Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Aluna Ash- 9D: Energy Update 12/4, Next Wave (+ prior week posts)

#NewEarth #5D #PoleShift

Energy Update 12/4, Next Wave

#NewEarth #5D #PoleShift #LightBody

New wavespell today, day one of Yellow Sun.

Still seeing fast movement in water west pacific- talked about this over the last month

Our entire body is integrating new codes, new information, new energy.. you could have an increase in energy one day and then be completely wiped out the next just make sure you're taking advantage of when you're feeling good and then resting when you need to always listen to your body no matter what. We are all going through this change and transition together.. there is not one person that has already gone through the shift completely that's in this physical experience- we are all the same.

There could be a testing of the Grid or the internet in different locations, at diff times within the next few weeks

I was seeing something in my dream state which I don't really know what it is but I think it may be a crater of some sort.

If you're planning on doing the clearing/release & manifestation ritual Wed. 9pm EST USA, bring 2 pieces of paper and a pen to the group meditation.

If I'm unable to edit the video I made for the astrology for December before the livestream, I'll talk about the astrology on the live stream instead & just upload the individual astro & channeled messages for each zodiac sign separate. Patreons: the element readings & twinflame reading by elements are posted.✊✊


  1. #newearth #5D #poleshift
    The Event, Pole Shift, 4D/5D Magnetic Sun 2021, Collective Awakening
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Dec 2, 2018
    #newearth #5D #poleshift #TheEvent

    I mentioned stuff about this on Patreon recently so some already heard about this... but I feel extremely confident about this based off of the information that I've been getting Clairvoyantly and downloads of information over the last 4-5 years. I most definitely believe that systems will transition completely either by 2021 or not long after... 2022 looks beautiful at least from how I was shown. It's so important for people to start planting there seeds in clearing unconscious programs from their old Paradigm right now and I talk about this more in The December Astrology & galactic cycles video im uploading because you have the ability to have a completely new life- new reality VERY VERY SOON, just stay focused on your highest reality.

    I've talked about three suns in the past:
    3D sun is electric consciousness- masculine
    4D sun is transition
    4D/5D sun is magnetic-consciousness- feminine. We are going to a new sun by 2021. 2021 is the full transition. The last phase of this transition begins July of 2019 as we enter the new galactic year of the divine feminine. from now and even more so as we get closer to the new galactic year in July 2019- which would be the 13 Moon, which would be Christ consciousness gateway/13th gate, people will be Awakening to their unconscious patterns.. if they haven't already. The whole Paradigm of the third dimension will be changed.

    The sun going from one charge to another- electric to magnetic just like our poles on earth, this creates pole shift. We are shifting with the sun from the inside out, as the sun is turning inside out as well.

    Still finishing up the astrology video for December.. (I can only make these videos during during certain times because I have work that I do during certain hrs and a child + 3D life) but itll be up soon!

    The December channeled messages for each zodiac sign will be up on Patreon.com/alunaash this week (prerecorded just need to upload)

    Thank you to everyone that has reached out about working with me doing emails, I appreciate it so much! I haven't been able to respond to everyone that has reached out so I just wanted to send a thank you and let you guys know how grateful I am.

    I'm Grateful for this entire family here on this channel! Love you guys.. I have never really had a "family" and you guys have become that for meπŸ€—❤❤❤
    ..even my spies just here for the info☺ I Love you & I am grateful your keeps spirit bringing your back here.

    © Copyright. Aluna Ash

  2. Twinflames: Collective Message 12/1
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Dec 1, 2018
    Collectively, it is basically a new awareness on top of what is already known. Slowly dissolving the ego and logical mind that has been guiding decisions along side the unconscious. The Sun is evolving in conscious awareness as well. When the Sun changes, its due to the collective as a whole and vice versa.
    And THANK YOU to anyone thats reached out! I do believe I have someone that will be working w me to help w emails, if anything changes Ill def post again if anyone is interested.

  3. Energy Wave & Chakra Activations 11/30
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Nov 30, 2018

    Energy wave is here, will be felt around 11/30- 12/03 moving from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere but those tuning into the planet will feel this right away during planetary spikes. Chakra activations & chakra clearing releasing
    © All rights reserved

  4. 2012 Timeline Portal 12/21- The Sun Awakens- Energy Update. 11/30
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Nov 30, 2018
    "The Sun is Awakening" was what I was hearing with this message. Realities are splitting in the ether right now.

    We are entering the 2012 Timeline Galactic Portal on December 21st, 2018. This portal is reconnecting us with the Sun and preparing The Awakening Of The Sun to manifest over the next 4 moon cycles. The awakening of the Sun takes place just prior to the new Galactic year of the Divine Feminine, awakening the orginal grid system of the planet for the collective to access. There is a clearing of all programming and collective imprints through the collective unconscious prior to 1987.

