There is nothing more wonderful than freedom of speech. Ilya G. Ehrenburg
It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree. Leo McKern
My sources are unreliable, but their information is fascinating. Ashleigh Brilliant
Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure. Bertrand Russell
The sports page records people’s accomplishments; the front page usually records nothing but man’s failures. Earl Warren
All the news that’s fit to print. Motto of the New York Times from 1896
But words are things, And a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, Upon a thought, Produces That which makes thousands, Perhaps millions, think. George Gordon Byron
The power of the press is very great, but not so great as the power of suppress. Lord Northcliffe
May's Gemini new Moon falls on the 25th in the US and the 26th in Australia.
This is yet another dynamic lunation (haven't they all been for ages
and ages?) There's been many changes before us, on every level, and, we
may be considering what next? We may make some big new decisions as a
result of this new Moon as it is one of change and decision. The last
full Moon, in Scorpio, was one of feeling like quitting something, at
least in some measure, or, we may be looking at how others haven't lived
up their their responsibilities. This can have us wondering whether to
continue with some activity, job, relationship, living arrangements,
etc. For many, it may be that we have to adjust to new conditions or
situations - perhaps we've wanted something to materialise, but, it
hasn't yet. The message at the moment is to continue to see yourself in
the situation that you want to see yourself in - not in the situation
that you don't want to see yourself in. We are finding so many signs and
synchronicities happening lately. It pays to listen to the promptings
from our surroundings to be and have more of what we want.
One of the major aspects of this new Moon is the t-square between Venus, Pluto and Jupiter. In the week leading up to this new Moon, Venus and Jupiter were opposite each other. In fact, Jupiter stationed to go direct again after months of being retrograde smack opposite the point that Venus went retrograde, making this opposition all the more powerful. Some months ago, Venus went retrograde on a degree that talks about passion, jealousy, difficulty, etc, in relationships.
The degree that Venus went retrograde in early March is Aries 14: A SERPENT COILING NEAR A MAN AND A WOMAN - the following is my shortened interpretation for this degree: -
So, now we have Jupiter sitting stationary direct on Libra 14: A Noon Siesta. This could imply that we need to take some time out to rest, to regroup our energies. Perhaps we need to sleep alone or to be alone, OR, it could be that we're tired of not having someone in our lives on an intimate level. Only you will know how this effects your life. One thing is for certain, many of us feel like we've been going around and around and around in circles, and, we might need to just stop and smell the roses.
With this new Moon, Venus has moved to square Pluto. This can be a decision point; we have been integrating much into our experience for a long time now, and, Venus is in a position to say yes or no, stay or go, be committed or break the ties. A decision made now can impact on many levels of our lives, not just in relationships. Staying true to one's self is key as is not vacillating nor selling ourselves out.
Requiring more effort and decisions is Mars moving into an opposition with Saturn. Again, we may hit a brick wall and feel that it is not worth fighting, pushing or continuing to compromise, especially if we are wasting our time, feeling drained, or, feeling unloved or unappreciated. Someone, it could be you or another, is likely to be moving on, moving away, or disappearing from the scene. Forgiveness is, as always, key here.
To me, though, is the Big Kahuna of transits that is happening, and, I see it as extremely positive and liberating, is that we have a grand trine with a kite between Saturn, Uranus and the Moon's Nodes. Putting these all together, it seems that we are in a time of manifesting our desires, changing our lives to be more of what we want, and, attracting those people, situations or events, that would contribute to enrich our lives. The arrow of the kite points directly at the Moon's south node. This, to me, speaks of letting go of the past. The Sabian Symbol for the south node is Aquarius 29: A Butterfly Emerging From The Chrysalis. We are being asked to 'emerge', to stretch and spread our wings and to fly into a new sense of love, safety and security. This speaks to me of getting straight with our relationships with others, our mind-sets, our beliefs, our imaginings (most of all, our imaginings).
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
One of the major aspects of this new Moon is the t-square between Venus, Pluto and Jupiter. In the week leading up to this new Moon, Venus and Jupiter were opposite each other. In fact, Jupiter stationed to go direct again after months of being retrograde smack opposite the point that Venus went retrograde, making this opposition all the more powerful. Some months ago, Venus went retrograde on a degree that talks about passion, jealousy, difficulty, etc, in relationships.
