Friday, May 24, 2024

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of May 22 to 29 ~ Sag Full Moon, Venus conj Jupiter, Both Enter Gemini + Sagittarius Full Moon - Lift Off! New Belief In Yourself and Trusting Your Transformation - May 2024

Weekly Intuitive Astrology of May 22 to 29 ~ Sag Full Moon, Venus conj Jupiter, Both Enter Gemini,

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Molly McCord
169K subscribers
May 22, 2024

Weekly Astrology and Energies - New Episode Every Wednesday!

Gemini season is coming in strong! The Sun trines Pluto RX in Aquarius revealing what is a better choice now based on what you’ve been learning in recent years, and you could feel a powerful knowingness directing you forward. A bright, beautiful Sagittarius Full Moon at 3 deg on May 23 is directing you beyond what you’ve trusted before. Venus is conjunct Jupiter at 29 deg Taurus exactly on the Full Moon, and both sextile Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees, which is receptive, creative, and allowing energy that offers support. Mars in Aries will ignite the Solar Eclipse point and then be conjunct Chiron on May 29, signaling that it is important to remain cautious around new endeavors. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.

Sagittarius Full Moon - Lift Off! New Belief In Yourself and Trusting Your Transformation - May 2024
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Molly McCord
169K subscribers
May 10, 2024

The Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23 at 3 degrees is a vibrant opportunity to understand how much wiser you are right now, as well as what is continuing to powerfully evolve within you. The Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius highlight the axis of communications, learning, knowledge, choices, and new perspectives. The sextile from Pluto RX in Aquarius to both luminaries brings in empowered realizations and emerging beliefs that are elevating your perspective. Jupiter, the ruler of this Full Moon, is at the last degree of Taurus conjunct Venus and both are sextiling Neptune in Pisces, signaling a beautiful loving energy that may be a celebration, success, abundance, and a positive development that you've been patiently waiting for. Love, finances, creativity, and birthing something special are all highlighted. More to share in this full moon chart. Plus, special medicine from a traveling Tortoise outside my window who only appeared as I was recording this video - and then was gone. :)

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