    Theres also movement w water that is really different. And the truth is beginning to surface for more and more.

    The building of energy & movement below the surface of the planet looks like a blue light also & dont know what it means (clairvoyant and remote view) been seeing this for months and its expanding. Its also connected to the dipper which makes me think of the 3rd eye activation & pole shift manifesting more from the ether.

    Many First wavers are moving into the higher collective timeline through individual work.. the closer we get to this next galactic year in July/Aug 2019 of the Divine Feminine. Then Collective DF mother energy awakens. We are just anchoring this grid & consciousness as lightworkers, we are conduits.

    Thank you to all that have reached out! I am hiring someone permanently to help w emails, reading updates/confirmations/respones.. stuff like that. Its impossible for me to do on my own (or with someone temp.) so those that are interested, thank you for reaching out- i havent been able to respond to all yet, I wasnt expecting so many of you to reach outπŸ€—
    I've done some recordings earlier today and ones from last week & will be sending those out over the weekend.. anyone wanting refund, please go through paypal instead of email so you will get the refund & I dont miss it. Once refunded, cannot re-send payment if you change your mind though. Only can resend payment if I have refunded you & you did not request it, then I will, absolutely.

    Patreon family:
    Those doing the Shakti transmissions, im uploading prerecorded shakti transmission just trying to figure out how to shorten the file so it'll load & accidently had the patreon Lens thing on too from my phone. If unable to upload ill record live & share unlisted link early in the a.m... you can watch/re-watch whenever.

    If you are not a patron, I post some messages on the public page for anyone to see at times and you do not need to be a patron to see them. (quicker then youtube)

    © All rights reserved

  5. The Heart Chakra Race 11/28
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Streamed live on Nov 28, 2018

    πŸ•³Correction: Livestream Group Meditation Thursday 9pm EST USA, if youre unable to make it Thursday on the livestream, you can watch after- group meditation is still just as powerful.

    Sorry if audio is muffled- my microphone on my device. I only deal w audio interference when i use this device ive noticed & trying to get it taken care of today if Im able so wont have the issue during livestream & my reading recording! Doing my best

    They areblocking the sun due to our connection through the earth to the sun. It helps build our new aethetic template and natutal grid.

    The most important thing that we all can do is focus on our individual spiritual growth so we're able to be of service to others.

    We have to starve the darkforces by not letting them trigger you or get a reaction.. theyre focused on YOU because they cant focus on themselves or create themselves.. we have a lot of clones/ organic portals that are scrambling right now because they control and manipulate through the emotional body through the astral plane. When the unconscious patterns become conscious there's no longer feeding those beings or thought forms and they can no longer manipulate to create.

    The soul is detoxing the emotional body through the physical body.
    Detachment but staying in the heart is key. We all have a specific role individually then a universal role.. those that are trying to create division or duality are plsying their part in the 3D role.. and some will remain in their 3D role. It depends on the individual.

    Aluna Ash 9D- © All rights reserved-copyright

  6. Energy Update & Group/Family 10% Happier: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Streamed live on Nov 29, 2018
    You guys have become my familyπŸ€—☺😊

    **still seeing movement in water (spoke about in past videos) The ones in control know the new galactic shift is coming and can only control through triggering the emotional body, so they feel like they need to step it up towards the ones not awake or aware.

    This is a car update lol (I had to visit a loved one at the hosp. & this was the only way I could do the live tonight)

    Ill upload the video w more on the Dece astrology soon!(i use mayan, vedic & western together as one so some may think im doing astrology wrong too but its how I like it- i like them all, and you dont need to pick just one, theres no right or wrong, its perception)

    I may be looking for help with emails soon if anyone is interested, ill post some time in a week or so after I figure out whats going on, i do have someone temp. But they dont have much time right now & I cant do it on my own.

    πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™ Karen, owner & organizer of Clear Retreats at:
    - Soul Family get together.

  7. Energy Wave On The Way 12/4
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on Dec 4, 2018
    We each have to make sure we are living as if we truly love ourselves in order to fully see change.

    Emotionas can be brought up and fears.. can bring deeper awareness of soul contracts & and soul imprint/plans

    I mentioned this last week in one of the posts, but I was also seeing that the abnormal movement in water that feels unnatural, maybe its just different or maybe it's delibrate, i dont know. Feels like an awareness of this and scanning. There's like energy lines at the bottom of the ocean floor and energy structures that are being scanned/watched or something like that, by an under water vessel like a submarine..feels directed. Maybe watching or monitoring energy spikes in the ocean because of the frequency of the planet changing so much.
