Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of April 3 to 10 ~ Venus in Aries, Aries Solar Eclipse + ries Solar Eclipse - Rebirthing Through A New Sense of Self-Awareness and Ongoing Healing Process

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of April 3 to 10 ~ Venus in Aries, Aries Solar Eclipse

167K subscribers
Apr 3, 2024

An Aries stellium and a Pisces stellium are bringing our attention to 2 overlapping experiences of ourselves, timelines, and internal energies that can feel quite big and confusing right now. We are in-between realities, which is also a key part of our multidimensional growth and expansion. Venus enters Aries on April 4 and sextiles Pluto in Aquarius, which can give you direction on what you are ready to create that has been shifting for you since February. The Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8 at 19 degrees is the biggest energy in the sky, and Chiron is softening the typical Aries imprint so you can tune into where you are ready to soften, heal, and receive what you might typically dash past. The wounded warrior is putting down what is creating more damage than needed, and a heart opening is unfolding into what is authentically true for you in this next cycle. More to share in this podcast episode.

167K subscribers

The Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8 is a powerhouse of energy as the Sun and Moon are exactly exactly exactly conjunct Chiron at 19 deg 24 Aries, initiating a new cycle of healing, rebirth, and personal awareness around an emerging sense of Self that is in formation. Chiron being highlighted is significant for where you are feeling more vulnerable or wounded, as well as what you are healing that will continue into early 2025. The Universe is shedding new light on what you are meant to authentically see in yourself. The full line-up of planets in Aries - Sun, Moon, Chiron, Mercury RX, Venus, and the NN - are all ruled by Mars in Pisces, which conjunct Saturn and crossing into the quietest energy of the zodiac (the second half of Pisces). A stillness and silence is needed to hear what your Spirit and Soul are saying to you now. Quieting and calming the Aries charge is essential to understand the bigger picture of this eclipse, as well as what is necessary for you to integrate from your Soul for the new beginnings that are arriving. Much more to share in this astrology chart video.

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