Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Weekly Forecast for August 29- September 4, 2016 ~ contributed by Hillory Skott

Forecast for August 29- September 4, 2016
~ contributed by Hillory Skott

We are entering the eclipse Portal: a time of ending/beginning
where nothing is as it was.  This New moon in vigilant Virgo is
punctuated with a Solar eclipse with tricky aspects. Oh the pressure.
Dissolving Neptune opposes this new moon in perfecting Virgo
adding a pendulum effect between clarity and confusion. To add
weight and import, tradition loving Saturn is squaring this whole
show. The la st square will be on September 10th.This is complicated

Mercury is retrograde to complicate things further between
August 30 and September 21 in it's home sign of Virgo- back
tracking to allow us to see the missed details.  Or missing the
details if we fail to slow down. It depends on our intention:
Are we reviewing, redoing, reworking or are we forging ahead
instead.  Forging never works out in Mercury retrograde-
Careful observation is a better bet.

Thursday will be the big event -The New Moon Solar Eclipse
in Virgo.  Virgo is such a fastidious sign.  So concerned with
the perfection of all the details.  If positively used it is a very
competent sign, drawn to purity, and impeccable routines to
sustain health and happiness. But, it can go a little nuts sometimes,
like all signs, and when that happens you have lost sleep over
relent less worries. You have hypochondria and OCD.  

This New moon is asking us to dig deep to find the right course
of action. Our futures are forming.  So using this Virgo energy
to get very clear about what you want your future to look like.
This would be a wise use of energy. Get clear about the health
routines you need to implement. What regimes will take you
closer to your ultimate goals? Your ability to see through the
fog is possible now.

And speaking of the fog. The Neptune Saturn square is still
super active. Neptune fuzzies up our perception.  It wants us
to bring forth what is in the imagination. It wants to bring
together without boundaries or limitations. Very different to
Saturn who wants well defined structure: rules boundaries
and limitations. This all seems a bit impossible- like all squares.
Growth is being forced some how.  Just how is what we each
need to figure out. Go within or you are gonna go without.
Saturn in Sagittarius can be super honest. Be open to the
truth of your situation.

I am still in the throws of this square.  I am pretty darn certain.
Nope just plain old certain that our new puppy is not for us.
He is incompatible with me and my daughter both. Us who
pushed for this puppy are now pushing to get rid of the
adorable menace.  I feel like am getting flashes of the future
with him and all the trouble to come, always feeling like he
isn't right for us. Could b e Saturn in Sagittarius that is creating
this sober view of a future reality.  Rather than being the stick
with it guy I thought he was for me he is being level-headed and
practical.  How on earth can you make a life long commitment to
someone you just met? 

Neptune is saying come on stick with it.  Let us be one, inclusive, loving. 
My Hubby is Neptune in this case.  He thinks this puppy will fit with us
with a little effort and commitment- I think he is fooling himself if he
thinks this little dogs’ energy is ever going to work for us.  We are at
an impasse. I have had three Doberman puppies in my life. 23 years
of Doberlove.  I never once thought those puppies weren't right for me.
Not for a second.  I am not a fickle character, I can commit.  Those
dogs have been some of my greatest blessings.  But this feels wrong.
Like we need to break up.

My other greatest blessing wants to keep this little torment.
A classic square. This is the first time we have ever needed
counseling to figure something out.  I guess it could be worse.
While the puppy is happening in my life I am also bring presented
with opportunities to make long time dreams come true- it will
take much concentrated effort.  I feel like this puppy gets in the
way of focu s needed to do what needs doing to make these
dreams real.   

We are all going to have some version of this going on right now.
Our best bet is to get really real. To be honest and carefully
consider what our long held priorities have been to decide where
we will put our energy, our focus.

Luckily there is this beautiful connection between lucky Jupiter,
loving Venus, and chatty Mercury from August 27th-September 2nd.
This adds peace and blessings. Is it money or love?  These planets
soften the difficulties we are all feeling. Even though my hubby and
I are on opposite sides of this issue I don't want him to regret not
having this dog and he doesn't want me to regret having this dog.
We still care very much about each others feelings and experiences.
Where are your blessings coming from now?

On September 16th we will have the Lunar Eclipse with a full moon.
We are in the portal of change.  We can catapult into new territory
now.  Be conscious. Be honest. Be you. May we each be surrounded
in light and what is right. With Love: Many Blessings of dreams
come true.

~ contributed by Hillory Skott

Enjoy a wonderful week and create amazement!

Karen & Salma

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6

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