Tuesday, December 20, 2022

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your guide to planetary energies  December 19 to 25, 2022 By Astrologer Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies 
December 19 to 25, 2022
By Astrologer Pam Younghans

Sunset at Stonehenge on December 16, 2022. Photo by Stonehenge Dronescapes.

Aspects of Note this Week
Times and dates are Pacific Standard Time (PST); add 8 hours for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

MON: Venus square Chiron, Venus quincunx Mars, Mars sextile Chiron
TUE: Jupiter enters Aries
WED: Sun enters Capricorn (Solstice), Sun square Jupiter, Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus
THU: Venus trine Uranus
FRI: Chiron stations direct, New Moon 2:16 a.m. PST, Jupiter semisquare Uranus
SAT: Mercury sextile Neptune
SUN: No major aspects are exact today

SOLAR FLARES: This past week, the Sun released an amazing number of moderate solar flares in just three short days. Starting just before midnight PST on December 13, and lasting through early December 16, an astonishing 25 M-class events occurred.
Solar flares affect not only the Earth and its atmosphere, but all life on this planet. A study by the National Institutes of Health states that these events "can act as stressors," affecting sleep patterns, blood pressure, breathing, circulation, the immune system, heart rate, the nervous system, and other physiological processes. There are also connections between solar flares and behaviors, emotional well-being, and mental health.
Metaphysically, solar flares affect our energy fields and can initiate a process of clearing, where toxins that have been stored in the cells of the body are released. This can result in experiencing waves of sadness, anger, fear, and other lower-frequency emotions. These may manifest as over-reactions to events that usually would not affect us, or they may seemingly appear on their own, with no clear trigger or source. As this clearing happens, there can also be a short-term increase in body temperature, felt as a hot flash.
Although the flurry of M-class solar flares has abated for now, please continue with good self-care this week, as our physical and metaphysical bodies take time to adjust to the energies. Especially important: Drink extra fluids, exercise gently, and get good, solid sleep. 

A WEEK OF CHANGES: We have several important events occurring this week: Jupiter returns to Aries on Tuesday; the Solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn, occurs on Wednesday; and on Friday, Chiron is at a standstill, there is a New Moon, and Jupiter is semisquare Uranus. 
Jupiter entered Aries on May 10 of this year, but then went retrograde on July 28 and backed up into Pisces on October 28. Enterprises that looked promising in May, June, and July may seem to have stalled for a while, but with Jupiter now moving direct and re-entering Aries on December 20, there is an opportunity to jumpstart projects that have been idling. 
The main questions to ask ourselves at this time are related to what we hopefully learned while Jupiter was retrograde: Do we now have a clearer knowing of what we believe in? How does a deeper understanding of life’s meaning and our own spiritual truth affect how we proceed from here? And, as a new sense of faith and hope begins to stabilize, how can we use Jupiter in Aries to springboard new endeavors that support the broader vision we now have?

CAPRICORN SOLSTICE AND NEW MOON: The Sun enters Capricorn at 1:48 p.m. PST on December 21, marking the start of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and the first day of winter in lands north of the equator. Although our physical location determines whether this is the day of longest or shortest daylight (each of which holds its own symbology), we can all agree that the Solstice is an important turning point, when the Sun seems to stand still in the sky and then reverses direction.
This is a time when we are likewise advised to stop and be still, to reflect perhaps on what has been and how we want to proceed going forward. It can also be a time of celebration in anticipation of the energies of the new season.
The astrological chart for the Solstice shows basic themes for the next three months. The natal chart for this Solstice shows a very strong Sun-Jupiter square, which can indicate a tendency to leap without proper planning. It could also manifest as a challenge to existing belief systems that elicits assertive or aggressive responses. In addition, the Sun is sesquiquadrate Uranus, signifying unexpected course changes, and is tightly square Ceres, which requires us to strengthen self-esteem and to rethink relationships and alliances. 
The Moon is in Sagittarius at the Solstice, activating legal, ethical, and ideological concerns. An opposition between the Moon and retrograde Mars indicates a need to be openminded and tolerant, and could mean some delays in getting projects started until after Mars goes direct on January 12.
The new lunar cycle begins at 2:17 a.m. PST on December 23, when the Sun and Moon align at 01°32´ Capricorn. The chart for this New Moon contains the same solar aspects as the Solstice chart, so please see the paragraph above describing those influences. In general, a Capricorn New Moon is a good time to set new goals and to focus on the practical steps we will need to take if we are to successfully reach the mountain peak we have chosen to climb.

