Your weekly guide to planetary influences
September 7 to 13, 2020
by Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
MON: Mercury quincunx Ceres
TUE: Venus quincunx Ceres
WED: Sun trine Jupiter, Mars stations retrograde 3:22 p.m. PDT
THU: Mercury opposite Chiron
FRI: Sun opposite Neptune
SAT: Mercury quincunx Uranus, Jupiter stations direct 5:40 p.m. PDT
SUN: Venus trine Chiron, Mars opposite Juno
being not quite anchored to the Earth plane has been very strong this
past week. It began in the days leading up to the Pisces Full Moon, was
especially noticeable starting a night or two before, and has been
lingering since. It's as if we
are lifting up dimensionally, while a part of our awareness still
interacts with physical reality. Depending on our intention, we can get
tasks done, or we can simply float aloft in a semi-altered state.
all the deep changes underway in the physical realms, we might call
this "floating" a psychological response to stress, perhaps the
result of a deep desire to rise above the chaos in some way. But, in
truth, we are becoming less tethered to this reality, or at least to
reality as we once defined it. This allows us to be more open to our
awareness, and more in tune with our Soul.
sense of being somewhat untethered, of transcending the limitations of
the physical plane, is a characteristic of the sign Pisces and the
planet Neptune. Astrologically, it makes sense that we would have such
an experience with last week's Pisces Full Moon – and yet, we have a
Full Moon in Pisces every year around this time, and most people I've
talked with agree that this year it was especially profound.
this year, in astrological terms? In part, at least, we can credit
Pluto's transit of Capricorn. Pluto is the Great Renovator, and is
powerfully supported in 2020 by both Saturn and Jupiter. These three,
working together in Capricorn, are in the process of dismantling the
foundations of our reality that are not sound, that have been
undermining our evolutionary progress.
rules the frameworks of our third-dimensional reality that provide us
with stability, order, and consistency. Social constructs, governments,
and businesses are ruled by Capricorn. It's not hard to see Pluto's hand
in the disassembly process currently underway, especially as more and
more rotted foundations are being
is also ruled by Capricorn. Like the other items on the list, time
provides us with a sense of order and sequence. But, through the months
of lockdown, many of us have begun to lose track of time. Yesterday
blends into today, day blends into night, and tomorrow is just a concept
held in place by a calendar page.
is in this condition of timelessness that events like last week's
Pisces Full Moon – and this week's Sun-Neptune opposition – can have
even greater impact. If we have already let go of some of the ropes
(time, routine, concrete goals) that tie us to physical reality, we
become more open to subtle influences, and our awareness can float
between worlds
more easily.
There may be method to this madness, after all.
THE PLANET MARS goes retrograde
this week. The Warrior Planet is especially strong right now, being
in its home sign of Aries. Normally, Mars moves through a sign in about
six weeks –
but this year,
because of going retrograde, it will be in Aries for an incredible six
months. Throughout this time, we will see an emphasis on the fiery side
of Mars' nature, with an increase in self-assertiveness, individualism,
and impatience. People are likely to react without thinking first, and
deep rage can come readily to the surface.
seen a lot of fiery manifestations since Mars entered Aries on June 27.
The planet has left a trail of embers in its wake, sometimes literally.
Now, as Mars begins to move backward, we will be going back over the
terrain we recently traversed, so that we might pick up the pieces and
gain greater clarity about all that has occurred.
MARS will
go direct on November 13 (the day after the final Jupiter-Pluto
alignment). According to astrological wisdom, we can best use these next
two months to consider our plan of action, but not to implement it as
yet. If we run into frustrations and roadblocks, it is in indication
that our energy is not yet aligned with our higher
intentions. Delays that occur give us the opportunity to finish up old
business that would otherwise interfere with our ability to manifest our
will be very important to find ways to vent anger during this time.
When a planet goes retrograde, it actually is closer to the Earth than
at other times, so we are more susceptible to its influence. Irritations
and anger that are suppressed must find outlet in some way – and
to avoid lashing out at unsuspecting others or stubbing our toe for the
umpteenth time, we will want to be very conscious of how we handle this
dynamic energy.
HERE are the planetary influences we'll be working with over the coming week, day by day:
- Yod involving Mercury, Venus, and Ceres: Focus
on giving and receiving nurturing. Be aware of tendencies to play
either martyr or victim. Learn to ask for what you need, and to listen
to what others are truly saying. Ask for clarity, and be clear yourself.
