Thursday, June 6, 2024

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of June 5 to 12 ~ Gemini Stellium and New Moon, Mars square Pluto + Gemini New Moon- Fresh Alignment With Heart and Mind Now Lining Up, Pause To Hear Intuitive Guidance

169K subscribers
Jun 5, 2024

Weekly Astrology and Energies - New Episode Every Wednesday!

Gemini energies are big and highly active this week with a full lineup occurring during the New Moon at 16 degrees on June 6th. Your Gemini house(s) in your chart are going to be very busy, but then expect delays, changes, and possible frustration as Venus, the Sun, and Mercury each square Saturn in Pisces at 19 degrees from June 8 to 12. Then each planet sextiles Chiron in Aries, which opens up an alternative pathway that may delightfully surprise you. Mars enters Taurus on June 8 and then squares Pluto RX in Aquarius at 1 degree on June 10 and 11, which is a force of conflict and power dynamics. It is important to stay mindful of this energy as it can be quite uncomfortable and requires patience. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.

Gemini New Moon- Fresh Alignment With Heart and Mind Now Lining Up, Pause To Hear Intuitive Guidance

Molly McCord
169K subscribers
May 31, 2024

The Gemini New Moon features a stellium of planets in this air sign, with the Sun, Moon, and Venus all conjunct at 16 degrees in your chart. Venus is highlighted as significant in this beginning point between heart and mind, as you may see more of what you want and value coming into focus. Strong Gemini energies bring up choices, ideas, and decisions to be made that can be both interesting and overwhelming. Mental fatigue may need to be managed, especially if a lot is going on and you feel ungrounded. The Sun, Moon, and Venus are all receiving a square from responsible Saturn in Pisces that wants you to slow down and use your intuitive guidance; think it through and consider how to responsibly communicate, express, or explain anything without moving too fast. More to share in this lunar chart video.

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