Fear is Not a Choice

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s December 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at
BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Your only role is building your future structure. Those following are likely angry or upset about the chaos. That’s your indication they’re no longer under the spell of the earth bullies. Those who wish to remain of 3D continue to be media darlings. The remainder of earth beings are no longer of 3D or quickly moving out of it.
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Even though the earth is no longer in the throes of fear, the media continues to promote that it is. There will be no war – at least, in the form you now fear. For these final days of the earth’s fear are like the last gasps of a supervillain who can no longer do harm.
Despite that knowledge, that supervillain’s actions will likely radiate fear before relief and joy. For that 3D fear needs to be processed a bit before it expires. So for the first few minutes or even days, you crouch in fear whenever you hear an unusual noise and quiver when the telephone rings. Not because you know that supervillain is outside your door, but because you are so used to functioning in fear. It will take a bit of time for you to know, without an inner fear, that the war between heaviness and joy is over.
The same is not necessarily true for those who wish to continue with their 3D lives. Those of you who have crossed into the light are no longer of that fear grouping. So it is you have shades of fear when you hear the latest destructive view or action fearing the worst despite your inner knowledge that the worst is no longer part of your life, that the boogeyman is not hiding under your bed.
Listen to the media screams of fear and terror if you wish. But know that such information is no longer part of any earthly being who has decided to shift from 3D. It is over. Your life and that of the millions who no longer wish to be of 3D are turning to joy.
Again, we must reiterate that those who wish to be of 3D for whatever reason, will continue to live in fear. That is neither here nor there for you. Your fear days are behind you. Your fear door has slammed shut. Even if you try to revisit those fears, you will never again achieve the level of fear you lived day in and day out throughout your 3D lives.
You will soon begin to see and sense the divide between those opting for fear and you. Even though you will notice the media and political cries of fear and destruction, you will continue with your life, knowing that such destruction will not impact you as was once expected. For you have cleared those 3D fear pieces.
Every one of your earth lives added to your 3D fears until someone merely had to tap into one of your minor fears for you to blossom into 24-hours of fear. “If they do this, then this will happen to me because…” So it is you will note the fear of others. But because you are starting from fear ground zero, your thoughts will be something like, “This is so sad. I hope no one is injured or in fear, but it is no longer within me to feel fear.”
Perhaps such a concept seems cold-hearted. It is not. Before you transitioned into the light, you needed to erase those eons of fearful memories. The memories that encouraged, even forced you to remember how terrible earth life could be even when it did not impact you. Such was so because your past life memories reminded you of similar happenings to you or when you generated fear in others. So even when it happened to others, your memory experienced it over and over again.
Now that your memory bank is cleared, you might note the fear news, but you will not be sucked into your fear memories. Doing so only adds to the earth’s fear until all joy is removed, allowing fear after fear to blossom – either real or remembered.
Your role during this seeming time of crisis is not to worry or fear, but instead to imagine your world as one of peace, love, and joy. The earth does not need more fear thoughts. Thoughts that have inundated earth for eons. The earth shifted, and so have you – from fear to joy. So it is that thoughts of joy will not only radiate peace and love in your personal life, they will radiate throughout the earth.
Your joy road has been paved for an easy ride. How silly of any of you to ignore joy’s paved straight road for the rocky, cliff-hanging, trail of fear you have transversed for eons.
Take the easy road, and you will be in joy. Continue on the rocky road, and your being will stop any forward movement. For no matter how much you might want to consciously fear for the world or others, that is no longer your role. Allow others to find the easy path by following you.
Nothing will be gained by you or others traveling in fear.
In truth, you can no longer even travel in fear. That road, that world is no more for you and all those who no longer wish to be of 3D. So be it. Amen.
“You’ve Become a Universal Hybrid” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestryCreations.com.
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