Saturday, August 25, 2018

Benjamin Fulford — August 20th 2018: Issues Simmering Over the Summer May Lead to War in the Autumn

Be sure to read the SITS comments at the end. I am starting to lose interest in posting all the ugly things that happening in the world. Important to know in this time of censorship, however ~PB

Benjamin Fulford — August 20th 2018: Issues Simmering Over the Summer May Lead to War in the Autumn

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update here is a portion of his report.
This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Thursday.
Added links below.
Updated with the complete newsletter.
SourceBenjamin Fulford
by Benjamin Fulford, August 20th, 2018

Several issues could trigger a brief, sharp war inside the U.S., in the Middle East, and possibly even in Japan this autumn, multiple sources agree.  The key issue remains 9/11, a mass-murder event that remains unpunished and officially unacknowledged to this day.  The 9/11 war crime was used as an excuse for the mass murder of Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan, and other peoples.  Furthermore, if you dig deeper, it ties into the Kennedy assassinations of the 1960’s, the murder of Martin Luther King, as well as the December 26, 2004 and March 11, 2011 human-induced tsunami mass-murder attacks among many other crimes against humanity.

It is interesting to note, by the way, that the 350 or so corporate publications that last week simultaneously put out editorials calling for freedom of the press have not dared to write the truth about any of these crimes against humanity.  That’s because they are mostly owned by the people who carried out these crimes—the Khazarian mafia.

When is The New York Times and the rest of the corporate propaganda media going to write that it was the Zionist neo-cons who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks?  When are they going to write about what was in all the Kennedy assassination documents that were recently released?  Why don’t they write that it was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, working under orders from his Khazarian Rothschild masters etc., who ordered the Kennedy assassinations?  Why don’t they report the truth like they are supposed to?

The complicity in crimes against humanity by these media outlets, controlled by six Khazarian conglomerates, means they are enemies of the people and need to be occupied by military police and forced to write the truth.

The truth, as readers of this newsletter know, is that the Khazarian faction of the Western establishment carried out these and countless other war crimes to remain in control of the world’s financial system and thus true world power.  As a member of the British royal family once told me, “They are not going to go quietly into the night.”  In other words, it is going to take all-out war to remove these criminals.

A lot of people think U.S. President Donald Trump is going to be the man to end Khazarian rule and tell people the truth.  Well, so far, since being elected, he has not said anything about 9/11, Fukushima, or other war crimes.  You can also confirm through open source news articles that, as a businessman, he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt.

Of course, Trump would never have been allowed to run for President if he was not controlled through the usual combination of bribery and blackmail.  However, even then Trump was scripted to lose the election.  It was patriots in the military and the ABC agencies who decided he was the lesser of two evils and used Special Forces to break into the computer centers (like the one under Denver Airport) that were being used to steal the election for Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller).

Also, thanks to the military backers of the Trump regime, enough U.S. officials involved in crimes against humanity have now been removed from power for the next phase of the revolution to begin, Pentagon sources say.  The sources say that starting this autumn the close to 50,000 sealed indictments in the U.S. will finally be acted upon, and “among the first to be unsealed may be [former CIA director] John Brennan,” Pentagon sources say.  In fact, the sources say, “They are getting unsealed after the August 7 primaries, and Hillary Clinton and John Podesta may have been Gitmo’ed.”  In other words, they may have already been transferred to the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The fact that 60 former intelligence officials have protested the removal of Brennan’s security clearance is a good sign they know they will join their former masters in prison if things continue as they are.  “Trump revoked Brennan’s security clearance, and he may do the same to his deep state supporters,” Pentagon sources say.  The removal of security clearance is a preliminary to arrests, other sources add.

Also, “In a blunt threat to troll the cabal, Trump increased the budget for [the planned] military parade from $12M to $92M or by 666%, and by cancelling it he may use it for military tribunals,” the Pentagon sources say.

The sources also say, “The defeated cabal may have pressured the Pope to oppose the death penalty as a Hail Mary, but this won’t save them from the gallows, suicides, or extrajudicial actions.”

Also, the sources say, “The guns of August have been fired when the cabal’s Indonesian underwater base was nuked in a 7.0 quake north of Lombok.”  The seismographs of this August 9th earthquake, along with ones from August 16th in Alaska and near Tokyo, bear hallmark signs (a sudden explosion with no gradual buildup) of artificial quakes.

In fact, Pentagon sources confirm, “The cabal underground base in northern Alaska was destroyed with a 6.4 magnitude quake on August 12th.”

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

Furthermore, the sources state:  “The submarine that tried to nuke Trump’s Air Force One jet while flying to Singapore in June, and its home on Ketron Island, was destroyed on August 10 by F15’s and a plane ‘stolen’ from Seattle airport.”

