Sunday, August 26, 2018

To Q or not to Q, is entirely up to you! 😮 🍿🍿🍿

It's a lovely day and I am short on time, so I will post links to the thread readers and twitter on this Q phenomena… I fee even if is turns out to be a Psyop, it will have served a great purpose. Use discernment.  Click through to access articles linked in thread. ~PB

Thread by @prayingmedic: "1) This thread showcases articles from professional writers who have investigated and have found, through their own research, that the Q phenomenon is worth looking into […]" #Qanon

Profile picturePraying Medic ‏ @prayingmedicAug 9 1) This thread showcases articles from professional writers who have investigated #Qanon and have found, through their own research, that the Q phenomenon is worth looking into.

(or view direct twitter thread link)

On the other hand, some say it's just a Psyop...yet those of us that know of the machinations of the Cabal/Deep State for decades now find Q only confirms things we already knew, and gives us an updated version of Truth we were aware of long ago from other well-respected sources.

I do respect Suzy Dawson, but feel her "proof" is more of an opinion which lacks the multidimensional depth perception and awakened spiritual perspective of people like Cobra and David Wilcock, who have spoken of the insidious nature of the Cabal long, long before Q emerged. ~PB

"THREAD: After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to yo […]" #QAnon #JTRIG #CSAinquiry #DNCLeaks
Profile picture Suzie Dawson @Suzi3D

After more than 6 months of watching people get scammed by the #QAnon phenomena, I'm going to make the below thread to explain to you exactly why it is an intelligence agency-backed psyop, what techniques are being used, and why you need to stop people falling for it....[…]
Thread Guide:
1: #QAnon: Pied Piper op
2. Phase 1: Establishing credibility
3. Phase 2: Making it spiritual
4. Phase 3: Shifting Targets
5. Methodologies
6. Indicators
7. Answering questions
8. Snowden revelations
9. Finish
Thank you for reading!

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