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Greetings from the Arcturian Group. Know that everything is proceeding according to plan, and be not afraid dear ones, for the many changes and upheavals happening on earth at this time are all proof of the shifting energy of evolution. Remember as you observe chaos taking place in the world, that what has become old, more often than not, only leaves after a great deal of resistance.
We wish to speak today of
change, a topic we have spoken of before. There are many who as of yet
do not associate needed change with personal change. These dear ones see
and work toward change in politics, religion, and government, but do
not realize that they themselves are the politics, religion, and
government. Outer change can only manifest from the substance from which
it is formed--consciousness.
You as creators, have
over time created many different three dimensional worlds, each
manifesting the belief system and consensus consciousness of the times.
When enough people awaken, the enlightened world consciousness will once
again shift the dynamic of the whole, for consciousness and its
manifestation are one and the same. Notice that as concepts and beliefs
change (states of consciousness) laws and acceptable ways of living also
Change is extremely difficult for those who
find security and comfort in sameness. It is very easy to rest back in
ways that up to now have worked to bring a level of harmony and peace
regardless of how it was accomplished. These dear ones struggle and
resist, and often without thought automatically bring judgement and
criticism to any suggestions of change in their personal world or the
world in general. This is an expression of fear.
accustomed to believe without question what authority figures tell
them, respond with; "We have always done it this way and it has worked.
The government, priest, expert has said...". However this mind set is no
longer working because the energy manifesting and supporting it is
dissolving. These ways were perfect and necessary for their time, but it
is a NEW TIME, and if you look closely, you will discover cracks
beginning to appear in the foundation of long held world concepts.
commonplace ideas, beliefs, and world solutions no longer resonate with
an awakening mankind and because they no longer hold the belief energy
necessary to keep them in place, are crumbling. This appears as chaos
and brings about all varieties of fear for those of a superstitious and
un-awakened states of consciousness.
In your personal
lives many of you are discovering that long standing relationships with
certain friends or members of your family seem to be weakening--you are
no longer on the same page so to speak. This is because resonance
attracts like resonance. If you have made a shift in consciousness, you
no longer resonate with those who remain in the previous energy. This
can be very confusing and even hurtful for those who do not understand
and interpret the situation on a three dimensional level.
is not that you are better than them, it is simply a matter of being in
a new place energetically--like energy attracts like energy. Often
there comes a point in the spiritual journey at which the student finds
they have no friends at all. This is the point at which you must trust
this part of the journey, not trying to fix or make things work again
according to popular thinking. Very quickly the student will find that
those of a similar resonance are attracted into their sphere, and become
the new friends. Know that you are being guided every step of the way
and cannot be other than on your chosen path.
governs the actions of many large corporations and individuals as they
observe their business models no longer resonating with the majority.
This is happening in the medical/pharmaceutical fields as well as with
organized religions and world governments. Frequently no holds are
barred financially or dishonestly in the effort to bring customers back.
evolving change in the consciousness of a business and individuals
involved, heavy promotion tactics simply will not work because as with
individuals, the energy no longer resonates--they are not speaking to
the new consciousness and people are not so easily fooled as they once
were. You will begin to observe this frantic struggle to make the old
work as it once did, more and more in all sorts of situations.
is often difficult for spiritual leaders and light workers if their
focus and teachings have been locked into specific practices and
teachings. They will find that what once worked , no longer works. This
is because any spiritual practice or beliefs rigidly not allowed to
evolve, will not resonate with the evolving consciousness of serious
seekers. As students move on and fewer are attracted, many a sincere
spiritual teacher is left to wonder why and this question will become
the teachers lesson.
Dogma, rigidity, and
righteousness have no place in true spirituality for they represent
stagnation--impossible within an omnipresent and infinitely unfolding
Divine Consciousness. Duality and separation beliefs cannot be carried
into the new energy.
Work, play, beliefs, practices,
and every spark of daily living is moving into new and higher
expression. Your job is stand back and allow, letting go of any attempts
to figure it all out with the mind according outdated and often
incorrect world beliefs. A mind conditioned through many lifetimes with
third dimensional beliefs needs time to reprogram. This means allowing
new awareness's to integrate and become one's state of consciousness
while at the same time releasing everything recognized as old and
The minute there is resistance to anything,
an energy block is created. We are not saying you must embrace every
new idea of truth that presents itself, for always there must be
discernment ( a facet of personal power). Be alert to ideas and beliefs
being hyped as "new" that are simply repackaged "old". It is imperative
that without pre-judgment, you honestly examine in the light of your
unfolding evolution, every concept and belief you hold as true or become
newly aware of even if just to say; "Interesting".
resistance is much easier than fighting every idea that may be
different from what you have always believed. It is ego (the sense of
separation from the whole), that does not want to admit it may of been
incorrect about something. Let that false sense of self dissolve into
the nothingness that it is dear ones, for it is simply the belief you
are a human being who must struggle for every bit of recognition or
Never become spiritual door mats, living in
fear of expressing personal choices because of rigidly binding man made
rules that define spirituality.
It is time for all
choosing to proceed on a spiritual evolutionary journey to trust that
there is a bigger picture unfolding and that you need not know
everything about it. Be open, allow, and let go without fear for you can
only expand more and more--life is unending.
that if you have chosen to evolve, you are doing it. The "train leaves
the station" with your intent. You will be on your chosen path and
always guided even when it seems as if nothing is happening. The do-ing
part is complete for many of you. It is time now for the Be-ing part
which may seem right now to be a doing nothing.
time, you have been programmed to believe that spiritual progress could
only happen with spiritual "do-ing--reading, writing, healing,
studying, taking classes, having energy sessions. This has always been
the way for spiritual growth and learning and you did all these things
sincerely and well.
We do not say you will never
again be guided to some teacher, book or class. However, know that it is
now a NEW TIME--a time for greater selectivity, trust, and allowing. A
time now to listen, rest in, live, and practice the truths you learned
allowing yourselves to birth a new state of consciousness.
There is nothing to become, you already are.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/19/15
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