Sunday, July 21, 2024

Schumann Update 7/21

Schumann Update 7/21

Consciously Erin
12.7K subscribers
Jul 21, 2024  #humanschumann #schumannresonance #manifestation

Good morning friends! We are again receiving some high vibrational energy today. So this can bring up feelings of nervousness or anxiety, especially when there is a gap between where your vibration is in the vibration you are receiving. This is temporary as you start to integrate the energy the nervousness will go away. This energy comes forward and encourages you to decide if this is how you want to live your life. Are you happy? Is this how you want to feel? These questions are important to help you make the choices to move you forward on your journey#humanschumann #schumannresonance #manifestation #lawofattraction #intuition #ascensionsymptoms  

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