The degree that Venus went retrograde in early March is Aries 14: A SERPENT COILING NEAR A MAN AND A WOMAN - the following is my shortened interpretation for this degree: -
This Symbol shows that there is likely to be tense emotion, particularly around relationships. There can be a sense of tension, fear and passion. SituationsRight as Venus went retrograde, I saw a brown snake in my garden in the mountains. It was quite astounding, really, as I've not ever in my 17 or so years of spending time in that garden seen a snake. Many people reported how they, too, had come across snakes (or heard stories about them). It was a very interesting time. Just this last week, Venus has cleared it's shadow, and, it spent a day or two, again, on this degree. We are being given the opportunity to let go of this feeling of being 'thrown out of the Garden Of Eden', we may have to forgive and forget and let go, though, in order to really achieve this liberation.may arise where something or someone tries to come between you and a beloved. This can be a person, an event or an emotion. Jealousy, temptation, fear, resentment or separation can arise. You may need to learn to let go and find new depths to your ways of relating and relationships. Are you looking for, or have you found, your Garden of Eden?
Keywords: Enticement. Allurement. The revelation of archetypal knowledge that may not be 'socially acceptable'. Temptations. Heated emotions. Passion. Kundalini energy.
The Caution: Feeling guilty about being afraid to express your feelings. Basic instincts and sexual energy. Jealousy. Using passion as a controlling device. Being thrown out of the garden.
So, now we have Jupiter sitting stationary direct on Libra 14: A Noon Siesta. This could imply that we need to take some time out to rest, to regroup our energies. Perhaps we need to sleep alone or to be alone, OR, it could be that we're tired of not having someone in our lives on an intimate level. Only you will know how this effects your life. One thing is for certain, many of us feel like we've been going around and around and around in circles, and, we might need to just stop and smell the roses.
With this new Moon, Venus has moved to square Pluto. This can be a decision point; we have been integrating much into our experience for a long time now, and, Venus is in a position to say yes or no, stay or go, be committed or break the ties. A decision made now can impact on many levels of our lives, not just in relationships. Staying true to one's self is key as is not vacillating nor selling ourselves out.
Requiring more effort and decisions is Mars moving into an opposition with Saturn. Again, we may hit a brick wall and feel that it is not worth fighting, pushing or continuing to compromise, especially if we are wasting our time, feeling drained, or, feeling unloved or unappreciated. Someone, it could be you or another, is likely to be moving on, moving away, or disappearing from the scene. Forgiveness is, as always, key here.
To me, though, is the Big Kahuna of transits that is happening, and, I see it as extremely positive and liberating, is that we have a grand trine with a kite between Saturn, Uranus and the Moon's Nodes. Putting these all together, it seems that we are in a time of manifesting our desires, changing our lives to be more of what we want, and, attracting those people, situations or events, that would contribute to enrich our lives. The arrow of the kite points directly at the Moon's south node. This, to me, speaks of letting go of the past. The Sabian Symbol for the south node is Aquarius 29: A Butterfly Emerging From The Chrysalis. We are being asked to 'emerge', to stretch and spread our wings and to fly into a new sense of love, safety and security. This speaks to me of getting straight with our relationships with others, our mind-sets, our beliefs, our imaginings (most of all, our imaginings).
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
Oracle: You may be motivated for change, and getting the attention of those around you may require radical and even abrasive action. This Symbol can equally be seen from the opposite view; perhaps you are having difficulty with someone who is being noisy, disruptive, demanding or looking to cause change. Whichever, the issue is most likely overblown and exaggerated in some way. There may be a lot of dramatic ‘Action’ and overreaction to what is said or done. Things may currently seem threatening, but are probably just reflections of moments in time and likely to pass before long. Someone may meet his or her match vocally. Attention seeking devices, such as the ‘Sensational Front Page’ should be used very carefully and never against anyone. Once everyone is paying attention there may need to be an effort to publicize a more reasonable perspective. Sometimes we overuse terms like “you never” and “that’s the last time I ever…” It is important to get past the exaggerated ‘Sensational’ words and look at why such large statements are thought necessary in the first place.
Keywords: Speaking one’s mind. Messages and news that awakes or shocks. The need for reform. Challenging outlooks. Breaking out of constraints. The media. Issues of propaganda. Headlines that promise more than they deliver. Revolutions. Social or emotional causes. Conspiracy theories. Printing presses. Publishing. Publicity. Gaining attention. Speaking one’s truth without fear of consequences. Fake or real news?
The Caution: Being argumentative. Arousing others for selfish reasons. Distortions of the truth. Misinformation and disinformation. Getting the whole picture wrong. Exploitation of situations. Overstating messages. Biased information. Old and outworn news.
The Karmic Degree for the Moon is...
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Also, I have still not turned off the sale on my book (which comes with a set of cards in the back). With each order, you instantly receive a free download of the book on Pdf so you can check it out immediately, and, have it on your computer. I have reduced the price of the book and cards by 33% - it was $45.00 and is now $30.00. Although I am taking a loss on the shipping, I have also reduced the cost of shipping within the US. At this point, I am not sure how long I will continue this sale. Get in quick is the message here :) Hint: they make great gifts!
Click here to read about and order the book and go to More Info to see an explanation video I made about it.
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