Monday, May 3, 2021

How (and Why) to Become Immune to Fear ~ "An Urgent Pleiadian Message" by Awakening Our Truth

How (and Why) to Become Immune to Fear ~ "An Urgent Pleiadian Message "
•May 2, 2021 -Awakening Our Truth - 78.3K subscribers

In a similar vein to my last post, this video below explains the importance of becoming immune to FEAR -especially due to Media and Social Media exposure. Knowing Divine Truth by letting the heart lead, not the mind.
I followed Awakening Our Truth on twitter for years, came across this by chance.He goes into detail about an expected FALSE ALIEN INVASION + how to avoid embodying FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Please watch to end of his explanation, there is healing dance music in the last third of the video.

~~~ (excerpt starts at 2:39)

"When our heart is strong in our mind, then we become immune to fear. What we know in our heart to be true, which is Divine Truth...what we know in our heart to be true, overrides what the media is trying to make us think is true, what the media wants us to believe is true. So our heart essentially, is stronger and is in the driver's seat, because that's how it's meant to be.

Your mind is not meant to control your heart, its meant to be the other way around, your heart is meant to control your mind. So your Heart should be in the driving seat, your heart should be connected to that higher source of power, loving power which many call God....which could be called Source..any number of names.

The truth is that's our reality..that Higher Power...which is capable of guiding us, protecting us through anything, keeping us in the Light, keeping our mind in the Light, keeping our heart healthy, peaceful, joyful even, amidst very challenging situations..then that power belongs in our heart. So our heart is meant to connect to that power. That's why we've got a heart, so we can connect to that power, which many call God. You can call it anything you want. I call it God. So that's what a heart is for, to connect to that power.

And then when we are connected, then our heart views our mind, to give us inspiration and ideas, how we can share what we got in our heart, how we can share love, how we can share joy, how we can share strength, and hope, and how we can share compassion, and how we can help people, and how we can discern the wonderful things, that is the purpose of our mind. It's basically to put into action, put into words, what we feel in our heart.

So it tells us how to interpret the love of God into action, so we can make the world a better place, so we can help people, so we can be a force for good, a force for change, and that is what you're meant for, not meant to be curled up a little ball in the corner of your room worrying about the next thing that's in the news worrying about the next bad thing that's going to happen, about the next bad agenda, the next bad theory, conspiracy theory, that's going to present itself, and I know a lot of these things aren't just theories, I know a lot of them are fact. I've we've been studying lot of these things for 20 years. I know what's going on. I knew the pandemic was going to occur in 2011. I knew this was going to occur.

So there's going to be more things, more challenging things, much more challenging than what's going on now, that are going to occur, and we have to know how to respond to them, because we've been programmed by the media, and Hollywood, by their TV programs, by Internet, by social media, by books, pop industry, video games are powerful. We've been programmed by all these arms of the media, to respond in a certain way when certain things happen, especially by Hollywood movies. So when some kind of disaster occurs in a Hollywood movie and you see that people always respond in the same way, there's always panic.

I'm talking about people as a whole, the general public, there's always panic, always fear, they always do rash things, and become violent and irrational, because we've been programmed to respond to certain situations in a certain way.

Why is that? that's a complicated question. I could give you the answer, but it would be a very, very long video.

All I can tell you is that we have been conditioned to respond to say apocalyptic scenarios in a certain way... alien invasion firms, zombie Apocalypse films, nuclear war films, all sorts of doom and disaster films, apocalyptic films have programmed us to respond in a certain way, if these things should occur.

Now, this is their... kind of a tricky thing to tell you is that that is going to I can I put this....Some scenarios which are being fabricated there can be seen scenarios which occur, like an alien invasion for example, which are going to be fabricated.

So we are going to be led to believe that certain things are going on in our society which are completely fabricated for the purposes of generating a huge wave of FEAR.. a huge tidal wave of FEAR, and as I said, you think there is fear in our society now? This is just the tip of the iceberg, because when certain things all happen at the same time, on the same day perhaps, or in in a succession of days, and suddenly this whole way the fear takes over the population. And this is the idea, this is the agenda, to create a huge tidal wave of FEAR that washes over everybody... because when the fear is strong, when the whole... when everyone around you is losing their head, it is very challenging, very challenging to stay cool and calm and rational and to stay in peace, and not to get sucked into the FEAR, when you see chaos all around you, but that's what we have to do.

A lot of people get sucked into the chaos, a lot of people will believe what's happening. The media, as I said, will be a theater, so do not be surprised if you get more... how can I put this... it is more information the media suggesting that the aliens, that there's more aliens flying UFO's around the planet that we thought, and they seem to have an agenda, and they seem to be doing certain things we shall not very nice.

Don't be surprised if we suddenly see what the words ALIEN INVASION on our screens at some point. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I studied the media for nearly 20 years and I can see the propaganda. I have seen the propaganda very very clearly, over and over and over again, this idea that an alien invasion could happen.

So many sites on YouTube... I'm sorry so many sites on the on the Internet on Google, and so many videos on YouTube, suggesting and putting an idea to people's heads that an alien invasion is actually a realistic possibility. Now I know that AN ALIEN INVASION IS NOT A REALISTIC POSSIBILITY.

