Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Heather Ensworth: Full Moon February 24, 2024 and Kuiper Belt Object Gonggong conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon

 Heather Ensworth asks: "How are we healing in our relationship with the Earth?"

The Full Moon/Grand Trine aspects are "bringing healing energy and  helping us heal the Ancestral issues that need to heal, for us to come back  into harmony, for us to be in balance and come back into  right relationship with  the earth.

So this Grand Trine is very central at the time of the Full Moon in supporting us in how we are coming back into relationship with the earth, and into being in balance with the sacredness of life all around us. And the earth herself is in a time of profound healing and transformation.

So with this Full Moon Pisces-Virgo, we're called to trust, trust the earth changes, trust the changes that are happening around us, and ground that in how we are living in our day-to-day lives.

The Sabian symbol of this Moon at 5° Virgo, is How do we find balance in the midst of emotional turbulence? The importance of finding poise and balance, in emotional turbulence.

The world is in profound turbulence right now. It is a very intense time on the planet, and we are seeing some of the most dark aspects of the shadow side of humanity, and how we can be so cruel and inhimane in how we interact with each other, and how we interact with the earth.

And this Full Moon is guiding us to hold faith and trust; to find that way to be centered in the midst of the turbulence; to really open to that Piscean energy that can give us that sense of trust in a larger unfolding that we are experiencing at this time; to hold that compassion of Pisces, that unconditional love of the Cosmos, that can be in us, and move in us and through us, and help us to be in peace, to hold that inner stillness, that inner centeredness, in the midst of The Storm, in the midst of turmoil."


Full Moon February 24, 2024 and Kuiper Belt Object Gonggong conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon

To become a patron of Heather:   / heatherensworth  
Heather's websites:


Conversation with Ke'oni Hanalei on the gifts of the Age of Pisces:
   • Integrating the Gifts of the Age of P...  

Alan Clay's book: New Stars for a New Era

Hamlet's Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and its Transmission through Myth - by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechen

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