JUPITER SEMISQUARE URANUS: Jupiter and Uranus are exactly semisquare on Friday. This is a longer-term influence that has been in effect for a few weeks, but one that will be most powerfully activated this week. It will be very strong at the time of the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in close aspect to both Jupiter and Uranus.
This Jupiter-Uranus aspect might have been a contributing energetic factor in the flurry of M-class solar flares of this past week. When these two planets interact, electrical activity in all its forms is heightened. Jupiter, the largest planet in our known solar system, magnifies whatever it touches; Uranus, named for the god of Chaos, manifests in surprising or sudden events. With Uranus in environmentally-conscious Taurus, we might "expect" strange lightning storms and other unusual occurrences in the natural world and in weather systems this week.
On another level, Jupiter is the planet of spiritual belief, wisdom, and faith, while Uranus is the planet of Higher Mind, the god of the Cosmos. Their interaction this week can thus act as a catapult, enabling us to achieve new altered states of consciousness. As we access higher-frequency information and insights, we may find that the course we had originally set will need to change.

QUANTUM SHIFT! My "Quantum Shift" webinar is in just three weeks! I'm looking forward to sharing with you what will be happening astrologically in 2023. After providing an overview of the entire year, I'll then talk about the first four months in greater detail. These will be exciting times, with Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto stepping into Aquarius in March. Please see the right-hand column on this page for the full class description, or visit: https://quantumshift2023.eventbrite.com

DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each. 
Venus square Chiron, Venus quincunx retrograde Mars, Mars sextile Chiron: Relationships are in the spotlight today. People may be especially sensitive and wearing their emotions on their sleeves. Partial resolution is possible, but it will take close attention to the words we use and how we choose to say them.
Jupiter enters Aries: Jupiter will move very quickly through Aries, and will enter Taurus on May 16, 2023.
Sun enters Capricorn (Solstice): Today we begin a new solar month, in which our attention is drawn to long-range aspirations. There is a sense of coming "down to earth," as we focus on practical matters and what we must do in concrete terms to achieve our goals. There is also a hermit-like quality to Capricorn, as it is the sign of self-reliance, personal discipline, and responsibility.
Sun square Jupiter, Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus: Surprises challenge us to open our minds and rethink old belief systems.
Venus trine Uranus: We find it easier to give loved ones their own space today, and likewise are more in touch with our individual needs and values. 
Chiron stations direct: We may be especially aware now of ways in which anger has been masking self-doubt and other insecurities that are in need of our healing attention.
New Moon 2:16 a.m. PST: This New Moon in Capricorn is well-suited for setting "New Year's resolutions," since the sign of the Seagoat always has the mountaintop in its sights.
Jupiter semisquare Uranus: Unexpected events alter our course but also open the door to expanded awareness.
Mercury sextile Neptune: This aspect represents the ability to combine logical reasoning and intuitive knowing, which supports communications on all levels.
No major aspects are exact today.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: There is a restless quality to this coming year, that is likely to inspire you to take new risks in an effort to experience more variety in your life. At the same time, you may be unclear about your longer-term goals, or even what would bring you true fulfillment. The planetary influences this year are more conducive to experimentation than to clear-cut decision-making. There may be times that you feel very foggy or unsure about who you really are and what you truly want, but these are temporary conditions, giving you the opportunity to intuit your course step-by-step rather than planning too far ahead. (Solar Return Sun square Jupiter, sesquiquadrate Uranus, square Neptune)

​​In peace and with gratitude,


For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal, please click HERE. (New week's audio and text are online no later than 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday.)

NorthPoint Journal © 2022 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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