Monday, March 20, 2023

Super New Moon in Aries, March 2023 AstrologerCoach Sonja Francis

Super New Moon in Aries, March 2023

17.3K subscribers

Join Sonja as she shares about several astrological energies:

* New Moon in 0º50’ of ARIES (exact on March 21st, 2023 at 1:23pm EDT) — 1:24
* Another SuperMoon, the fourth of four Super New Moons in a row — 1:49
* First of two New Moons in a row in the same sign — 2:05
* Super New Moon occurs less than 24 hours after the Spring or Vernal Equinox — 2:45
* Overview — 4:21
* Planetary Line-up in Aries: Chiron, the Wounded Healer part of it — 4:52 * Aries and its ruling planet Mars — 8:57
* Mars (the ruler of Aries) is currently in at a late degree of Gemini, still squaring Neptune in Pisces, and it also creates an out-of-sign Square with the New Moon in an early degrees of Aries — 11:24
* Mars in Gemini & Mercury in Aries are in each other’s signs: “Mutual Reception” from March 18th - March 25th — 15:53
* Mars approaches a Quincunx to Pluto — 17:58
* Pluto will leave Capricorn and move into Aquarius on March 23rd (til June 11th), Pluto returns and stays for good in Aquarius 2024-2044 — 18:15
* Pluto squares the Moon Nodes in Taurus-Scorpio March 23rd-June 11th — 22:08
* Mars leaves Gemini for the first time in 7 months and moves into Cancer on March 25th — 24:07
* Quincunx builds between Mars and Pluto starting on March 22nd (until March 28th, exact on March 25th) — 25:00
* Venus makes an exact conjunction with the North Node in Taurus — 28:04
* Venus approaches a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, exact on March 30th — 30:08
* To Sum it all up for this Super New Moon — 32:29
* New Moon Intentions — 36:04

Do you have an ASCENDANT (or any personal planets) in 0-3 degrees of either ARIES, LIBRA, CAPRICORN, CANCER, or 29 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, or Sagittarius? — 34:52

👉 --  2-hour online MINI-RETREAT: “Leap forward into Love — A Taste of Venus” on April 5th at 7:30pm EDT/4:30pm PDT
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