If at last the confrontation being experienced brings about a peaceful solution, it signals a desire to avoid action that involves death and destruction. It would start a more sensible way of settling disputes without the need for force to be used. It could create a precedent for the future, and with the increasing upliftment of the vibrations peace is starting to come to Earth. Your history is one series of battles and wars with a great loss of life, and the cost of making good the massive damage it causes. We see more than a glimmer of hope that this altercation can be the last time that war is threatened and carried out. Common sense will have prevailed and set a marker for any further disputes.
The majority
upon Earth pray for lasting peace and the end to wars, so that life becomes a
safe experience that can be enjoyed. One that can bring people together in a
common desire for a trouble free life that can be fulfilling. If not, the
repetition of the horrors of war and the destruction of people’s dwellings and
their lives will continue. We ask you if you really want peace or war knowing
from experience that it takes a long time to recover, let alone the expense
needed to make good the damage. The human cost is also damaging to your future
ambitions as a Nation and it takes a long time to recover from such a loss.
The sooner
you see the good sense in cooperating with each other the quicker you will get
over the current problems. You will be able to fully concentrate on rebuilding
a society that reflects the changes needed to advance you into the New Age,
with all of its benefits that are waiting to be introduced. So much is there
that will propel you into a future that you have not yet experienced, that will
help you easily overcome present problems allowing you so much more time for
your own pursuits.
Think of a
future that can offer you so much rather than dwell upon what could have been
if you had taken a different path. Your experiences will not be wasted as they
have prepared you for what lays ahead and you will readily fit into a new way
of living. Indeed, you will welcome the changes that will make life so much
more enjoyable. Not least of all will be your eventual introduction to your
Space family who are waiting for you to grow in understanding and ability to
take your place with them. It will take time to reach that level but the path
is wide open waiting for you to set your feet upon it.
Remember in
reality that you are all brothers and sisters who have experienced lives in
many different countries and religions, and have grown as a result with an
understanding and appreciation of other people’s ways and beliefs. It all helps
you expand your own knowledge and understanding and makes you what you are
today. First hand experience is a grand thing and is not forgotten as it shapes
your outlook and understanding of how others see life and react to it. Many of
you have had many, many lives that have given you a wonderful appreciation of
the motivation that makes people what they are and represent.
We would say
you haven’t lived until you rise up into the higher vibrations, because they
are so different to what you know as life. You will find them exciting and
wonderful and most likely more than you have ever dreamt of that cannot be
adequately expressed in your languages. Joy and harmony exist all around you
and everything shows itself in its perfect form. Animals also live in harmony
as the wild streak has been replaced with a gentle and pleasing approach to all
life forms. Love abounds all around and nature lives in harmony with all else.
As your Bible stated “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb” as there will no
longer be animals that prey on others, all will exist in love and peace. In
fact you are starting to see the early stages already of such changes.
Peace is
coming but first it starts with Man who is beginning to see and understand the
absurdity of warring against your brothers and sisters. Think of how much
progress would be speeded up when countries came together in a common cause.
After two World Wars or is it three when you count in the Cold War, Wake up
humans! You are in a time of change, so accept it and introduce changes that
will bring permanent peace to the world. The old ways of using force to get your
way have finished forever. If those in power will not accept it is time for
peace to descend upon Earth, replace them with those souls who do.
We have told
you many times that you are “All One” and you have often come together many
times in the past, and have laid down the stones of your path to a greater
existence. We will help you when you are ready and many great souls are already
with you, awaiting the right time to reveal what they have to offer that will
speed up your progress to a higher level that is fully beneficial to you all.
One of the greatest inventors you have benefitted from is yet again with you,
to take you a stage further than before – his name is Tesla.
Can you see
now how we help you along when you are ready, and it is why we tell you that
you have so much to look forward to in the near future. It may seem that you
are left to your own devices and that is true up to a point, but we are always
overseeing what you are doing. We are always trying to direct you in the right
direction without infringing your right to free choice. We are as keen as you
are to see you making progress in the right direction. There has always been a
plan for humanity and your success has been to pass the marker that has opened
up many opportunities that you would not otherwise have had.
The truth
should lay comfortably with you but if in doubt set it aside and it will be
there for later, as it is inevitable there will come a time when you will
awaken to the truth. It will come down to trial and error but when you hit the
right button you will know it without doubt. Therefore do not be too rigid in
your thinking and be open to other ideas, otherwise you may become stuck when
you could otherwise make progress. Find the God inside through prayer or other
means that suit you and you will be well on the path of Light.
I leave you
with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to
completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every
soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and
Mike Quinsey.
You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,
for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 18, 2022 | |||
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