11 January 2015

2015: A Year to Explore Your Freedom
Notes from the Ascending
Energy Arc
Energy Arc
Blended Being: living aware of the absolute eternalness of you, while having a relative expression in human life and on Earth.
So, here we find ourselves.
2015 is the time to live it! Decide now, to create tangible results. Learn how to create what you want to experience. Contribute to the world diversifying and becoming more elevated and beautiful, as only you can -- from the unique preferences and arrangement (harmonics) of your presence in communication with this life, this world, this moment.
Ready? Let's go. It's time to make your LIFE a Soar Fest. Be you. Drop everything else. Center in on authentic being. Hone your mastery in the material. Trust the exceptional beauty of all that you are, and shine!
So, here we find ourselves.
2015 is the time to live it! Decide now, to create tangible results. Learn how to create what you want to experience. Contribute to the world diversifying and becoming more elevated and beautiful, as only you can -- from the unique preferences and arrangement (harmonics) of your presence in communication with this life, this world, this moment.
Ready? Let's go. It's time to make your LIFE a Soar Fest. Be you. Drop everything else. Center in on authentic being. Hone your mastery in the material. Trust the exceptional beauty of all that you are, and shine!
New Message from Archangel Michael
As we kick of this amazing year, I'd like so share a new message from Archangel Michael. You can find it by clicking here:
09 January 2015
2015: A Year to Explore Your Freedom
Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Hello beloved ones.
We want to talk further with you today about this invitation to let yourself be fully and purely who you really are. To speak to what this means and how you might explore this more fully, and also to encourage you. By talking more about the context in which you are situated and the ways in which traditionally humans relate to freedom and self-expression and how this is affecting your ascension experience, we believe you will feel emboldened and step forth more fully to explore your freedom.
Your capacity to embody the fullness of your being is continually growing. It will continue to expand as your planet and you are on an ascending energy arc. You're rising in frequency and growing more accustomed to this frequency that is higher than where you have been. You're learning through the generation of new functionality in your body, to circulate and flow an increasingly higher frequency energy and to do this more consistently and in a more sustained way. As you know doing this releases lower frequency energy so there is a continual process of recalibration and a re-establishing of the homeostasis of your being. This is happening in waves.
Regardless of where you find yourself in this continually unfolding experience, we want to tell you, that you have already received new and significant capacities. How did this occur? By your expansion and refinement. Through this you have grounded and can now emanate and receive who you are much more fully.
How do you open up these new capacities though ... the gifts of your expansion? By allowing yourself to pursue your dreams and visions. By allowing yourself to blend the energy of all you are into action. We suggest you do this by taking action upon your cherished dreams and visions of your own life and of your world.
You know, the safest dreams are the ones that just stay as dreams. They’re very beautiful and they’re very precious. They are the ones that people really treasure and the ones that never get messy and feel as though they’re not untarnished because in your mind they exist purely and perfectly and yet they’re just possibilities.
They’re just possibilities in this sphere in which you’re focused because this sphere in which you’re focused is the material sphere.
When you begin to act to engage in life and you dare to risk the possibilities of living and creating your dreams you start to blend your being more fully. You begin to realize the life of the New Human. It becomes more than an understanding or an idea, it become your presence.
In doing this, you allow yourself to enter a path that is unknown, new, created as you go. Unfolding and powerfully transformative. A path which may have many surprises.
Sometimes on these paths of self-expression in relationship to your dreams you might even feel in moments that you totally failed and yet it is through this kind of devotion to the things that you envision and treasure that other people and you yourself, divinely inspired beings, have engaged in action and with passion and created immensely beautiful expression. So realizing this, naturally, you want to get in the game!
It is in the creation of dreams such as this and the exploration of those questions that you love so much and want to explore or the interests that you enjoy participating with that all truly universal and beautiful expressions have come forth on Earth.
You create energetically. We talk about this so often, and you live in a physical world and the invitation to you now is to blend these seemingly two distinct things, into a flow.
Physical action and engagement supports the flow of energy. You create energetically the capacity to give birth to dreams. To summon the support and synchronicities that help you find and unfold the path of creation. You use law of attraction confidently and boldly to do this. Yet, creativity on Earth involves action. It involves talking to and being with other people.
You don’t create a new job for instance using the law of attraction but never leaving your house and never talking to anyone. You use the law of attraction in your vision and your vibration to draw to you the opportunities and through these opportunities you connect and collaborate. Through these conversations and actions and the energy that you are, you find and connect with an amazing new job that meets the energy of your vision and your vibration and so often, so much more!
