Monday, May 16, 2022

An Auspicious Eclipsed Full Moon in Scorpio

RP Astrology, [5/15/2022 12:03 AM]

An Auspicious Eclipsed Full Moon in Scorpio

I’m writing this an hour before sunrise here in the UK, just over 24 hours from the exact full Moon in Scorpio, which will also be a total eclipse of the Moon. That eclipse event begins in 22 hours from this moment

Every single planet will be in aspects to the Sun and Moon during the eclipse, aside from Venus and Chiron. They though will be just a degree apart in the middle of Aries, and they will also come into exact conjunction today. They’re certainly playing a part in their own way!

Even the Moons Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are in on the act, as they’ll be less than 3 degrees from Sun and Moon at the time, seemingly making it a soulful experience on top of all else

Mars and Neptune will be, and already are in a powerful conjunction with each other in Pisces. Both will be at a very strong trine to the eclipsed Moon. This is the most favourable aspect, allowing energies to flow easily and effortlessly between the planets involved. Mars is the traditional ruling planet of Scorpio

Pluto, ruler of Scorpio now, will be in a strong sextile (friendly) with the Moon, and trine to the Sun. Saturn (dear Saturn!) will be less than 1 degree from exact squares to Sun and Moon, sitting nearly at the exact midpoint between them

Highly favourable Jupiter will be trine to the Moon and sextile to the Sun as well. When you consider it all together, it really is quite incredible. Maybe not unprecedented, yet surely off the scale energetically. And frankly the energies have felt like that for a while now. In a wider scale, going back to early 2020, and in this week to date as well, and it’s all still coming to a head

What does it all mean? The magic question, and it will mean all sorts for everyone. The effects are always felt most strongly in terms of how it relates to our personal birth charts. However, there is a collective effect that will surely be beyond profound, with transformation being the overall keyword

Saturn in Aquarius, and here we are, surely in the Age of Aquarius now? Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, though Uranus is such a good fit for that status now. And Saturn’s role cannot be underestimated. The square is such a powerful aspect, forcing things on. Demanding action from the revolutionary sign of Aquarius

I have no idea as to how this will all transpire, though I have thoughts, hope and beliefs. I’m so out of my comfort zone though in all honesty. My belief is that our understanding of astrology is still pretty limited, as we as a race are still pretty limited. It seems things are happening that for now sit beyond my comprehension. Maybe that is changing though? I think so actually…..

Everyone has their views on what’s happening around our beautiful little planet, or this plane of existence that we’re living on, and I’m not seeking to change views here. I’m not even sure on my own views about it all. Something big is taking place though, bigger than big. Biblical in fact. It’s been biblical since 2020, the Great Conjunction and the Neowise comet. Neo, the Matrix. Nothing is coincidence and everything is possible here…..

And on that basis, believe! Believe in yourself, believe in the greater good. Believe in hope, love and humanity. Believe that we will win, or even that we already have. Believe that love trumps evil. Believe that we really are on the verge of the Golden Age

I offer no timelines, as time surely doesn’t even really exist. Our minds may well be blown, and frankly they need to be, to knock out the shit that’s been fed into them for all of our lives, and maybe all of our lifetimes here on Earth

Cosmic, truly cosmic, and for me at least, almost beyond comprehension

I’m bigging it up so much, and yet am aware that it could come back to haunt me. Yet frankly we’re already being haunted, and it’s time for those demons to FO now, and for Love and Light to come to the fore

RP Astrology, [5/15/2022 4:16 PM]

Happy Eclipsed Full Moon in Scorpio Everyone


That Moon is now 99.7% full and the eclipse begins in just over 5 hours from sharing this. The Moon is now above the horizon here, but zero chance of seeing it due to dense low cloud and thunderstorms on the way

Somehow this is fitting for a full Moon and eclipse in a water sign, and the explosive water sign. As for lightening; I do associate that with Aquarius, and it is the Age of Aquarius!

Really deep energies that make us go within. I hope we can all find a release, or ways to express this. It’s important, really important

Just want to say thanks to those in my little astrology chat group. Less than 50 of you, but what beautiful souls you are. I’m feeling the love going around and appreciate you very much. We’re all in this together, and that’s surely a blessing

Please feel free to share pics of the Moon if you do happen to have clearer skies than those here

I love you all, unless you’re a spammer or selling crypto! Okay, I love you as well, but take it elsewhere!

I know the energies are intense, yet they’re also very special. Let’s just breath through this, as we transform into something incredibly beautiful together….

RP Astrology, [5/15/2022 11:30 PM]

The Moon is 100% full Now…..

Just under an hour to go to the exact full Moon, though it’s already at 100%, and yes, the energies are amazing!

It’s just gone 4am here, been awake since not long gone 2am, and could see the Moon then looking magnificent. Just wasn’t going to get up and go out to get a pic at that time. Now I’m up, she’s hiding away again!

Had dreams, and in those dreams there were 2 Moon’s, one was nearly totally eclipsed, the other not. I like dreams like this…..

Ref my last post and my Astro chat group; I’m a silly boy as had it set to private, so there wasn’t an invite link. Have sorted that now and here’s the link

I haven’t really been doing anything different in there, just the odd extra bit in response to some comments. You can all post and comment in that group though, and this really is a cooperative. We grow and learn together, or just get to “know” each other a little more

The best thing about astrology is that it’s still so limited, in terms of our understanding, as is life. I don’t even know if this planet is round, flat or somewhere in between? Is there a firmament? Are the stars and planets real, in terms of how mainstream science understands them? Probably not given that anything mainstream is generally a farce!

We’re in such a time of transition, with can be unsettling to say the least, yet also offers potential. It’s like being on a voyage or journey. And it’s good to be on that together at times, though good as well to be having our own unique experiences. Everyone of us has unlimited potential waiting to be tapped further into. Imagination, intuition, curiosity and open minds all come to the fore, and so much more

Right, come on Moon, I want to see you! Or rather, go away clouds now, just enough to reveal her……

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