Light is Information, Love is Creation – Barbara Marciniak
Posted October 28, 2016
Everything is frequency, and it only takes a little shift in frequency to affect all other frequencies. As frequency beings, you are to become aware, to transmute and expand, and to enter into the home of Spirit as people who lead people to lead themselves.
As members of the Family of Light, you
have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work.
What is your work? Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into
systems that have limited light frequency, because light is information.
This is not cold, computer-data information; it is information that is
transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of
consciousness. This is what you are
experts in. If you were to have a business card printed up for
yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say
something like: “Renegade Member of Family of Light. Systems Buster.
Available for altering systems of consciousness within the free-will
universe. On call.“
You go
for it! This is what you do. This is an aspect of your identity that you
all have in common, and you are here in the millions at this time. You
are here primarily to remember who you are, to operate multi-
dimensionally within the system, and to teach humans-the natives in this
place that have been under frequency control for a long time.
The task
for you members of the Family of Light who have desired to take this
information inside of yourselves is to Anchor a new frequency on the
planet by anchoring it impeccably inside Yourselves. This is not easy.
It was not meant to be easy. You did not come here to have an easy
Each of you volunteered to come here at
this time to carry a Frequency. At this time, that frequency is Light,
but eventually you will learn how to carry the frequency of Love. The
large majority of you have no idea what the Love frequency can be. You
talk about love and light, yet you do not comprehend the ramifications and the true meanings of them.

Light is Information. Love is Creation. You must become informed before you can create. Do you understand this? As you grow and come to these higher realms of recognition, you will break through what feels like cement blockslayers of yourself that have held you down. Think of the frequency that has limited the human experiment as a radio station. The human experiment has had one radio station on for 300,000 years. Same old tunes! The human experiment was unable to turn the dial and hear a different band, so the same frequency was broadcast. This created a quarantine-a sealing off of this planet.
The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield. They bombard Earth. However, they must have someone to receive them. Without a receptacle, these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion. You, as members of the Family of Light, come into this system to receive these rays of knowledge. You then disseminate the knowledge, the new lifestyle, and the new frequency to the rest of the population to alter the entire planet.
One of the most exciting aspects about
being on Earth right now is that there is a reordering or a retooling
taking place in your DNA. Cosmic rays are coming onto the planet so that
a change is being broadcast and a reordering is taking place inside the
body. The scattered data that holds the history and awareness of the
Living Library is now lining up.

The DNA is evolving. New helixes or strands are being formed as the light-encoded filaments are beginning to bundle themselves together. The scattered data is being pulled together in your body by electromagnetic energies from Prime Creator. We are here to watch this process in you, to assist you, and to evolve ourselves as well.
As this rebuilding or reordering comes
together, you will create a more evolved nervous system that will allow
much more data to move itself into your consciousness. You will awaken
many brain cells that have been lying dormant, and you will come into
use of your full physical body rather than the small percentage that you
have been functioning with.
Every place on the planet is being
affected by this change, this awareness. Those of you who are the
Guardians of Light and who wish to completely change this present
reality and bring different options in are anchoring the frequency. If
it is not anchored and understood, it can create chaos. It will create
chaos. This is why you must GROUND yourselves.
Chaos brings about a state of
reorganization when utilized properly. Time is collapsing, and the
energy is becoming larger and larger. You have come here to use that
energy first. You will make pathways of consciousness as you pull the
energy into your body that will assist others so that they may not have
to go through what you go through.
Many people will suddenly begin to feel
this energy without any preparation at all. You are all pulling light,
which is data and information, onto the planet, and as you do this you
create new pathways for consciousness to explore without even saying a
The new pathways of consciousness create new realities, new options, and new ways of living and being.
– Barbara Marciniak
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