I know a lot about kind of the extraterrestrial forces of goodness and love that actually DO exist, and I know that an alien invasion CANNOT happen, but the media is going to try and convince millions of people that it is happening.

First of all, 'it's likely all that aliens are there and they have a malevolent desires and malevolent intentions', and then suddenly it's going to become bigger than we thought. They're going to be spotted in all parts of the world, in different countries, and the ships are going to be... people are going to say the ships are enormous!

You will not believe how much FEAR this will generate in the general public, because of all the alien invasion films that have been flooding through our screens in the past 30 years. So many alien invasion films. And and they are propaganda, because usually in his films the aliens are monsters, terrifying sometimes invisible, and the always have bad intentions, and they're always...the movie is always scary, always a scary scenario when aliens are revealed.

It's very, very rare when aliens are found, or aliens are revealed and it's good, a good story, good news, as something positive. A few exceptions, like ET or maybe "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind", but I'd say 99% of these alien invasion films are all very apocalyptic.

As I said, that's the agenda, to create this False Apocalypse. PLEASE LISTEN TO MY WORDS VERY CAREFULLY. I know what I'm talking about! I'm not making this up! The ideas to create a FALSE APOCALYPSE that sends the world into a panic, sends everybody deeply diving into fear, and essentially willing to do anything to feel safe. When people go into that much fear, that much panic, they just want to feel safe... and so essentially, in the name of safety, they'll accept things..they'll accept things that they wouldn't normally accept.

There is going to be big change in our society, big political change. So this False Apocalypse is going to instigate a huge political shift, especially in America, it's going to start in America, and involves an Actor who I'm not going to name. There are many videos about him, an Actor who is the spearhead of this deception, who will come in to the White House, come into office and say, "Hey! Don't worry! I'm here! I'm strong! I'm fearless! I'm gonna save you from these threats! I'm going to save you from the aliens!" This is a very famous Actor. hes now Hollywood Actor. He's is probably the number one most popular man in the world, and he's actually giving hints in the media that he's going to run for President.

You might know who I'm talking about...he's bald, he's 6'4', he's built like a weightlifter, he's got tattoos, and this man, I assure you, is the spearhead of this deceptive agenda to essentially change society all around, to change everything really rapidly in the midst of this panic.

So you create a panic, where people just don't know where they stand, what's going on with them, what's true for them, what's false, they don't know whether they should be afraid, or whether they should be trusting the media, they just feel confused...and that's when everything can be changed very rapidly, because Everything is in a flurry, everything is up in the air, everything can settle in a different order. AND THAT'S THE PLAN, TO CREATE CONFUSION, AND CREATE A NEW STRUCTURE. a NEW SOCIETY. And the FAKE ALIEN INVASION, the Zombie Apocalypse, the FAKE Zombie Apocalypse...I know I'm getting further out into the realms of realism here, but the media has already done this!

Look at the media, look at what's going on in the media, it's SURREAL. What we're living in now is a SURREAL SITUATION. If I had told you 5 years ago that we'd be living in this kind of a world, you'd have called me CRAZY, you would have called me PARANOID, you would have called me a CONSPIRACY THEORIST, but HERE WE ARE, LIVING IN THIS WORLD NOW, where we are locked down, at the will of the Government. We all have to war masks, we have a lot less freedom than we did..

Now I'm not one to be negative on this, I'm not going to be afraid, or pessimistic, because I KNOW THE POWER OF GOD, and I know that...that MIRACLES ARE POSSIBLE, WHEN WE TURN TO THE LIGHT. The media wants your mind in the darkness, and it wants you as deeply in the darkness as possible...and that's a whole other video as well..but essentially, it's a POWER STRUGGLE. When the people have NO power, then the people who control them have ALL the power. And POWER IS THE MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG ON THIS PLANET. BY FAR, POWER IS THE MOST ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCE, THE MOST ADDICTIVE DRUG ON THE PLANET, that people, very powerful people, who are MEGALOMANIACS.....just want more and more and more power....which means normal people have to LOSE their power, LOSE THEIR FREEDOMS...because power is a real thing. A Divine Force. And if you haven't got it flowing through you, then that power is going somewhere else.

THIS IS A MEGALOMANIACAL AGENDA to get your power, and keep you feeling fearful, so you can be controlled. Now look, this isn't a bad news video. I KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. I KNOW HOW YOU CAN BE ABOVE THIS. i KNOW HOW YOU CAN BE IMMUNE TO THIS AGENDA TO STEAL YOUR POWER, TO STEAL YOUR JOY, TO STEAL YOUR HAPPINESS, TO STEAL YOUR FREEDOM. IT WON'T WORK! THE GOOD NEWS...THIS WILL -NOT- WORK!!! Just listen to what I've got to say to you.!....." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

An Urgent Pleiadian Message

•May 2, 2021

Awakening Our Truth
78.3K subscribers

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This entry was posted in 11:11, Awakening, Beyond Your Will, Cabals & Conspiracies, Community Relations, Consciousness, Deep State, Disclosure, Divine Guidance, Exopolitics, Galactic Family, Geopolitics, Governments, Health & Wellness, Know Thyself, Liberty, Planetary Change, Psychic / Mediums, Psychology, Revelations, Spirit, Starseeds / 144K, Symbolism, The Event, Truth, Uncategorized, Wake Up Call and tagged Control Agenda, Disbelieve, Enemy of The People, Exopolitics, Fake Alien Invasion, Fear, Geopolitics, Governments, Heart-Centered Navigation, Hollywood Production, Intuition, Light Forces, Love Vibration, Mainsream Media, Peace of Mind, Pray, Project Blue Beam, Protect Your Heart, Trust in God.

1 comment:

  1. A FAKE ALIEN INVASION is coming..
    •Apr 24, 2021
    Awakening Our Truth
    78.3K subscribers

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