Wednesday, April 19, 2023

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies April 17 to 23, 2023 By Astrologer Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

By Astrologer Pam Younghans


Images left to right: A total solar eclipse, an annular solar eclipse, and a partial solar eclipse. Photos by NASA.

Aspects of Note this Week
Times and dates are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Add 7 hours for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
MON: No major aspects are exact today
TUE: Venus semisquare Jupiter
WED: Venus semisquare Eris, New Moon Solar Eclipse 9:12 p.m. PDT 
THU: Sun enters Taurus, Sun square Pluto
FRI: Mercury stations retrograde 1:34 a.m. PDT
SAT: No major aspects are exact today  
SUN: Jupiter conjunct Eris, Mercury sextile Mars

RARE HYBRID ECLIPSE: When the Sun and Moon align at 9:12 p.m. PDT this Wednesday, April 19, they will form both a powerful New Moon and a rare "hybrid" solar eclipse. The phenomenon is possible because of the curvature of the Earth's surface. 
A hybrid solar eclipse appears as either a total solar eclipse, a partial solar eclipse, or an annular solar eclipse, depending on where the viewer is located along the central eclipse path. The three versions of this week's event can be viewed from parts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, with the total eclipse visible from North West Cape in western Australia, from parts of East Timor, and from West Papua, Indonesia.
Symbolically, this hybrid eclipse reminds us of the importance of accepting one another, despite differences of viewpoint. While each of us may have a different interpretation of reality, as seen through our unique frame of reference, all perspectives are valid.
Hybrid solar eclipses occur only about once a decade. The next hybrid solar eclipse is expected in November 2031.
EMOTIONAL INTENSITY: An eclipse is always a time of heightened emotions, and this week's solar eclipse is likely to be especially so. At the time of the lunation, the Sun and Moon will be at 29°50´ Aries, just 10 arc minutes away from entering Taurus. The thirtieth degree of a sign is known as the "anaretic" degree, also called a "power degree" or "the degree of fate."
When the last degree of a sign is activated by a planetary event, there is a sense of urgency related to the themes of the sign. We are ending a chapter and must wrap up unresolved issues. These issues may make themselves known through a crisis of some sort.
With this eclipse in the last degree of proactive and independent Aries, some may take action or make a decision impulsively this week. There is a great deal of energy available to be harnessed, which can be used in promoting a cause, taking on a battle, or expressing either courage or foolhardiness. In essence, some may feel that they've reached a crisis point and feel compelled to ACT, and act NOW.
KARMIC IMPLICATIONS: Eclipses occur when a New or Full Moon is positioned near the nodal axis, which are the indicators of our karmic history and our evolutionary potentials. As such, there is always a sense of destiny associated with events that occur during eclipse season. This feeling is magnified this week due to the involvement of the anaretic degree.
This week's solar eclipse is also aligned with a black hole called Super Nova Remnant Cas-A, which warns us to be observational rather than reactive now. Astrologer Mary Elizabeth Jochmans explains this influence in her book Karmic Galactic Astrology:
“There is a tendency here to relate and react to people, places, and situations from a remembrance of a past life energy or memory, rather than being in the present, dealing with the reality of how things, people, places, and situations are now. Integration of past lives and learning and acceptance of those lessons will help us relate in the here and now in a more healthy manner. This will help us not overreact in an irrational, emotional manner.”
THE PLUTO EFFECT: Adding even more drama to the week ahead, the New Moon solar eclipse will be tightly square catalytic Pluto, which is now in the first degree of Aquarius. This eclipse is our first major opportunity to see the effects of Pluto-in-Aquarius, and we will have choices in how we use this influence.
Since Pluto and the Sun/Moon are in a challenging square aspect, we may see shadow qualities being expressed with this New Moon: confrontations and power struggles, extremism, radical ideologies, and divisiveness. And yet, some of the more contentious energy may be ameliorated due to it being an "out of sign" square, with the New Moon in the last degree of a fire sign and Pluto in the first degree of an air sign. However, the Sun and Moon are also conjunct discontented Eris and giant planet Jupiter, further complicating and magnifying the energies.
Our task, once again, will be to maintain a certain neutrality and a higher perspective regarding events and our emotional responses. It will be wise to pause and reflect on our underlying motivations if we feel a sense of urgency to act, since actions taken out of fear or anger only create more of same. We might keep in mind that the longer-term objectives of Pluto-in-Aquarius are ultimately being served, even if the road appears rocky or we meet with an unexpected detour. The positive end-goals of Pluto-in-Aquarius include stimulating social reform, advancing human rights, and accessing higher-level insights and ideas as tools for transformation. 
Pluto is the god of the underworld, with dominion over life’s major turning points, and the eclipse occurs at a transitional degree, the portal between zodiac signs. This is also a solar eclipse, which can be likened to a "mega" New Moon. All of these factors accentuate this week’s theme of significant endings and beginnings. 
WEBINAR ON MAY 4: I hope you can join us for my upcoming webinar! The title is "A Quickening: The Quantum Shift Gains Momentum" and I'll be explaining the alchemical planetary influences we'll be working with May-August 2023. Details are in the right-hand column or simply go to to register.
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each. 
No major aspects are exact today.
Venus semisquare Jupiter: This is a minor but somewhat self-indulgent aspect, tending us to choose immediate pleasures over longer-term goals.
Venus semisquare Eris: A focus on our own needs can cause conflicts with others.
New Moon Solar Eclipse: This hybrid solar eclipse will reach totality at 9:12 p.m. PDT on April 19; this is 4:12 a.m. UT on April 20.
Sun enters Taurus: While the Sun is in Taurus, from April 20 to May 21, 2023, we tend to be motivated by a need for inner peace, loyalty, outer security, and material stability.
Sun square Pluto: Our desires for inner and outer stability are challenged by this square aspect. We become aware of how a fear of change has controlled our actions and interfered with progress. 
Mercury stations retrograde 1:34 a.m. PDT: Mercury will be retrograde from April 21 to May 14. During this time, we will benefit from considering life events as being symbolic, as if we had dreamt a situation rather than experienced it in "real life." This will enable us to embrace a new way of viewing reality, which will ultimately shift our perspective and habitual thought patterns.
No major aspects are exact today.
Jupiter conjunct Eris: Giant Jupiter magnifies the influence of controversial Eris throughout this week and next. Those who have been ignored or disenfranchised feel the need to take action. Beliefs in right and wrong are very strong, making it harder to see issues from another's point of view.

Mercury (retrograde) sextile Mars: People may be more forthright in their speech with this aspect. With Mercury retrograde, it can be wise to consider new ideas and plans as a first step in a process, rather than making final decisions now. 

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: There is an increased sense of optimism available to you this year, and you may feel inspired to take risks that you hadn't considered feasible before, based on a desire to bring more meaning into your life. However, you may feel some inner resistance or experience outer challenges that reflect a discomfort with major change. As you become aware of old behavior patterns and see more deeply into your own motivations, you are empowered to move through and dismantle patterns of fear that have kept you from achieving greater mastery in your life. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Jupiter, square Pluto, conjunct Eris)

​​In peace and with gratitude,


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