extends, the shoulders rise and fall and the elastic skin barrier, with billions of nerve endings, gently glides underneath the clothing.
Sit in stillness, deep breathing while paying attention to these sensations, allowing the words to echo in the background, but fully immersing the attention into the body.
This activates the bioelectric flow out of the rigid control of the brain and into the body-brain, where we have trauma, tension and pain echoing inside of the muscle memory.
This is similar to "words" trapped in the brain, but a feeling trapped inside of muscles that then create the thought loops powered by those negative emotions stuck in the fascia.
By bringing your awareness to this level, you open the doorway to allow them to transmute.
Once you feel this space deeply, put a gentle smile on your face and begin to pull that feeling into the activated body, using the exhale to drain anything that does not feel this way into the Earth, transmuting trauma in the fires of Gaia.
This simple, yet profound awareness begins to peel back the internal layers of awareness, allowing the soul to expand beyond the barriers of the body, into our reality at large, where we can shift anything that is not moving.
Life on Earth is evolving. It will never be the same again. As we go through these cycles of destruction in order to reach the rebirth, hold space for those who do not know how to activate on these levels.
Your service is literally divine. This is why you are here Old Soul. This is why you incarnated Starseed.
This ride is going to be amazing
The Earth is preparing for a massive etheric upgrade, affecting closed off genetic programs and traumas that have lead to the situations we are seeing in front of us now.
Under the surface of wild emotional swings and refusal to integrate facts and truth into personal belief systems, lies a core wounding that doesn't allow many on this planet to fully embody themselves.
Full embodiment is simply being fully aware of every level that you exist in while in a physical body, whether this is social, physical, energetic, collective or emotional.
Because we have been trained into operating with the brain at the control, direct focus has to be placed on whatever "issue" comes up in order to understand it.
This is very similar to having a flashlight in the darkest night. In order to "see", the flashlight must be pointed at whatever is needing to be observed instead of having a lantern shining in every direction at once.
This system of direct focus is exactly how sleight-of-hand magicians and pickpockets distract from what is actually happening. They guide the "flashlight" into what they want observed while working quickly and efficiently behind that awareness to steal or astound.
The singular focus is a symptom of being trapped inside of the brain where we have to translate all our emotions and energies into words and concepts in order to communicate with everyone else trapped inside of this mind virus.
The system of trauma wounding is very similar to the layers of an onion. Without the deeper awareness, the only thing "seen" is the outer layer where collectively, loss, mistrust, fear and pain echo through this field due to thousands of years of warfare, domination and control.
We are already seeing this layer being peeled back, exposing worldwide lies, corruption and greed on a scale unprecedented in human history.
No longer are the "conspiracy theories" conspiracy. Many of these "theories" have not only been proven true, but many of the people who have perpetrated these systems are being prosecuted and put in jail around the world.
This is only the first step in this unveiling.
It might seem like we are in the wildest times in human history, but it is only going to get wilder.
Gaia is prepping for a fundamental shift of monumental proportions, activating the "chakra centers" and "meridians" of her physical body.
Many of the earthquakes and volcano eruptions are "pressure release valves" of the traumatic, blocked energy that have not been accessible to the light for aeons.
As Gaia shifts and grows her consciousness back into being awake and aware, we will be seeing the collapse of the old world systems of control on a much larger scale.
Tuning into this process, it feels like a deep inhale of life, a soft exhale, transmuting death and decay into "compost" for new life, but on a much grander, slower scale than human breathing.
Expect more physical instability on every level.
We are entering the cycles of destruction, ripe for a rebirth. In the new world, the archaic systems cannot exist.
This might appear as if the world is going crazy, but it is indeed a beautiful thing....if you understand what is happening.
For many humans, they will look at this process over the next few years as the "end times"...and they are.
Marching in lockstep with this physical activation will be much deeper levels of energy accessible to everyone. As we are shown frantic emotional instability, there will be a schism as those looking to better themselves and those running the mind virus program will start becoming physically obvious.
As deeper levels of multidimensional knowing vibrate through the planet, incredible experiences, miracles, etheric contact and physical youthening will become the every day norm, while those stuck in the program will devolve into pure reaction, losing the ability to respond.
This will stretch to opposite ends of the extreme until the physical polarities flash into unity consciousness, expanding through both sides of light and dark, fully integrating the shadow...thus allowing us to take the helm of the collective vehicle and point it in the direction of true human nature.
Benevolence, wisdom, connection, kindness, excitement, joy and love.
These energies are accessible to anyone, but the negative programs of fear, control and domination have been the majority, thus making a neutral consciousness slide into that space, making the positive energies in life a chore that has to be worked for, instead of naturally aligned.
This will sweep through the planet until the major activation that many know as the Event, or the Golden Age of Mankind, which is not something happening to us, but being created by us as we expand into the deeper levels of awareness, and more importantly, clear them.
What you can do:
Recognize that the thoughts in your head that speak in words are the tiniest percentage of true thought, floating on the surface like a sheet of oil on water.
In order to go deeper, we have to surrender the iron control the brain has over the body and this is much easier than many realize.
Stop trying to control the sensations by directing them from the brain. Instead, start to study the internal sensations outside of the brain, the breathing being the easiest to tune into.
As you inhale, your ribcage stretches the intercostal muscles, the abdomen extends, the shoulders rise and fall and the elastic skin barrier, with billions of nerve endings, gently glides underneath the clothing.
Sit in stillness, deep breathing while paying attention to these sensations, allowing the words to echo in the background, but fully immersing the attention into the body.
This activates the bioelectric flow out of the rigid control of the brain and into the body-brain, where we have trauma, tension and pain echoing inside of the muscle memory.
This is similar to "words" trapped in the brain, but a feeling trapped inside of muscles that then create the thought loops powered by those negative emotions stuck in the fascia.
By bringing your awareness to this level, you open the doorway to allow them to transmute.
Once you feel this space deeply, put a gentle smile on your face and begin to pull that feeling into the activated body, using the exhale to drain anything that does not feel this way into the Earth, transmuting trauma in the fires of Gaia.
This simple, yet profound awareness begins to peel back the internal layers of awareness, allowing the soul to expand beyond the barriers of the body, into our reality at large, where we can shift anything that is not moving.
Life on Earth is evolving. It will never be the same again. As we go through these cycles of destruction in order to reach the rebirth, hold space for those who do not know how to activate on these levels.
Your service is literally divine. This is why you are here Old Soul. This is why you incarnated Starseed.
This ride is going to be amazing

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