Weekly Forecast for October 17- 23, 2016
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Venus leaves suspicious Scorpio and starts its happy voyage
through the bright side of Sagittarius. The Sun dives down through
Scorpio helping us all get so very real and capable. Think Strong,
Brave and true. You've seen some truth recently. You can't un-see it.
Go forth to prosper.
Tuesday sweet Venus will leave steamy Scorpio for Sagittarius.
It's interesting that these signs follow each other. Scorpio gathers
the facts, secretly gathering more knowledge about you than even
you may have. But it is a naturally closed distrustful energy, when
it bonds it bonds deeply. Venus in Scorpio makes for some intense
experience. You can be in situations where you feel like your very life |
depends on "it" whatever it or whom it might be.
The themes of abandonment and betrayal are strong. This swimming
around in the dark passions of life allow you to identify things truthfully-
and then they can be cleared. Just a shift in perspective. Scorpio finds
the truth, but might keep it to themselves for fear of rejection or persecution.
Sagittarius just can't keep what was learned in Scorpio to itself. It must
tell it like it is or explode. Jupiter is forthright and self-righteous enough
to know that it needs to let you know the down right truth of the matter.
We can all look forward to a little more honest exchange with each other
while the planets expand through Sagittarius. It may not be done with
much charm but it will be done with heart. I would take heart over charm
any day. Well, most days for sure.
Midweek Mars and Pluto join up in Capricorn. If a foundation is
not solid now it will be exposed. Power is either stripped from
you to expose iffy foundations or you are offered a chance to
step into even more power and accept greater responsibility.
Don't be shy. Now is not the time to be timid. Put on your cape,
or whatever super hero outfit works for you and own this situation-
Always for the greater good of course. Always for more light.
Get the show on the road!
This week ends with the Sun moving over to Scorpio. Make use
of this time by allowing things to get intense- whatever that means
for you. Scorpio energy often feels rejected because of it's intensity.
This makes them feel they need to hide or repress this part of
themselves from most people. It's sad and hard to hide. Isolation
is not much fun.
This next month, while the sun is in Scorpio give yourself permission
to be intense. Feel passion, lust and obsession, find secrets, swim
around in mysteries and solve them. This intensity deserves its place
in the world- Let it out- we all have it somewhere inside us and it will
lead us to life. A life worth living. Be Alive!
It's a big week with a lot guts and truth. Take a deep breath and go.
We are here for experience. Get some of that- new exciting, growth
inducing experiences. It will align you with the best version of your
most perfect life. You've got this. You are practically a master at it
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Enjoy a wonderful week and create amazement!
Karen & Salma
INTERVIEW ON Thursday, October 20th:
Hillory Skott, our resident contributor of weekly astrological forecasts.
For 14 years she has been sharing Astrological information in one on
one consultations, speaking and writing
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6
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