Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Stormy Tale, Microbursting with Local Flavor

Well, where were we before this N'oreaster interrupted our power for over 24 hours, and I was working so much? ~PB

On Thursday I had a client I couldn't fit into the schedule, so we agreed to meet on Friday afternoon, despite the storm. She was on her way home from work. I didn't mind going out in the storm, I had on layers, light down and a raincoat, along with rain pants I bought for biking, and a sturdy umbrella. I recall musing how boring the storm was, nothing to take photos of, since the big news was the flooding on the coast. But by the time I walked home a few hours later, all hell had broken loose in
my neighborhood, 6 miles inland from downtown Boston. This is part of my 2-block commute to work:  St. John Street between Centre and Rockview, Jamaica Plain (Boston). #AnotherDayInNewEngland  #DontLikeTheWeatherWaitAMinute 
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Image may contain: car and outdoor
Power pole toppled over, breaking a tree across the street,
pulling down telephone wires.

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The cop told us (me and a gal going in the same direction) we could
walk through the center to get home, as the wires were not live.
Then we got yelled at by a utility guy that said the wires were live!
Meanwhile, down the street...
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Image may contain: car, house and outdoor
Trees and wires down... I had to step over a small hanging live wire
in the front yard here to get home, as the street and sidewalk were
full of live wires on the ground. Well, I could have gone the long way
around the block...but what's the fun in that?

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I swear, by some miracle, this car was barely scratched!

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Me cutting through the yard...jumping live wires. :D

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Its a hot mess of tree limbs and wires. Some people were caught
between the 2 areas of destruction and couldn't get their cars out.
The power didn't even go out from the tree falling, they just cut it
after I got home due to the danger of live wires. My phone died shortly
after the  power went out. I went to bed early and strangely, was able
able to sleep a lot. Probably easier to do with no wi-fi bombardment.
It was so quiet, except for the lashing rain and howling winds!
What a difference a day makes! 24 little hours...
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Poor tree. On my way to see a client at my massage studio 2 blocks away,
I had marveled at the perfect shape of this tree, now injured. :(

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They brought the Big Dogs out..about 8 or 10  utility trucks!

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I prefer to hug trees, but hey, he's a guy!

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They did a good job of getting debris out of the street,
but there were still lots of low hanging wires!

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Across the street. Free firewood!
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Nothing but Utility trucks, Comcast/Xfinity vans and marked or
unmarked Po-po, who  generally ignored pedestrians.
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Home Sweet Home. Sunlight AND power! Yay! I celebrated
with a steak and wine....
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Who knew that by watching 9-yr-olds cook Filet Mignon on #MasterChefJr, I would pick up enough tips to perfect my Rib-eye Steak (my favorite cut...this is only half of it) beyond expectations? Garlicky sauteed mushrooms and my favorite veggie: 4-minute steamed broccoli #workhardeatwell #protein #thankyouandblessyoubeastie #lifeforceenergy #grateful

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