Do you see? Action, participation, getting in the game and out into the world is an essential component of blending your being in the material.
Part of the ascension pathway as we have also talked about recently is that there are moments when you tend to withdraw more and sometimes these periods of time last quite a long time. Sometimes your energy is quite low because there is so much transformation happening in your physical body that you don’t have a lot of energy to put elsewhere. But when this comes to a close, and it naturally does, when you feel yourself emerging into clarity and with energy again action is natural. To accomplish your blended being, it is, in fact, essential.
Now, another thing we wish to highlight today is that one of the greatest challenges of the New Human is to really lighten up, and we mean this as a state of mind.
We want you to lighten up so you can explore the possibilities of your immense freedom with these new perspectives you now carry. There are so many on Earth that do not yet understand the truth of their being and their landscape is indeed smaller than yours.
You have opened up your understanding and with this you are in a vast territory of possibilities. We encourage you to not let yourselves be stalled by trying to do it perfectly or searching for the perfect dream.
We would like to remind you there is always now and there is always later. Choose what you want to create now and begin. Begin anywhere. When you feel inspired towards something different let yourself do something different.
We’re saying all of this because freedom can be scary. Freedom can be scary and human beings have a very strange relationship to freedom. Most of you crave it profoundly but it invites you to go beyond that which you have known already and in doing that, it invites you to explore life in ways that go beyond a sense of knowing. And then you wonder, "Is it going to work?”
In your world there are so many ways in which you want to know things before you experience them! Are you aware of this? It's quite striking how you remove the joy and delight of direct experience by doing this. Because of this you impair your ability to experience you life as flow.
There is a tremendous amount of holding back and inhibition in the way most humans, quite habitually, relate to their lives. It’s like when you go see a movie, for those of you that like film, let us ask -- when was the last time you saw a movie without seeing a preview? That previous could be a film preview or it could be a verbal one given to you by a friend.
So many of your experiences are not actually encountered until they’ve already been somewhat evaluated and pre-digested for you. They’re not directly experienced and unfolded. Do you see how this dilutes your presence? How it impairs your ability to be here now, and to flow with the fullness of your power?
You generally want to know how things are going to go before you begin.
Is that not true? And you don’t start things, often, that you think might not be perfectly assured to work out as you want them to work out, from where you are, before you’ve even started.
Do you see how you diminish the landscape of freedom that you actually have, by functioning in the world in this way?
Dear friends this is not the way you came to play!
You did not come here to play it safe.
You came here to dream up a new world and birth it into being.
How can you do this if you only do the things that you’ve already experienced and that are already familiar and that you already know how they turn out?
How are you going to move into something new in your life and on the planet if you don’t allow yourself to engage upon a path that is unknown? How can you do that if you don’t let yourself explore the fullness and the possibilities of all this freedom that you’re generating?
It might not have occurred to you yet, but in fact the benefit of ascension is freedom, expanded freedom.
In remembering and rising in frequency, clarifying your consciousness and presence, you are removing all those filters of perception that have created obstacles to living powerfully in your world. As you come into greater clarity and more accurate understanding about who you are the gift of this is liberation. The gift of this is freedom.
When you engage in action and you dare to pursue something you have no idea how it will go, but you actually really hoped you can create, you are exploring this freedom.
And guess what? It might work exactly how you envision it.
It’s far more likely, however, that whatever you’ve envisioned is actually dynamically unfolding and shows up as a great deal more than what you initially knew about it. It’s far more likely that the act of living and creating, the act of endeavoring to make it come forth will involve revision, will involve refinement. There might even be some degree of “crashing and burning,” and there will definitely be some degree of success and encouragement.
This is a process not a destination. And although most of you know life is a process, you still tend to relate to it as a destination. Consider that for a moment.
Staying with your vision and persisting and endeavoring to get it where it feels right to you, ought to be the goal. Rather than, some perfect idea of absolutely replicating the initial inspiration which gets you going.
That initial inspiration gives you focus, and a sense of the feeling and the potential of your own participation in the material. You’re here to apply this.
You’re here to apply this in your life. That’s who you are in the material sphere of expression. You are here to do this for the joy of it and to elaborate your being for the evolution of your soul made possible by the exploration of self-expression and the expanded awareness that comes with creating in this way.
You expand your awareness by allowing yourself to know more than you did before, to perceive more, and to discover more.
