News Update

The Crisis is Over—I’m Returning to Normal
It’s been three weeks since the
2020 election and many people feel like they’ve been riding on an
emotional roller-coaster. It has been an honor to stand beside patriots
who stood fast, firm in their convictions, and refused to surrender
their hope for the future of our nation.
The path for President Trump to obtain enough votes in the electoral
college to win re-election has now been revealed. The effort hinges on
the public exposure of election fraud in hearings that began last
Wednesday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and continue next week in Arizona
on Monday and Michigan on Tuesday.
Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani have made clear their strategy for
getting Donald Trump re-elected. They intend to present evidence of
widespread election fraud that calls into question the validity of the
popular vote in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona.
Although the public spotlight is currently focused on lawsuits that may
prove in court claims about election fraud, it’s worth remembering that
Presidents are not elected by the courts. In December, state
legislatures will choose electors who will vote in the electoral college
on December 14th. The vote of the electoral college will determine the
next President.
Although a state’s electors typically vote in accordance with the
popular vote of that state, the public hearings on election fraud are
intended to present compelling evidence to state legislators as to why they should choose electors who will ignore the popular vote of their state and instead vote for Donald Trump.
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona all have
Republican-controlled state legislatures. Giuliani and Ellis are
presenting evidence that the popular vote is fraudulent, which will
remove the expectation that legislators must honor it when choosing
electors. Having discredited the popular vote, Trump’s attorneys will
remind Republican legislators that they have the power to choose
electors as they see fit. Giuliani and Ellis will dare legislators to
choose Biden over Trump and justify that decision to their constituents.
That, in a nutshell, is Donald Trump’s path to re-election. It will be difficult for state legislators not
to choose electors for Trump once evidence of election fraud has been
provided to them and to the public. Indeed, the Republican legislators
who will choose electors have already signaled their intent to support
Trump by agreeing to hold these hearings in the first place. The outcome
of the electoral college vote is merely a formality.
It’s true, the media will vehemently protest such a move and claim
that electors are chosen by voters on election day and that legislators
cannot overrule them. But Article II of the Constitution is clear—state
legislators are not required to honor the popular vote when choosing
electors, even in states where laws have been passed to that effect.
Chief Justice Rehnquist argued that point in Bush v. Gore as noted by Lawfare.
In exercising their power to decide how electors are to be chosen, legislatures could not be constrained by either state law or the state’s constitution. If a state’s constitution, for example, said that the people shall choose the electors in an election, that rule did not in fact constrain the state legislature. Instead, “after granting the franchise” to the people, as a majority of the Supreme Court in Bush put it, a legislature could “take back the power to appoint electors” “at any time.” Or put differently, when the legislature acted pursuant to the power granted to it by Article II, it stands above any limits imposed by state law.
I believe Donald Trump will be re-elected. His legal team has
developed a brilliant strategy and Republican legislators are on board
with the plan. There is little that can be done to stop Trump from being
re-elected. While many people will choose to fret over the outcome of
the election, I choose to see it as the inevitable outcome of a superior
strategy. It’s time to move on.
It has been an honor to provide information and commentary on the
election and its tumultuous aftermath. I can say today with confidence
that the election crisis we’ve experienced—whether real or only
perceived— has come to an end. And with it, my daily news updates will
also come to an end.
Providing daily news updates was an experiment. I didn’t know if I
could maintain the discipline and workflow over the long haul, but the
last two months have allowed me to test my ability and interest in daily
broadcasting. As it turns out, the time and effort required to produce a
daily news show are not a sustainable model, at least not for me.
You may have noticed that since I began producing daily news shows, I
haven’t published any articles. I’ve made no progress on the many books
I have in the works. Producing a daily news broadcast (at least the way
I do it) takes between 4 and 8 hours a day, depending on the news
that’s breaking on any given day. Broadcasting every day leaves no time
for writing. I could continue doing daily news broadcasts indefinitely,
but I would likely ever write another book, and I would only publish an
occasional article.
I’m a writer at heart. Although many people appreciate my broadcasts, it’s not where my mojo is.
I’ve decided to return to the workflow I’ve had for the last three
years. My daily news broadcasts will end. I’ll focus most of my time on
writing articles and books. I’ll publish broadcasts when Q is posting or
when significant news is breaking, and I feel I have a message that may
help friends understand the current situation.
Thank you for your continued prayer and support and your understanding regarding this decision.
p.s. If you’re looking for a daily news source, I would recommend the
X22Report. Dave’s approach to delivering the news and his perspective
on current events is similar to mine. He’s been providing daily
broadcasts for years. His videos are available on Rumble and on his website
My comment:
Thank you, Dave, for all you do and have done for the community. Your even keel and calm manner in how you convey of information, and your reasoning behind your perspective, has given many of us hope for a brighter future.
I have not been able to keep up with the plethora of information, and since you left YouTube, I am not current with updates, though I check in with various sources from time to time, including the comm boards. My email inbox is on overload., I have not even triaged it lately into folders. I also take breaks from the media and social media. No doubt twitter and other sites expose us to darkness, sucks some of us in at times, and may set us up for psychic (entity) attack.
"Patriots fight" doesn't mean argue with people on twitter, It means use the Power of Righteousness and the Grace of God to uphold the living, intelligent beauty that our forefathers laid down for us in the US Constitution. Live by example. I certainly have been guilty of letting that slide as I got sucked down to lower level control dramas. We have to let the darkness fall away instead of battling/feeding it.
Right now, I need to attend to many neglected tasks of my own, and my life. Yes, time to walk in the sun and TRUST that we are in co-creation, and our greatest contribution may be a need to vibe at the same frequency of that which we seek to create. Call it "taking the high road" or living prayer. The more we focus on the abundant future of love and blessings we seek, the sooner we will co-create it. For we are always co-creating with God. Miracles are possible when we create from the heart and not the head.
Its been an amazing journey, and we have much to be grateful for. When I forget that, I like to recite the Great Invocation, or the Forgiveness Prayers by Howard Wills. Both of those can be found on line. Its also good to get out in nature. football games can be recorded..I hate to miss my sports...but its a beautiful day and I am in need of healing. Nature is the great healer. Even 10 minutes in a garden or a walking meditation amidst trees can work wonders.
Happy Trails!
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