He has a podcast you can join on that site and it is well worth it. He finally agreed to this little interview and I am so happy to share with you our conversation.

Because I was really wanting to hear from him what he felt was going on in regards to the reports of galactic intervention I was willing to go into some of the more negative agenda in regards ET influence than I normally do.
We shared a more unique perspective on a variety of subjects.

Enjoy this interview with one of the bravest people I know. Meet Alex Collier who like Milton William Cooper, Phil Schnieder, and many others who were ridiculed for sharing the darkest secret of humanity.

They all revealed that human beings were formally being traded as a commodity to ET beings for technology. This incredible, inflammatory, disturbing, unbelievable, too horrible to accept reality is now reaching a certain level of gnosis by many more people the world over.

This worldwide development of rapid revelations of data dumps of purposefully hidden truths is quite shocking and confusing to everyone. I feel people should investigate for themselves thoroughly to have their own understanding to make a decision to consider if these things are in fact real.

The good news is we are already powerful magical beings born to live free and to exercise liberty. We do not have to apologize for not reacting or obeying “Authority Figures” who use their implied authority to convince we the people to obey their plans to die.

So without reveling in the scary stuff or fear please listen to this show with Alex one of the the first people to really breakdown the very negative agenda of hostile regressive race called the Dracos or Reptillians through his repeated onboard visits with the Andromedens.

Yes, there are other races of beings from other worlds that look different. Most all these races are benevolent and they look forward to our graduation into a new era. The elevation of our collective cultural consciousness will increase our light our knowledge and freedom.

Our solution is simple by our actions and will to do good we can increase the flourishing growth of harmony in ALL human relations. We can then together we will make positive fundamental societal changes that will better reflect the innate human diversity and the infinite creative spirit that we possess.

Our levels of capability will grow as something natural and joyful and for our happiness rejoice in. The time is now to us take responsibility for ourselves our free will and the world and to make choices to benefit others as a priority.

Enjoy my friend Alex Collier who is a contactee of the Adromedeans from the Andromeda constellation. Alexcollier.org Watch now at the link below.

Alex Collier interview