Doesn’t it seem quite obvious to you that doing new things is a powerful way to expand your awareness?
Isn’t it true that the things in your life that were new, often challenged you the most and brought you the most exquisite exhilaration as you discovered your capacities in the process of pursuing them? And when there has been disappointment the only problem has been, if you still care about these things, interpreting that as there is something wrong with you and then no longer trying.
Your life is meant to draw out the fullness of your being, so some of the things you really care about creating will challenge you because it is in challenging you that you will get more creative and open up your new, and/or dormant capacities.
Your life is meant to share here, the uniqueness of you, your perspective, your energy and the elaborations that are inspired and acted upon and arise from that blending.
What you elaborate into is not just the non-tangible expression of energy, it’s all you say and do and think and how you behave and what you create and what you envision and the ways in which you and others are affected by all of this.
You are physical and nonphysical. Blending your being comes forth more fully by seeing yourself in this wholeness as a unity of spirit operating in the material, the material which is just as beautiful as you and arises from and is embodied by the same love that you are. It’s all love.
As you begin to come in more, as you begin to let yourself and your own uniqueness ground more fully, more completely and more purely -- most importantly – meaning, you drop what doesn’t feel right to you. You drop what no longer fits for you. As you do this, you ground the pure essence of you more fully into this human body and that helps you create more easily.
The more grounded in your physicality you are the more powerful in the material you are. The more grounded in your physicality you are as you simply and straightforwardly, with no apologies and hesitation, allowing yourself to flow …
As you allow yourself to give up this human preference for always having a preview before you live something and you begin to trust yourself more, going out into the world and just endeavoring to make things happen, you facilitate the flow of energy that is you.
The more you live like this the more you are accomplishing what you came here to do.
Lastly we wish to highlight a most spectacular realization: each and every moment has something available to you. What is that something? It’s everything.
Each and every moment has everything available within it and you in your multidimensional awareness are innately birthing experiences and expressions that open up this potential now available on Earth more fully to be perceived and experienced.
Why is that? It is because you yourself are creating from a reference point of more wholeness. It isn’t something you have to try to make happen it will naturally occur.
The other thing we want to tell you that will help here, is that as you embody your physicality more fully, an amazing thing happens. You feel safer here. As you come in more fully, you're grounded more fully, so you feel more safe on Earth and this gives you more courage to play with all this freedom.
Action helps you explore the freedom more and action helps you open and let yourself flow in more fully and this helps you become more fully embodied which gives you more confidence and courage because you feel more safe.
Because you’re more fully you and this courage and confidence can be used to explore the possibilities of human expression more freely and with less hesitation and fear and … You can see how this will build upon itself and there will be a momentum generated from all of this!
And the self-love that you have been generating and opening up to and realizing and practicing serves you well for it softens up the ideas that you have because you’re human, to create everything perfectly right out of the gate. It makes it easier to begin without knowing exactly what will happen. Which makes the joy of flow, an option!
As you begin to truly put your expanded knowing to the test you have the chance to discover the truth of life on Earth: that all is well.
You have a chance to become a brilliant, radiant presence of that knowing. To know, that you are fine and capable and that the world is perfectly fine. That you can handle this world and your dreams and that you can enjoy the growth and the expansion that comes from acting upon your desires and learning how with others and with us to make them alive and material.
2015 will be a year for many of you in which you finally, boldly stick your toes into the water and start moving and stop waiting. We know this because it’s already happening for those on the leading edge. They’re already moving into their human lives informed by this fuller understanding of their divine expression and their being. They're being a flow of love.
The leading edge is already happening in this way and some of it is already out there and some of it is already flowing and dancing and that could be you too. It doesn’t have to be something you’re afraid of because it’s different than how you’ve lived before. You can just let it be a fresh new beginning and we would suggest you bring a playful, attentive, openness to the experience and allow yourself to feel young again.
Allow yourself to get messy and learn and grow as you discover how to create stuff that interests you.
There is already on your planet the presence of fellow human beings who are living deeply at peace. Who are living highly creative lives where they are abundantly financial, where they feel deeply connected to other people and animals and nature and the planet. Where there is immense physical vitality and well-being. Where there is an ongoing profound sense of appreciation and love.
You have tasted many or even all of these experiences yourself. Some of you are cultivating and experiencing some of these experiences readily in consistency. Now as a unity of spirit, run with it!
Get it all to blossom.
Run with all that you’ve received and know to be true and get into the living of it, and being human!
