Monday, April 24, 2023

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies April 24 to 30, 2023 By Astrologer Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your guide to planetary energies 
April 24 to 30, 2023

Aspects of Note this Week
Times and dates are Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Add 7 hours for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
MON: Sun conjunct North Node, Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto
TUE: Sun sextile Saturn, Venus sextile Chiron
WED: No major aspects are exact today 
THU: Mars square Chiron
FRI: No major aspects are exact today
SAT: Mars sextile Uranus
SUN: No major aspects are exact today

BETWEEN ECLIPSES: As we begin the last week of April 2023, we are moving through that surreal Neverland between two eclipses, when it may seem as if our feet are never truly touching ground. Increasing that sensation of being partly in another world, Mercury is now retrograde as well.
The transformational effects of Pluto are also very apparent throughout this eclipse season, both because the dwarf planet was strongly activated by last week's solar eclipse and because it is moving very slowly in anticipation of stationing retrograde next Monday. I liken our experience of a planet's station to standing on a wooden platform as a train arrives at the depot. As the train comes closer and closer, it moves more and more slowly, and we feel its vibration and hear its engines more and more loudly. When the train is finally at a standstill in front of us, the vibration beneath our feet and the sound in our ears are at their height. After a brief pause, the train reverses direction, pulling slowly out of the station but then picking up speed, and our sensory awareness of the vibration and the sound gradually diminish.
PLUTO THE CATALYST: Pluto is the god of the underworld, the psychotherapist, the catalyst in a process of death and rebirth. These next two weeks, before and after Pluto's exact station on May 1, are a time of purging or detoxification. The urge may be especially strong to divest ourselves of anything that is no longer in alignment with us, or with who we are becoming.
The impact of Pluto's station is being felt by everyone, but may be felt most profoundly by those with natal planets or sensitive points on the cusp between a cardinal sign and a fixed sign. This includes the last degree of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn and the first degree of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. 
This is a powerful time in which to eliminate what no longer works, to cleanse on physical, emotional, and mental levels. As we embrace the detoxification process with conscious intention, we then are able to handle any emotional residue that may arise as a sign of progress being made, much like detox symptoms when taking cleansing herbs. 
THE QUANTUM SHIFT ACCELERATES: I hope you can join us for my upcoming webinar! "A Quickening: The Quantum Shift Gains Momentum" will be airing live and recorded for replay on May 4 ~ the day before the Scorpio lunar eclipse. During the class, I'll talk about the upcoming Jupiter-Pluto square and other dynamic planetary influences we'll be working with from May through August 2023. Details are in the right-hand column, or simply go to to register.
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations of each. 
Sun conjunct North Node: Our evolutionary path is highlighted with this alignment. We are reminded that spiritual growth is enhanced by being grounded and centered, and by focusing on inner calm and peace.
Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto: Honesty and integrity are central themes in relationships today. The urge to get to the heart of interpersonal issues is strong.
Sun sextile Saturn: This calming influence enables us to focus on practical concerns today.
Venus sextile Chiron: After yesterday's stormy conditions, healing is possible today, as we become aware of how underlying insecurities – our own or those of a loved one –have affected our relationships.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars square Chiron: People can be defensive today, due to taking issues very personally. Some may respond passive-aggressively if they are afraid to directly express anger.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars sextile Uranus: We are inspired to take independent action today, based on a strong awareness of our deeper needs. This could be a good time to try new activities that enhance our emotional well-being.
No major aspects are exact today.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: There is an introspective tone to this year for you, Taurus. It may be a good time to find activities that use words to increase your sense of peace and well-being, such as journaling or keeping a gratitude diary. The planetary energies support a stronger commitment to a mindfulness practice or another meditational or creative outlet that enhances a calm mental state. Writers could find this year very productive for creating a first draft, with the intent to finalize or publish after their birthday in 2024. (Solar Return Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury, sextile Saturn)

​​In peace and with gratitude,


For an audio recording and non-English versions of this Journal, please click HERE. (New week's audio and text are online no later than 9 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday.)

NorthPoint Journal © 2023 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.

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