Understand when it is healthy to nurture others and when you need to
focus on self-care.
- Sun trine Jupiter:
Optimism, feeling like we can get things done and make progress. Since
this aspect taps into Friday's Sun-Neptune influence, we may feel
lightheaded already.
- Mars goes retrograde at 3:22 p.m. PDT: See earlier paragraphs.
- Mercury opposite Chiron: Some
lack of confidence in our ability to verbalize our thoughts, a tendency
to second-guess our ideas. Time to support the aspect of ourselves that
feels overwhelmed and out of balance with so much going on.
- Sun opposite Neptune: A
day to go with the flow, to meditate, write inspired poetry, listen to
your inner muse. The other-worldly sensation is strong again. Surround
yourself with celestial light, call in your guides, keep a dream journal
- Mercury quincunx Uranus: Communications
and plans disrupted. New insights are possible if we are willing to
adjust our perspective and let go of preconceptions.
- Jupiter stations direct at 5:40 p.m. PDT: Jupiter
has been retrograde since May 14. Over these past four months, we have
been called to reevaluate our beliefs and any dogmas by which we have
been living. Old judgmental or self-righteous tendencies have been
challenged. As Jupiter goes direct, it is time to move forward with a
broader vision of what is possible. Jupiter is sextile
Neptune when it stations, enhancing opportunities for spiritual and
creative visions.
- Venus trine Chiron: An opportunity to heal relationships, as hearts open in greater understanding of each other's personal needs.
- Mars opposite Juno: But,
angers can also arise in partnerships, if we have a history of putting
our own needs on the back burner so that we can maintain a semblance of
harmony. This aspect requires that we look at our true motivations and
desires, and keep our interactions
year, there is a softening of your need to have it all figured out. You
are learning to trust your intuition and the cosmic plan. Along the
way, old values are being challenged. As a result, you may find that
certain relationships and even
your means of earning a living no longer feel quite "right," and must be
altered in some way. As you tune in to your higher knowing, practical
solutions make themselves known, and you are supported in making
significant advancements. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, trine Pallas Athene, trine Jupiter, opposite Neptune, trine Pluto)
NorthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights

Your weekly guide to planetary influences
August 31 to September 6, 2020
by Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. MON: Sun quincunx Chiron, Venus square Eris
TUE: Mercury trine Pluto, Full Moon 10:21 p.m. PDT
WED: Venus opposite Saturn, Sun trine Uranus, Sun sesquiquadrate Saturn, Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus
THU: Mercury trine Saturn
FRI: Venus square Mars, Mercury quincunx Mars, Mercury sextile Venus, Sun sesquiquadrate Mars
SAT: Mercury enters Libra
SUN: Venus enters Leo
both deepened and heightened this week. If we can rise above personal
concerns and are open to the experience, we have the potential for new
expansions in self-awareness and in our knowing of our spiritual
connections and creative
Here's how things unfold astrologically this week, day by day:
Monday, August 31
may feel more vulnerable and self-protective as August winds to a
close. It's hard to stay objective with two hard aspects in
effect. Prevailing over the morning hours, an overly critical Sun-Chiron quincunx can revive old insecurities and trigger anger over not having our needs met. As always with Chiron, solutions lie in going
inward, loving and comforting the part of us that feels inadequate or undeserving.
Throughout the day, we will be dealing with a touchy Venus-Eris square that can easily
send us into fight-or-flight mode if we take things too personally.
(This aspect builds on the tension of a Venus-Pluto opposition that was
exact on Sunday, August 30.) With Venus in Cancer, we will benefit from
taking our cue from the Crab, which can move off sideways, away from the
perceived threat, to gain greater objectivity before returning to
address the issue.
Tuesday, September 1
Mercury is trine Pluto
today, providing insights into the deeper transformations that are
currently underway. Words are extra powerful when Mercury and Pluto
interact, so be very conscious of how you articulate your thoughts. With
both planets in earth signs, this energy can help us devise practical
solutions to knotty problems. This can
also be a day when information that has been hidden is revealed,
altering our perspective.