Being a human being informed from this amazing wholeness of you that you have become and are continually expanding into and are so deeply aware of and connected to.
Get into it, get messy and have fun discovering your new capacities of light by blending them into the material world, on the pathway of following your heart and creating your dreams!
This is what you did when you were young and hadn’t yet absorbed ideas that in some ways the world wasn’t safe.
So you’re returning again to that perspective of passionate freedom and exploration and creativity that you came in with, yet now your physical presence and your consciousness are entirely new.
What an exciting place to be!
I am Archangel Michael.
Posted at 05:38 PM
2015: A Year to Explore Your Freedom
Message from the Archangel MichaelChanneled by Meredith Murphy
Hello beloved ones.
We want to talk further with you today about this invitation to let yourself be fully and purely who you really are. To speak to what this means and how you might explore this more fully, and also to encourage you. By talking more about the context in which you are situated and the ways in which traditionally humans relate to freedom and self-expression and how this is affecting your ascension experience, we believe you will feel emboldened and step forth more fully to explore your freedom.
Your capacity to embody the fullness of your being is continually growing. It will continue to expand as your planet and you are on an ascending energy arc. You're rising in frequency and growing more accustomed to this frequency that is higher than where you have been. You're learning through the generation of new functionality in your body, to circulate and flow an increasingly higher frequency energy and to do this more consistently and in a more sustained way. As you know doing this releases lower frequency energy so there is a continual process of recalibration and a re-establishing of the homeostasis of your being. This is happening in waves.
Regardless of where you find yourself in this continually unfolding experience, we want to tell you, that you have already received new and significant capacities. How did this occur? By your expansion and refinement. Through this you have grounded and can now emanate and receive who you are much more fully.
How do you open up these new capacities though ... the gifts of your expansion? By allowing yourself to pursue your dreams and visions. By allowing yourself to blend the energy of all you are into action. We suggest you do this by taking action upon your cherished dreams and visions of your own life and of your world.
You know, the safest dreams are the ones that just stay as dreams. They’re very beautiful and they’re very precious. They are the ones that people really treasure and the ones that never get messy and feel as though they’re not untarnished because in your mind they exist purely and perfectly and yet they’re just possibilities.
They’re just possibilities in this sphere in which you’re focused because this sphere in which you’re focused is the material sphere.
When you begin to act to engage in life and you dare to risk the possibilities of living and creating your dreams you start to blend your being more fully. You begin to realize the life of the New Human. It becomes more than an understanding or an idea, it become your presence.
In doing this, you allow yourself to enter a path that is unknown, new, created as you go. Unfolding and powerfully transformative. A path which may have many surprises.
Sometimes on these paths of self-expression in relationship to your dreams you might even feel in moments that you totally failed and yet it is through this kind of devotion to the things that you envision and treasure that other people and you yourself, divinely inspired beings, have engaged in action and with passion and created immensely beautiful expression. So realizing this, naturally, you want to get in the game!
It is in the creation of dreams such as this and the exploration of those questions that you love so much and want to explore or the interests that you enjoy participating with that all truly universal and beautiful expressions have come forth on Earth.
You create energetically. We talk about this so often, and you live in a physical world and the invitation to you now is to blend these seemingly two distinct things, into a flow.
Physical action and engagement supports the flow of energy. You create energetically the capacity to give birth to dreams. To summon the support and synchronicities that help you find and unfold the path of creation. You use law of attraction confidently and boldly to do this. Yet, creativity on Earth involves action. It involves talking to and being with other people.
You don’t create a new job for instance using the law of attraction but never leaving your house and never talking to anyone. You use the law of attraction in your vision and your vibration to draw to you the opportunities and through these opportunities you connect and collaborate. Through these conversations and actions and the energy that you are, you find and connect with an amazing new job that meets the energy of your vision and your vibration and so often, so much more!
Do you see? Action, participation, getting in the game and out into the world is an essential component of blending your being in the material.
Part of the ascension pathway as we have also talked about recently is that there are moments when you tend to withdraw more and sometimes these periods of time last quite a long time. Sometimes your energy is quite low because there is so much transformation happening in your physical body that you don’t have a lot of energy to put elsewhere. But when this comes to a close, and it naturally does, when you feel yourself emerging into clarity and with energy again action is natural. To accomplish your blended being, it is, in fact, essential.
Now, another thing we wish to highlight today is that one of the greatest challenges of the New Human is to really lighten up, and we mean this as a state of mind.
