Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Akashic Records of August 2018 by Jen Eramith (an excerpt from the Monthly Message)

"The energy this month swings back and forth – and sometimes swings in all directions. If you remember the metaphor for July as a tornado or hurricane spinning around, now you have a broken sign swinging from its post in the remnant wind from the storm. The potential for the month will feel as if you are swinging, and with every swing you face a new direction. Your outlook will change moment by moment.

The changes you experience this month will be erratic and it may be difficult to find a sense of rhythm or to establish your pace. You will find that time seems to go quickly and then suddenly very slowly. You will find that optimism comes easily and then suddenly you are in despair. Productivity will come and go and it will not happen in a rhythmic way that you can rely upon. You will need to be adaptable. Work with what comes up rather than setting expectations or trying to force things to be different than they are. You will find some days are incredibly productive, light, easy, and fun. You will find other days will be very difficult, slow, and sluggish. You will find one day a certain person will be fun to be around and then the next day they will be difficult. You will find yourself changing moods quite rapidly and you will find other people doing the same. So be adaptable. Do not waste time by trying to make things different than they are.

As you go through the enlightenment process, this month offers a golden opportunity for you to explore how to adjust to rapid change. This will include learning how better to read your environment, to sense the truth of what is present for you in the moment, and then work with it rather than pretending it is not there or trying to force it to be something that it is not. If you can do these things, the swinging motion of the month can offer quite a fun ride. If you continue to try to make things something other than what they truly are, then you will find yourselves feeling disoriented, frustrated, and maybe even scared. You cannot afford to be in denial. The world is changing rapidly, and you are called to participate in making the world more filled with love than ever before. You must face this work, roll up your sleeves, and engage as the changes occur. Do not wait for things to slow down or become easy before you participate.The sense of disorientation will appear in both in your personal lives and in the collective world. You will see that it will be difficult, even impossible, to choose a path and move forward with it. As soon as you get your bearings and take a step forward, everything will change. You will come around a new corner and everything will look different.

The primary thing that will serve you this month is to be as adaptable as you possibly can. Change, then look again and change again, then look again and change again, and so forth. This is an opportunity for you to practice being on an accelerated enlightenment path. The ability to change without losing your sense of self is central to being an enlightened being. This is like a master class in exploring how to change without being attached to things staying the way you thought they should be, and yet to retain a sense of self to continually come back to who you truly are, what you truly believe, what is really most important to you. You must continually return to those things over and over again without becoming defensive, reactionary, angry, or bitter. Seek to find a sense of elegance and grace as you spin around and around..."

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