The Full Moon,
our headline event of the week, reaches its pinnacle at 10:21 p.m. PDT
on Tuesday (5:21 a.m. GMT on Wednesday). The lunation perfects when the
Moon is at 10°12′ Pisces, exactly opposite the Sun at the same degree of
Pisces Full Moon is designed to expand our spiritual awareness, and to
help us connect more consciously with our creative muse. It invites us
to spend time in meditation, to open our hearts in compassion and
understanding, and to access higher guidance. But, because the Sun is in
down-to-earth Virgo, we can also ground our experience and bring it
into the
"real world," rather than having it fade like a dream upon awakening.
Moon partakes of the energies of two fixed stars for this lunation,
being situated at the midpoint of Delta Aquarii and Lambda Aquarii. What
can we expect with these stars being activated? Here are some insights
from The Magic of the Stars, by Roderick Kidston:
- Delta Aquarii:
"There is a strong spiritual tradition associated with this star, and
it is lucky for any truth-seeker, including scholars and mystics. It
grants psychic potential and a lot of positive energy when well
mobilized. The crucial issue here is how focused your wishes are. If
they are too vague or changeable, it will be hard to get the
diamond-point clarity which is one of the aims of higher meditation
- Lambda Aquarii:
"There is a gift for understanding the currents of life and for moving
in swift, supple alignment with whatever direction suits your flow. Be
careful of self-absorption, which focuses the nobler instincts of this
star inwardly and personally, resulting in a 'failure to launch' and
giving rise to
Adding to the positive potentials of this Full Moon, the planet Uranus is at 10°33′ Taurus, placing it in
very tight aspect with both the Moon (sextile) and the Sun (trine).
Although the forces of change are always engaged with Uranus, these are
harmonious aspects, which help us to be flexible and to adapt.
since Uranus represents Higher Consciousness, its involvement in this
already high-vibrational Full Moon is especially exciting. If possible,
set aside some time Tuesday night or Wednesday morning to meditate and
take advantage of the new openings in the cosmic veil. Be ready to fly!
Wednesday, September 2
There's a bit of coming down to earth with a thud on Wednesday, as both Venus and the Sun are in hard aspect to Saturn.
We may be feeling the burden of current circumstances, and the amount
of work that needs to be done. In our relationships, we may feel that
we're not living up to another's expectations, or may realize that we
are not in sync with another person's values. This aspect is a reality
check financially as well, as we come to terms with what is and isn't
possible in our current circumstances.
This is also a day to remain flexible and open to change, qualities that are enhanced by the exact Sun-Uranus trine. But with Mercury in hard aspect to Uranus,
some of what we learn, read, or hear today is unsettling. Find ways to
release the energy of worry or anxiety, perhaps through breathing deeply
or focusing on getting
small tasks done.
Thursday, September 3
Today's practical Mercury-Saturn trine
helps us put everything into better perspective. This aspect helps us
plan and think clearly and realistically. It also can help us verbalize
our intentions and to feel more confident in our ability to achieve our
Friday, September 4
There's a clash of wills on Friday that does not resolve easily. Venus, Mercury, and the Sun are all in hard aspect to Mars.
People are easily irritated and defensive, and it appears that everyone
is at odds with each other. We'll need to be careful not to project our
inner frustrations onto relationships. The one saving grace is a
Mercury-Venus sextile that can help us verbalize our
thoughts and feelings, if we can get beyond the Mars adrenalin rush and
are willing to be vulnerable.
Saturday & Sunday, September 5 & 6
Two planets change signs over the weekend, creating subtle shifts in the energy field. Mercury enters Libra
on Saturday, helping us focus on win-win solutions for the next three
weeks (until September 27). The caution of this placement is that we can
have trouble making decisions due to Libra's ability to see the pros
and cons of any
On Sunday, Venus enters Leo,
opening our hearts and helping us be more generous and playful. The
shadow side of this transit, which will last until October 2, is a
strong need for attention and approval in relationships, and dramatic
responses when those needs are not met.
coming year may challenge your expectations, but it also opens new
doors in your life, if you can be flexible. Try not to be hard on
yourself, or too critical if you don't find immediate solutions. The
answers are there, but just in different
places than where you may be used to looking. You will be making
adjustments financially and in your relationships, and also in your
short-term and long-term goals. Call upon the insights of your higher
knowing; it is there to support you throughout this time. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, sesquiquadrate Mars, trine Pallas Athene, sesquiquadrate Saturn, trine Uranus)
NorthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights
About the NorthPoint
Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary
influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to
assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience
and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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NorthPoint Journal copyright 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
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