We want you to lighten up so you can explore the possibilities of your immense freedom with these new perspectives you now carry. There are so many on Earth that do not yet understand the truth of their being and their landscape is indeed smaller than yours.
You have opened up your understanding and with this you are in a vast territory of possibilities. We encourage you to not let yourselves be stalled by trying to do it perfectly or searching for the perfect dream.
We would like to remind you there is always now and there is always later. Choose what you want to create now and begin. Begin anywhere. When you feel inspired towards something different let yourself do something different.
We’re saying all of this because freedom can be scary. Freedom can be scary and human beings have a very strange relationship to freedom. Most of you crave it profoundly but it invites you to go beyond that which you have known already and in doing that, it invites you to explore life in ways that go beyond a sense of knowing. And then you wonder, "Is it going to work?”
In your world there are so many ways in which you want to know things before you experience them! Are you aware of this? It's quite striking how you remove the joy and delight of direct experience by doing this. Because of this you impair your ability to experience you life as flow.
There is a tremendous amount of holding back and inhibition in the way most humans, quite habitually, relate to their lives. It’s like when you go see a movie, for those of you that like film, let us ask -- when was the last time you saw a movie without seeing a preview? That previous could be a film preview or it could be a verbal one given to you by a friend.
So many of your experiences are not actually encountered until they’ve already been somewhat evaluated and pre-digested for you. They’re not directly experienced and unfolded. Do you see how this dilutes your presence? How it impairs your ability to be here now, and to flow with the fullness of your power?
You generally want to know how things are going to go before you begin.
Is that not true? And you don’t start things, often, that you think might not be perfectly assured to work out as you want them to work out, from where you are, before you’ve even started.
Do you see how you diminish the landscape of freedom that you actually have, by functioning in the world in this way?
Dear friends this is not the way you came to play!
You did not come here to play it safe.
You came here to dream up a new world and birth it into being.
How can you do this if you only do the things that you’ve already experienced and that are already familiar and that you already know how they turn out?
How are you going to move into something new in your life and on the planet if you don’t allow yourself to engage upon a path that is unknown? How can you do that if you don’t let yourself explore the fullness and the possibilities of all this freedom that you’re generating?
It might not have occurred to you yet, but in fact the benefit of ascension is freedom, expanded freedom.
In remembering and rising in frequency, clarifying your consciousness and presence, you are removing all those filters of perception that have created obstacles to living powerfully in your world. As you come into greater clarity and more accurate understanding about who you are the gift of this is liberation. The gift of this is freedom.
When you engage in action and you dare to pursue something you have no idea how it will go, but you actually really hoped you can create, you are exploring this freedom.
And guess what? It might work exactly how you envision it.
It’s far more likely, however, that whatever you’ve envisioned is actually dynamically unfolding and shows up as a great deal more than what you initially knew about it. It’s far more likely that the act of living and creating, the act of endeavoring to make it come forth will involve revision, will involve refinement. There might even be some degree of “crashing and burning,” and there will definitely be some degree of success and encouragement.
This is a process not a destination. And although most of you know life is a process, you still tend to relate to it as a destination. Consider that for a moment.
Staying with your vision and persisting and endeavoring to get it where it feels right to you, ought to be the goal. Rather than, some perfect idea of absolutely replicating the initial inspiration which gets you going.
That initial inspiration gives you focus, and a sense of the feeling and the potential of your own participation in the material. You’re here to apply this.
You’re here to apply this in your life. That’s who you are in the material sphere of expression. You are here to do this for the joy of it and to elaborate your being for the evolution of your soul made possible by the exploration of self-expression and the expanded awareness that comes with creating in this way.
You expand your awareness by allowing yourself to know more than you did before, to perceive more, and to discover more.
Doesn’t it seem quite obvious to you that doing new things is a powerful way to expand your awareness?
Isn’t it true that the things in your life that were new, often challenged you the most and brought you the most exquisite exhilaration as you discovered your capacities in the process of pursuing them? And when there has been disappointment the only problem has been, if you still care about these things, interpreting that as there is something wrong with you and then no longer trying.
Your life is meant to draw out the fullness of your being, so some of the things you really care about creating will challenge you because it is in challenging you that you will get more creative and open up your new, and/or dormant capacities.
Your life is meant to share here, the uniqueness of you, your perspective, your energy and the elaborations that are inspired and acted upon and arise from that blending.
