Weekly Forecast for May 22-28 2017
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
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The Moon is New in clever Gemini - it's time again to begin again.
Conversations will be notable. Pluto brings up what's hidden for
resolution. Mars opposes Saturn. This is tricky territory - informative
and productive, but tricky. Set clear intentions and be ready to talk
it out. We can't just coast along forever refusing to face the dark stuff.
It has to be felt to be understood and then transformed. Squeeze the
coal to get *create* the diamond. The coal finds the pressure
uncomfortable, but sure feels good about being a diamond on the
other side of it all.
The Gemini New moon is on Thursday at 12:44 pm PST.
Gemini is a pro at handling the information age. It is ruled
by Mercury, ruler of communications. Our world of
communication is moving at lightning speed. Gemini is
fabulous at collecting and sharing information. It also has
two sides. Often the dark and light side. The Devil on one
shoulder and the angel on the other. Depth is not it's
specialty, but this new moon has a square between
relationship seeking Venus in fiery Aries and Pluto who
is insisting on metamorphosing. What needs to change
in your relationships? Is it just a silly power struggle?
Or more intriguing even: Is it a power struggle between
different parts of yourself?
Pluto is here to be sure we don't forget that there are
certain things that must be dealt with. It raises up feels
from the past, reminds you to remember why you might
be sabotaging yourself now. Where did it all begin, your
refusal to put yourself out there? What was it that
happened to stop your progress? Pluto asks these kinds
of questions. Gemini will be willing to talk about it now.
This week ends with a this or that struggle between Saturn:
stern, stable, structured old Saturn, and Mars: fiery, self-
motivated, impulsive, brave. They are both in fire signs so
there is a powerful need to take action. If you can use both
Mars' urge to assert itself and Saturn's ability to plan carefully,
you can move forward with confidence. If you don't move
forward now Saturn might in stead shower you with fun stuff,
like regret, sorrow, hopelessness. When there is work to be
done better to do it than ignore it. Responsibility is yours to take.
If you own it then you can transform it. You are not a victim.
To tune into the New Moon on Thursday and make the most
of it: Clear your mind, be still, and open your Heart to healing.
In this place of stillness all things are created. Imagine you are
walking through a doorway to your future. Once you walk through
the doorway you cannot go back. Nothing from the past can affect
you without your total awareness. What will you bring with you
through the door? What dreams and ideas? What people and
places? And what will you leave behind? What could you gladly
cut yourself loose from? What negative thoughts do you choose
to be without? What unhealthy fear can you let go of? What nasty
addiction can you shake out?
Who will you be on the other side of this doorway?
What is the best life you can imagine for yourself,
your loved ones, and the planet? Now add the light.
The wheels of creation are in motion. Bibity-bobity-boo
the future is ours to choose. Namaste.
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Create Amazement!
Karen & Salma
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6
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