Thursday, July 11, 2024

Molly McCord: Weekly Intuitive Astrology of July 10 to 17 ~ Venus opp Pluto, Sun square Chiron, Mars conj Uranus


Weekly Intuitive Astrology of July 10 to 17 ~ Venus opp Pluto, Sun square Chiron, Mars conj Uranus

Heightened tensions, intensity, and sensitivities are all in the mix this week with high impact transits moving through the cosmos. Venus enters Leo on July 11 and immediately opposes Pluto RX in Aquarius, picking up themes that started on Feb 16 and 17 when Venus was conjunct Pluto. The other side of love, friendship, beauty, creativity, and Venusian themes are deeply challenged, and a permanent ending is likely. Yet the Universe is inviting new creative potentials to arrive, too. The Sun in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries on July 15, which could involve emotionally reacting from a wounded place, that may reveal where your needs are not being honored or heard. Then Mars makes the last conjunction to Uranus transiting through Taurus at 26 degrees on July 15, which unleashes what has been stored up or held back for too long. Unexpected aggression, shocks, awakenings, and surprises stir up this typically patient and calm Mars, which is also breaking you out of a timeline that you’re ready to move on from. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.

The Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra from July 2023 to January 2025, bringing energy and focus to where you are ready to grow into more of your true self. Let's dive into what this means for you personally as we explore the energies of Aries and Libra in your natal chart by expression, house placement, and previous cycles of growth. Please bring your astrology chart to this course.

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