These moves by the U.S. military are certain to trigger cabal counter-moves.  In this context, it is interesting to note that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French slave president Emmanuel Macron, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may have had a secret meeting in early August.  Both Merkel and Macron were no-shows for expected appearances then, and Trudeau was detained by the U.S. military “for plotting to whack Trump in Ohio,” Pentagon sources claim.

Other U.S. intelligence sources also say Trudeau’s plane was intercepted by U.S. fighters and forced to land.  However, Trudeau’s press office refused to either confirm or deny this and Trudeau later appeared in public, so he may have been detained and then released as part of the ongoing power struggle at the top of the Western establishment.

Senior sources in the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service admit they have been cut off from communications with their counterparts in the U.S. and that the “U.S. government appears to be dysfunctional.”  However, they say communications with the Anglo-Saxon “Five Eyes” intelligence gathering system continues to work well.  They also confirm there is an undeclared civil war in the Western establishment.

This was visible in the recent spat between Canada and Saudi Arabia.  This spat was supposedly caused by Saudi reaction to a Canadian Embassy tweet condemning the arrest of Saudi female activists.

However, the fact that the U.S. refused to take Canada’s side in this dispute shows this fight is really about oil, and not human rights.  The Canadians have been promoting their oil and other energy exports to the U.S. and Asia as a friendly, reliable alternative to radical fundamentalist Saudi Arabia.  Since U.S. oil oligarchs make much of their money by pumping oil in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States for about $1 dollar a barrel and then selling it for over $50 a barrel, the last thing they want is for that license to print money to be taken over by Canadian oil companies that are not controlled by them.

For example, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is funding protesters against the construction of Canadian pipelines meant for exporting oil the U.S. and Asia, Canadian government officials confirm.

Thus, there is a real fight going on between the Canadians and U.S. oligarchs on the oil front.  This may be why efforts are being made to implicate Trudeau in the ongoing arrests and exposure of pedophiles.  In this context, it is interesting to note that a close childhood friend of Trudeau’s was arrested on pedophilia charges recently.

Also, Trudeau has not helped his case by participating in public demonstrations in support of sodomy.  As his father famously put it, “Government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.”  Sodomy is something that should be decided in bedrooms and in private (or in pornography), but certainly is not something a sitting prime minister should be actively promoting.

As the ongoing arrests and exposures of high-profile pedophiles continue, we should find out soon if Trudeau is among the many Western leaders who have been compromised and blackmailed through sexual crimes.

On this front, the campaign to end sexual exploitation of children is unfolding quickly.  The U.S. Justice Department has announced the arrest of thousands of pedophiles.

Also, the Catholic Church has removed thousands of pedophile priests worldwide, most recently in Pennsylvania and Chile.

Furthermore, the arrest of thousands of lower-level pedophiles in the U.S. has now begun to snare big names, especially in Hollywood.  Here is the latest from Pentagon sources on this subject:  “Hollywood was shaken to its core as CBS titan Les Moonves may soon be fired for being a sex predator.”  Also, “More pedo revelations may take down Hollywood bigshots like Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Hanks,” they say.

Removing criminals from the Western establishment is part of the battle for a new financial system that will heat up this autumn.

SITS General Comment on Fulford Reports

I decided to add this general comment to all Fulford reports since I frequently receive the same questions about them.

In response to many questions and comments I receive from people wondering why I share these reports, I offer the following.

Speaking as someone who has been following Fulford’s reports since 2011, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. That is to say, he seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface.

The predictions and statements Fulford makes sometimes are highly accurate, whereas, in other instances, they are completely unfounded. Instead of looking to Fulford as one who is “tapped into” some greater truth, it would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.

This of course extends to all sources of information. Fulford, like all of us, is only human, and can make mistakes. But that doesn’t detract from the work he has done to spread awareness and move things forward to a brighter future for humanity.

Discernment is the process of understanding what something is, which in Fulford’s case, means entertaining his reports without believing them blindly, and then doing the follow-up research/fact checking to determine what actually happened. In this way, it is a real-time discernment exercise.

The fact that so many people continue to read his reports despite their sensational and wildly inaccurate nature at times—while also being accurate and poignant—means the people he receives information from are probably using him as a mouthpiece to speak to you—the reader who is on their awakening path. As such, blind belief or callous rejection are not our allies but critical thinking and open-mindedness are.

As I have said before, if he is serving as a mouthpiece for various groups working to change the status quo or agents within the Cabal, we can decipher the data as if it is a form of awakening propaganda—information that certain players want to expose the masses to. What effect this has on your personal process is largely up to you. But I would suggest taking an active role in discernment and not falling into the trap of total acceptance or rejection.

[The preceding text was the full update from Benjamin Fulford for this week]
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