Friday, August 24, 2018

Shanta Gabriel: You are not Alone in this New Time of Co-Creation

You are not Alone in this New Time of Co-Creation

Dear Ones,

We are still in the last of the 11:11 portal relishing the new sense of Equanimity after so much upheaval visited in the recent triple eclipse cycle. The Archangels are here to help you co-create this time for grounding a new system for living, new rhythms and a personal routine that will help you integrate all that has happened recently. From now on your movement is into unknown, and very new territory.

There have been many shifts and changes within you during this past six weeks or so. Reference points have changed and the vibrations on the Earth have also shifted. The new is integrating on an inner level not yet experienced.

This in between time has greater value than it may appear. It is a time of integration. We are encouraging you to look at your accomplishments from this year, and mark what you have completed. What did you set into motion this year? What seeds did you plant that are now ready to harvest? As you know the Archangels stand in the gateway of the 11:11, adding more Hope and Courage, marking the pillars that allow you to pass through to your new life with more faith.

It is a time for Radical Trust. Offer any fears to the Angels of Light and walk through the gateway trusting in the new Soul’s path that is before you. As you notice what has transpired throughout this year, it helps you to integrate and begin to move forward. Embrace the new ideas and let creativity blossom within you. It will be called forth to express in ways you have yet to experience.

Any place of obstacles, pray for Creative Solutions and let yourself expand. You will be testing your new foundations and anchoring the flexible structures that you have created for your personal world.

You may set forth the parameters for the experiences you are willing to embrace as you complete this year. You have choices. Let Balance settle within you and recognize the new more centered responses you have for participating in life.

Call forth new relationships. People who are part of your Soul Community are gathering now. You may consider new collaborations that allow you to create in more bountiful ways.

Free yourself from doubts and fear that may sabotage your forward movement. Don’t be afraid to try new things and be willing to participate in life with renewed enthusiasm. You are gaining a foothold in those aspects you have been calling into your life. They are anchoring within you as you integrate the year.

Explore the Hidden Mysteries of Hope

In the world of 3D you have lost respect for the concept of hope
considering it empty and ineffective. However, in the more expansive frequencies of the 5th Dimension, you are able to perceive that Hope has become a key principal in co-creating a new reality.

Hope contains seeds of Divinity that hold the blueprint you require as a foundational structure for life.

Through the power of group spiritual practice, you are able to magnify the quantum fields of pure potential and anchor a new foundation for Hope into the world that hungers for more Balance and Wellbeing.

We are also participating in this creative time with you. Heaven is buzzing with the heightened frequencies. The Archangels are here to support and help you to co-create a new reality. Let yourself share in the magic. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 23, 2018

Join us for the Equinox Anusthan

One of the best ways to integrate what has transpired and prepare for embracing the new foundations for life is to participate in a group spiritual practice. As always, working together in a group is more powerful than doing spiritual practice on your own.

Consider joining our group spiritual practice to celebrate the Balance the Earth we will experience on the Equinox, September 21. A dedicated 7-day practice is being initiated now that will begin on September 8.

For more information and to register, go to this link.

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