Sunday, July 25, 2021

mRNA Vaccine Discovery: A letter of explanation From: Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD, President, RW Malone MD LLC + Rumble conversation between Dr. Robert Malone, Mr Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein

Friends and colleagues:

I am writing to you to ask your assistance in helping to correct a misrepresentation in the mainstream media news - one that is essentially fake news. This in regards to a series of newspaper and scientific review articles about the discovery of mRNA vaccines. I write in the first person because I have been a direct witness to these many events.

By way of introduction, Robert Malone and I have been married for 42 years. Through ups and downs, good and bad, we have always been partners. Is this unique? No. Many people find a life partner; work and play together as a team. What maybe is unique is our commitment to working together for the betterment of society. I am very lucky. Robert is brilliant. More than brilliant – he is someone that can take facts and use them to see into the future. Pattern recognition. As a life partner, I am vigilant in my protection of Robert – both of his reputation, his health and as a person. It is with that sense of needing to help shield him that I write this letter. Our careers are as independent researchers; we don’t have the luxury of an academic institution. There is no infrastructure behind us to place articles, apply for awards and provide institutional support. Our consulting business and our philanthropic research relies on our support of each other, what we have built, and the revenue that we generate through our consulting practice. I write this letter as a way to help tell our friends about a great wrong that has been done to Robert.

As a young scientist, Robert saw into the future. He saw the future of RNA as a drug in 1987. Then in early in 1988, he foresaw the future of the use of mRNA for vaccination, as well as DNA vaccination. He did this in the worst of situations. As a graduate student, without support of his thesis advisor and being in an abusive work/student environment.

But this letter is not about that period so much as now. However, a little back history is needed.

Robert is the inventor of mRNA vaccination. The documentation is clear, as is the patent record. In 1986, while at the Salk Institute/UC San Diego as a MD (Northwestern)/PhD (Salk/UCSD) student, Robert worked with RNA for his dissertation. His work with RNA had actually begun much earlier while he was working at UC Davis in 1983. That experience taught Robert how to work with RNA and keep it from degrading, at a time when very few scientists were working with RNA. At the Salk, his early work included structure and modeling analysis, but it soon expanded beyond that. In 1987, he invented lipid mediated mRNA transfection and in 1988 at the Salk, he confirmed those results in-vivo. But the situation in the lab was not healthy. The harassment got to the point, where Robert literally was diagnosed with severe PTSD from abuse at the hands of his thesis advisor and institutional attorneys. He knew he had to abandon his PhD, take a masters degree, and go back to Northwestern to finish his medical degree. His thesis advisor was Dr. Inder Verma, whose behavior abusing women and his employees is now legendary and well documented in both the scientific and lay press. In retrospect, the lack of support by the Salk and UCSD is typical of what they did with anyone who complained about Dr. Verma - they made it go away. At the time, the Salk was referred to as “Inder’s Institution.”

Robert left the university knowing that what he had invented would change the world someday. That he has never doubted.

Patent disclosures and a patent application were written and eventually filed on...

(read the rest here):

Dr. Robert Malone, Mr Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein...Covid-19 Perspectives From An Engineer, and a Medical Doctor Who Invented mRNA Vaccine Technology

Published June 14, 2021

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