Saturday, November 29, 2014

A comment on spiritual community and anger, by Jeff Brown

Well-said, Jeff! Complacency is not an option. There's too much at stake. We are on the verge of shifting this paradigm, but it's going to take group effort and a bit of fire for us to persevere! ~PB

[photo by by Patricia Dolloff via Jef Brown]

A comment on spiritual community and anger, by Jeff Brown

JEFF BROWN: "I am not sure where we got the idea that spirituality must be softy toffee gentle and never include anger. This feels like a perversion of real spirituality to me, yet another recipe for repression, denial and destruction. This is not to say that all anger is good anger- my spirituality doesn’t include unhealthy anger, attacks on innocents, arbitrary judgments, passive aggression. But it does includes healthy anger, justified anger, transformational anger, spiritual activism. In fact, I am certain that we will not create the world of divine possibility that many spiritualists long for unless we get angry about the injustices that many of us face. There is needless conflict, and there is healthy conflict. The distinction lies in its intentionality. It’s time to raise healthy anger to the rafters of acceptability in the spiritual community. If you feel that a consciousness model is doing damage to humanity, get angry about it. If you feel that a guru is abusing his authority, get angry about it. If you feel that spiritual materialism is out of control, get angry about it. There is nothing evolved about repressed expression."

(~pic. by Patricia Dolloff)

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