Hi My Friend,

It’s such a blessing for me to connect with you in this way!

Wow has the Intensity Meter been turned up a few notches these last few weeks!

Are you feeling it?

So many of us have been graduating from timelines we’ve outgrown. And without skipping a beat, we’ve been launched into new ones, at full speed ahead.

Adjusting to New Timelines

At first, many of these new timelines may make us feel as if we’ve taken steps backwards on our journey into greater personal expansion.

This can feel disheartening, especially if you’ve been putting a great deal of time, energy, and dedication into creating your highest vision for your life.

This “going backwards” feeling can show up in several ways. It can happen due to the stirring up of old, unresolved emotions that still need to be addressed and healed. It can also show up as feeling stuck, as if situations in your life are at a standstill.

If like many people, you have experienced any of these feelings in the past few weeks, know that it’s just part of your integration process with the new timelines you’ve entered.

Often when these kinds of experiences show up, it’s actually a confirmation that great expansion is occurring. They allow us the chance to take a closer look at our inner lives, and to make the appropriate adjustments, so as to align with the kind of reality we’d like more of.

Awakening Waves of Change

Have you noticed the amplification of unusual weather patterns and seismic activity lately? How about the global unrest?

At first glance, these situations can generate trepidation, especially for those still living in a paradigm of fear. However, those who consciously make a choice to live and operate from their hearts can clearly see the powerful undercurrents taking place.

So, what is really happening?

For a very long time now, the foundations of our global society have predominantly operated on patriarchal principles. If allowed to continue, these principles, combined with the mind’s forgetting the Soul’s true Divine nature, abilities, and purpose, would have eventually created a world entirely motivated by control, separation, and fear.

Instead, the patriarchal system we’ve lived under for so long is crumbling. We can clearly see this happening all around the world. All systems and ideologies operating in a covert and selfish way, without integrity, will no longer be able to continue operating.

The reports coming from these systems may try to convince us that things are only getting worse, pointing to the political unrest and climate changes taking place.

But this could not be further from the truth.

The changes taking place are confirmations that the collective consciousness and our Earth herself are awakening to higher states of consciousness.

These changes are a result of the cleansing effect that is supporting our move out of the old paradigm and into the new one.

The new awakening waves of change are actually sacred activations that our Souls called forth long before we entered this paradigm. These sacred activations are quickly moving us to live and breathe from the heart.

These energies are asking us to think less, and to feel more.

They are magnifying our ability to love more. They are also guiding us to embrace, honor, and listen to with our intuition.

Our intuition is the way in which our Spirit communicates with us. When we are following our intuition, we move back into being the powerful Creators we have always been, back to a place where nothing can ever hurt or harm us in any way.

Intuition is not to be mistaken with instinct. Instinct, though beneficial at times, is more about survival. If we always choose to operate from survival mode (motivated fear), then the mind begins to believe it is disconnected from the Spirit.

Being in survival mode at all times also puts a great deal of stress on our emotional and physical bodies, which leads to an imbalance in our state of well-being.

That’s why things like meditation, mindful breathing, exercising our creativity, prayer, showing gratitude, and taking time to rest are some of the most important things we can practice at this time, because they strengthen the mind’s connection with our Spirit.

Once this connection is strengthened, we start to allow our intuition to guide us on our life’s path.  

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