Thursday, July 25, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D: STAGES OF AWAKENING/TRAINING (more in description box)7/24

(more in description box)7/24

#awakening #astral #newEarth

Activation of The New Earth 144 Monad Crystalline Grid or  Logos crystalline unified field  through Cosmic Merkaba/etheric Monad overlay activation- is coming.

The lower astral is where dark abuse, manipulation takes place, manipulation of time & perception of reality. A clearing is taking place of the astral through our awakening & conscious experience of it. The entities w out Soul consciousness use hosts through the lower astral subplanes by the desire body developed from thoughtforms, they project into thought forms to take shape. Its important to see & experience this realm in our training to understand the true nature of this reality. The dark energy & abuse coming to light within the collective conscious is an example of the unconscious & lower astral becoming conscious. This is showing how much we have grown in consciousness, it must come to the surface. More will surface as the collective awakening continues.

In this new cycle, Many will be operating consciously in all 7 planes & beyond as they reach union with the Monad consciousness through the Soul aspect of their individual self.

We train in dreamstate unconsciously, then it becomes a conscious experience. And we grow more & more conscious in the dreamstate realm or astral plane over time. Even if you do not remember, you are training. The shift is the unconscious becoming conscious. We all go through our own type of "training" through life, inner realms, past lives, others, etc..

There is a training that takes place ..otherwise it would be dangerous for someone to have those powers or level of awareness activated right after an awakening. Integration is needed. Pure intent and motive is a must in order to access the Monad plane/consciousness and operate from higher dimensions.. or even to access higher information. We all going through spiritual trainings, and things speed up after a certain point, it can be alot to take in & we have to be  ready for it or we can be a danger to ourselves, a danger to others & humanity.

The lower sub planes of the astral plane will always look dark in the background, look distorted and will feel "off"... its not a fun place to be. But  we are able to help the Souls who feel stuck here due to unfulfilled desires connected to the physical plane or trauma. This is what many are doing in dreamstate.

The higher sub planes of the astral planes is lighter, brighter, feels more positive..

Beyond the astral is the mental plane, which is where you can see thoughtforms.

Beyond the mental plane & subplanes is the higher spiritual planes.

Ascended Masters, Teachers, etc.. will not themselves show up in the lower planes in their own astral body because the composition of aetheric matter as evolved to a state beyond the lower planes, the energy/magnetism will not allow it.. but they will project their Consciousness into another vehicle, even borrow an astral body of another or create one, or use elemental entities in order to be in the astral or lower planes to teach/guide others. Once one is liberated, the servers of humanity will not just leave others behind. They will remain here, they will create a form to project consciousness to the lower planes to help "trapped" or "lost" Souls through the use of their Light Body & Soul consciousness.

The Cosmic Monad Merkaba that is being activated for many, creates "union" of polarized fields & connects to the new crystalline grid. This anchores higher planes to lower planes- merging the physical with the non-physical. This Merkaba is the etheric casing connected to the Monad and Central Spiritual Sun. Activations will continue, portal opens 7/29. August 1st-3rd new codes comes through the Cosmic Monad Merkaba/overlay to the 144 crystalline grid.

#theEvent #poleshift #awakening #newearth #5D #galacticCycle #merkaba

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