What you elaborate into is not just the non-tangible expression of energy, it’s all you say and do and think and how you behave and what you create and what you envision and the ways in which you and others are affected by all of this.
You are physical and nonphysical. Blending your being comes forth more fully by seeing yourself in this wholeness as a unity of spirit operating in the material, the material which is just as beautiful as you and arises from and is embodied by the same love that you are. It’s all love.
As you begin to come in more, as you begin to let yourself and your own uniqueness ground more fully, more completely and more purely -- most importantly – meaning, you drop what doesn’t feel right to you. You drop what no longer fits for you. As you do this, you ground the pure essence of you more fully into this human body and that helps you create more easily.
The more grounded in your physicality you are the more powerful in the material you are. The more grounded in your physicality you are as you simply and straightforwardly, with no apologies and hesitation, allowing yourself to flow …
As you allow yourself to give up this human preference for always having a preview before you live something and you begin to trust yourself more, going out into the world and just endeavoring to make things happen, you facilitate the flow of energy that is you.
The more you live like this the more you are accomplishing what you came here to do.
Lastly we wish to highlight a most spectacular realization: each and every moment has something available to you. What is that something? It’s everything.
Each and every moment has everything available within it and you in your multidimensional awareness are innately birthing experiences and expressions that open up this potential now available on Earth more fully to be perceived and experienced.
Why is that? It is because you yourself are creating from a reference point of more wholeness. It isn’t something you have to try to make happen it will naturally occur.
The other thing we want to tell you that will help here, is that as you embody your physicality more fully, an amazing thing happens. You feel safer here. As you come in more fully, you're grounded more fully, so you feel more safe on Earth and this gives you more courage to play with all this freedom.
Action helps you explore the freedom more and action helps you open and let yourself flow in more fully and this helps you become more fully embodied which gives you more confidence and courage because you feel more safe.
Because you’re more fully you and this courage and confidence can be used to explore the possibilities of human expression more freely and with less hesitation and fear and … You can see how this will build upon itself and there will be a momentum generated from all of this!
And the self-love that you have been generating and opening up to and realizing and practicing serves you well for it softens up the ideas that you have because you’re human, to create everything perfectly right out of the gate. It makes it easier to begin without knowing exactly what will happen. Which makes the joy of flow, an option!
As you begin to truly put your expanded knowing to the test you have the chance to discover the truth of life on Earth: that all is well.
You have a chance to become a brilliant, radiant presence of that knowing. To know, that you are fine and capable and that the world is perfectly fine. That you can handle this world and your dreams and that you can enjoy the growth and the expansion that comes from acting upon your desires and learning how with others and with us to make them alive and material.
2015 will be a year for many of you in which you finally, boldly stick your toes into the water and start moving and stop waiting. We know this because it’s already happening for those on the leading edge. They’re already moving into their human lives informed by this fuller understanding of their divine expression and their being. They're being a flow of love.
The leading edge is already happening in this way and some of it is already out there and some of it is already flowing and dancing and that could be you too. It doesn’t have to be something you’re afraid of because it’s different than how you’ve lived before. You can just let it be a fresh new beginning and we would suggest you bring a playful, attentive, openness to the experience and allow yourself to feel young again.
Allow yourself to get messy and learn and grow as you discover how to create stuff that interests you.
There is already on your planet the presence of fellow human beings who are living deeply at peace. Who are living highly creative lives where they are abundantly financial, where they feel deeply connected to other people and animals and nature and the planet. Where there is immense physical vitality and well-being. Where there is an ongoing profound sense of appreciation and love.
You have tasted many or even all of these experiences yourself. Some of you are cultivating and experiencing some of these experiences readily in consistency. Now as a unity of spirit, run with it!
Get it all to blossom.
Run with all that you’ve received and know to be true and get into the living of it, and being human!
Being a human being informed from this amazing wholeness of you that you have become and are continually expanding into and are so deeply aware of and connected to.
Get into it, get messy and have fun discovering your new capacities of light by blending them into the material world, on the pathway of following your heart and creating your dreams!
This is what you did when you were young and hadn’t yet absorbed ideas that in some ways the world wasn’t safe.
So you’re returning again to that perspective of passionate freedom and exploration and creativity that you came in with, yet now your physical presence and your consciousness are entirely new.
What an exciting place to be!
I am Archangel Michael.
Posted at 05:38 PM
Meanwhile -- have a most wonderful day! Love,
Meredith http://www.expectwonderful.com
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