Saturday, January 30, 2021

Alliance, Trump, and More - Yazhi Swaruu´s Larger Perspective (Extraterrestrial Communication)

 (This is a direct transmission, not channeled.)

Excerpt from 2nd half:

"You must stop playing the game collectively...Everything goes on because people keep playing the same sick game, and it reflects back to them all. They are making it all happen..the people, broken shoes. That's why it is getting worse and worse, because they feed each other fear, and they manifest  their purpose."

You must stop playing the game collectively, believing everything they tell you, giving media and politicians your attention, not taking control of your own lives, believing in authority, and obeying them blindly. Every time I see everything clear, and I always say what I see, I always say what I have.

All that with Trump, the rigged elections, the QAnon, the arrests, serves as a distraction so that people do not organize themselves, so that they cannot form a real resistance, since they again, give away their power to the government. In this case, Trump, or with the goal to proceed with the genocide plan, and the imposition of a completely controlled new currency and the imposition of a repressive, Fascist world controlled government, as has never been seen before on Earth.

As we have said so many times, people must unite and create a real resistance and rebel en masse, and do not comply with the directives of government. Mass rebellion is the key. Or, they will die. Federation, Galactic Federation of Light will do nothing, because they are the Cabal, behind everything, the ones who are causing what is seen on earth today.

Everyone must decide to what extent they can help, and how they can help, and you must also understand that it is not your responsibility to save the world or other people. Help with what you can help, but if you don't see how, then just save yourselves. This, when you see that there is no other soul that understands or follows you. The difference between really awake and asleep is increasing.

Those who follow Trump are really awake for example, when he is just one more level in the awakening.  I share this because it is what I see, with alarming clarity. Whether they think I am negative or not, I don't care. It will depend on each one, if what they want is placebos, that give hope, dopamine and hopium, or either they wish or have the nerve to see the truth, no mater how ugly it may be. QAnon catchphrase is "Trust the Plan" which means that you don't do anything.

I don't like that "Trust the Plan" part, but at the same time, the worst thing Patriots could do now is to start any violent action, because the bad ones will use it as propaganda against the good ones. So in that case, "do nothing" is the better option. Because if Trump has the Military, the real Militia would only stand in their way. The real militia is organized groups of citizens with guns, wanting to protect the Constitution, because what would they have? They would end up fighting the National Guard and the Army, and that is precisely what the bad ones want. Militia and Army, both on the good side, canceling each other out. So yes, from that point of view, it is better not to do anything now, only protect yourself as a civilian.  People should not act against the military, they are on the same side here. But then moving back, that's all part of the same game.

And now the problem is the Cabal has blocked militias. Those are the infamous Antifa. They are just waiting for the order to cause destruction, rioting and bombs all over the US, if Trump's side would make a move. That's why they are  using the people as hostages, and from what I am told, that is why Trump and his team cannot move forward. But all this is only part of one level of what is going on.

Even me saying all this is just like discussing strategy, within evolving. As seen from behind, it is a distraction, and what really matters is and is not in the main focus here, are the vaccines rolling out worldwide now, killing people immediately to a few months, because of severe organ failure. And organs fail because it triggers an autoimmune response. The body attacks itself, until it dies. All this is so incredibly important, that it is the cause of all the censorship all over, because they go to extreme measures to prevent people from knowing this. You cannot even talk about what is really important. Trump and team just avoid it, as seen from 2 cents.

On a stellar level, .....
We are just like humans with little power.
You are the only ones who ca save yourselves. YOU must save yourselves.

Alliance, Trump, and More - Yazhi Swaruu´s Larger Perspective (Extraterrestrial Communication)

Jan 28, 2021
46.2K subscribers

This is what Yazhi Swaruu shares with us regarding the situation developing in the world right now concerning Trump, Alliance, Q, and more. Our website with transcripts and forums:


Thank you! :)




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